Daily Supervising

Chapter 487: World Premiere of "Red Cliff II"

2001 is definitely a very interesting year, at least in movies.

Originally, not many people watched a good movie, and it became popular. And those who are given high hopes have various problems.

Of course, there is also the kind of stable output as always.

"The Return of the Mummy", this movie is a work that was originally rushed to work, but was prepared to take advantage of the top movie to reap the box office. The result was really popular among movie fans.

To be honest, this movie has not dropped much from the previous one, which can be said to be a certain degree of success.

So much so that Rachel Weisz and Brandon Fezer, two stars with a strong temperament, jumped to the front line.

It must be said that they are indeed powerful movie stars, but the previous opportunities were not good.

But the success of "The Return of the Mummy" cannot conceal the failure of many anticipated works.

"Artificial Intelligence", a movie that was originally high hopes, hit the street directly.

It must be admitted that this movie still has a lot to watch, and, in terms of standard, it is definitely a good work in science fiction movies.

However, we must also understand how highly anticipated this movie is.

In 1990, the great director Kubrick announced that he would make this film, and he really wanted to go back. In fact, as early as the 1970s, Kubrick had such an idea. At that time, he was sure, I want to make a sci-fi version of "The Wandering Puppet".

However, for many reasons, it can be said that it is in all aspects. The film has not been made, and the script has been rejected many times. Until 1999, the legendary director died, and the film became his unfinished. The meaning of.

However, the great director is the great director. Although Kubrick did not finish the film, he found a friend to continue to serve as the director.

The director is Spielberg.

Of course, many people don’t know that Spielberg’s other side, for now, everyone’s perception of the director is...genius, super genius.

Various positive words are basically added to his head, and his DreamWorks is still the largest independent film production company today.

Independent production of movies is a very powerful thing in itself, and anyone who knows how to do it will understand this, especially in places like Hollywood.

However, this one is actually also an old onmyoji.

When Kurosawa received the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement, Spielberg made a comment, which roughly meant: Kurosawa is the Japanese Shakespeare.

This sounds like a compliment, and many people think so even now, but if you think about it carefully, is there such a problem?

It is undeniable that Kurosawa has made a lot of movies that have nothing to do with Shakespeare. "Chaos" was born out of "Macbeth", but Kurosawa also made a lot of works that have nothing to do with Shakespeare.

As a result, in Spielberg's mouth, the Japanese movie emperor he ‘adores’ has become a work confined to Shakespeare. The key is that he still carries the sense of cultural superiority of the West over the East.

Isn't this YYGQ inside?

Of course, no one thinks that way now, and even everyone thinks this is a good thing.

For the moment, many filmmakers mention Spielberg all kinds of praise, especially many film critics in China, so to put it bluntly, Spielberg is the **** of movies.

However, this "Artificial Intelligence" has the bonus of Kubrick, the directing of Spielberger, the handsome guys like Jude Law, and the outstanding performance of Osment... You know, Osment This little actor, he has played Forrest Gump and "The Sixth Sense". It can be said that he is the best little actor in the world.

As a result, this movie lost at the box office!

Well, the total box office of more than 200 million US dollars in the world is a success for the general movie, but for this movie, it is really a failure.

Moreover, the biggest failure is that the North American market only contributed less than 80 million US dollars in the box office.

This made Warner Bros. and DreamWorks suffer a big loss. The most important thing is, what film company is DreamWorks?

Independent film company!

In this movie, Spielberg collaborated with Warner, but it did not succeed.

Failure in failure!

It's surprising that such a highly anticipated blockbuster has appeared in such a situation, and I can't help but sigh.

Sometimes, the global box office of more than 200 million U.S. dollars doesn't work.

However, there are still surprising works.

When the summer came to the hottest, a movie called "Fast and Furious" turned out.

A film with less than $40 million invested in it has easily achieved a box office of over 100 million in the United States!

Two hundred million in the world are nailed down.

Although both are 200 million, 200 million is really different from 200 million.

With so many news intertwined, this year 2001 is really interesting.

In such an atmosphere, the time has come to August.

This time is actually in the latter part of the summer vacation. Of course, it is officially said that this is the essence of the summer vacation, but in fact, everyone knows what is going on.

The holiday in the United States is in May.

At the beginning of this August, there was a very interesting movie, "Rush Hour 2".


Los Angeles, Hollywood.

"Brother, can you talk about your current mood?"

"I'm really excited."

"Miss Zhang Ziyi, that..."


This city, this place, has movies released almost every day, but "Rush Hour 2" is completely different this time.

In fact, the premiere of this movie has already been done, and it was shown on an airplane.

Because there are related paragraphs in the movie, so I made an interesting premiere.

But this kind of premiere is of course not serious enough, the production party still has to be a big fan, but right now, the big brother Long, Chris Tucker and others are in a good mood, but the best mood, I have to say Zhang Ziyi.

and. . .

Look, the current Zhang Ziyi jumped directly into the arms of Big Brother Long. Big Brother is Big Brother. Don't look at how old you are now, but the tendons in the whole body are still very good.

Needless to say, this is the most important photo tonight.

Big Brother Long smiled and hugged Zhang Ziyi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or a princess.


"I make you wonder about the style!"

Seeing that many newspapers and magazines use this photo as the cover, Zhang Ziyi has a complacent look on his face.

Now, "Rush Hour 2" is a huge success, and the box office can be described as an explosion.

Although Zhang Ziyi is not a heroine, of course, he is always the protagonist in Big Brother Long's movies.

However, my goal can be regarded as achieved.

Zhang Ziyi is really an international star now, even if others question her, she will think so.

All the movies I have filmed are on fire. Doesn’t this explain the problem?

Maybe, sister's luck is so good.

It's you guys who have caught my sister's light!

Don't say it, there may be some truth.

But well, not long after, the latest masterpiece "Red Cliff 2" by the internationally renowned director Yuki Kusano will also be released.

Zhang Ziyi is one of the important characters... Anyway, she thinks so now.

Do you want to go to the premiere?


Yes, Zhang Ziyi has made a decision. She has to wait for the invitation from the producer of "Red Cliff 2".

In the past, her status was not enough. She had to take the initiative to build relationships with all kinds of things, but she doesn't need it now.

At least Zhang Ziyi thinks she doesn't need it anymore, her status has been improved, she should have the style of a star.

No, it's the style of a big star!

Ever since, Zhang Ziyi just kept waiting...wait and wait.

Until August 17, the world premiere of "Red Cliff 2" was grandly held, and Zhang Ziyi did not receive any so-called invitations.

This. . .

"Yuki Kusano, you bastard!"

Don't tell me, Zhang Ziyi was like the little fox in "Rush Hour 2" when he scolded people.

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