Daily Supervising

Chapter 38: Beauty in white dress on the rooftop

   It was another Thursday night, and Yamazaki Kuro was waiting in front of the TV early.

   The first episode of "Furuhata Rensaburo" achieved more than 18 ratings, which is definitely a very good result.

   It can even be said that in terms of the ratings of recent major TV stations, it ranks first!

   First of all, even if this drama is late at night, there are not many people watching TV dramas at this time, and it is still Thursday, and I have to go to work the next day.

   Don't watch the 9th of the month is broadcast at 9 o'clock. It's just an hour early, but going to bed an hour late, then the mental state of the next day will be much worse.

   Although Yamazaki Hei Tai is not a high-level critic, he can be regarded as a professional by any means. The ratings of several recent TV stations are all going down.

   In RB, the TV station can be said to be ubiquitous for the ratings. It used the popular "Wonder Stories of the World" at Muyao Theater, and now I know that this is a temporary production.

   But for the ratings, Fuji TV has also done tricks.

The first episode is called "Devil's Hand", which is interesting to listen to, but this is not enough. The heroine invited is Miho Nakayama, a popular new star with a sweet appearance. Although she is young, she has already had many successful works. But this is not enough!

   At the beginning of the film, Miho Nakayama was wearing a red suit and skirt and lying on the field. Then, the camera shot from her white legs and went up until it stopped near the bottom of the skirt.

Yamazaki Kurodai is still fresh in his memory. Although he didn’t miss a bit, he was red-faced when he watched. Of course, the plot content of this TV series is also very good, but it has achieved 14% of the opening ratings. It's a big deal.

   So, for ratings, what will "Furuhata Rensaburo" do next?

   In the current situation, various TV stations are fighting desperately in terms of ratings.

  堺 Masaki?

   Invite big celebrities. This is a normal method, but in Yamazaki's heart, it fell behind.

   Too ordinary, not innovative enough.

   However, Yamazaki Kurodai still has a lot of expectations. What is the second episode like?

   At 10 o'clock, the broadcast of the second episode began.

   At the beginning, it was a one-man show by Masakazu Tamura. Last time he talked about dogs, but this time he talked about cats.

   "I have to remind everyone that a cat is a very smart animal..."

   Yamazaki Kuroshio was immediately attracted by this beginning. Dogs and cats are very interesting. Then, is the cat the key to solving this case?

   When the feature film started, he explained the murderer and the murders early.

   This time it was a back-brain kill, and it could even be regarded as a manslaughter. However, the killer obviously had a secret that he didn't want people to know, so naturally he had to disguise it.

  Using the elevator of the Kabukiza, the corpse was moved to the stage, and the murderer kept looking up to confirm the location.

   Yamazaki Kuroda understood that this was to pretend that the deceased had stumbled and fell from above. The deceased was a security guard, but it was considered the past.

   It’s just that I didn’t tell from the beginning that the murderer was Masaki Sakai. After all, he had to paint a very thick costume to play Kabuki, and he still played the role of Tanuki.

   This is the conventional method of "Detective Colombo", then how will Guhata solve the case next?

   But at this time, there was a meow.

   Yamazaki Kuro was taken aback by Xiao Xiao, but instead he laughed.

   A black cat with a white triangle area only appeared.

   It’s strange, is this cat the protagonist?

   At this moment, Furuhata ran into Masaki Sakai in front of the vending machine.

   Next. . .

   "Haha..." Yamazaki Kuro still endured his freshman year, but then he really couldn't hold it back anymore and he laughed loudly.

   No way, this second episode is too interesting, Guhata and Sakai Masaaki's fight, it is really one set after another.

   After the two people met, Furuhata entangled the murderer Sakai Masaki, and after seeing the corpse, Sakai Masaki gave an explanation.

  Is it because he wanted to catch a cat, so the security guard slipped and fell to his death.

   The cat is real, and it will affect his acting.

   Furuhata immediately proposed a small detail.

   The aisle above the stage is very dark, so do I need a flashlight?

  The murderer didn't expect this, so he wanted to make some remedies.

   I originally said that he went back, but he returned again. This is very similar to his method of committing the crime, but this time, he met Gu Hata again.

   What the murderer was looking for was a flashlight, while Gu Hata always said that there was no nutrition. The murderer was very anxious but had nothing to do, but it seemed that God helped him.

   There is a flashlight next to the sofa where Furuhata is sitting.

  The murderer unknowingly took the flashlight into his hand by opening the snack package.

but. . .

   "Well, did you see my flashlight?"

   It turns out that this flashlight belongs to Kobata, which is obviously a small trap.

   Yamazaki Kuroda sees here, how can he stand it?

   Tamura Masakazu set a trap one after another against Sakai Masaaki in this drama, and it makes people feel sorry for the Monkey King.

   What's interesting is that when the two of them are fighting, there are other pictures interspersed.

   is the hanging cat. There is a mouse in front of it. The mouse wants to run, but it always fails.

   Yamazaki Kuroda saw this and couldn't help admiring the director of this film.

   This scene of a cat playing with a mouse is strongly symbolic.

   Combining with the previous plot, Sakai Masaki throws the pot on the cat. Going forward, what is Furuhata's opening remarks?

   to link these, it shows the ingenuity.

   is already certain, as long as this level is maintained, then this "Furuhata Rensaburo" will become a classic!

   Yamazaki Kurodai, the critic who wanted to spit fiercely, had a strange sense of pleasure at this time.

   get a high-income movie like this, that's right!

At the end of   , it was the elevator that made the real murderer invisible.

The entire Kabukiza staff knows the use of this machine, but only the real murderer does not know, because the real murderer has always been sent to the stage, that is, he only saw the upward operation, not the downward How does it work.

   So, when the corpse was put on the stage, but the machine couldn't be lowered, he was the only one.

   Masaki Hori had to smile wryly in the end, "I am too focused on acting."

   In the last shot, the hung-faced cat is holding the mouse, and there seems to be a sense of triumph in his eyes.

   Today, Yamazaki Kuroda can't spray anymore.



   The ratings score of the second episode of "Furuhata Rensaburo" was quickly announced, and this result naturally triggered a war between the president and the president.

   Saturday, the deliberation meeting.

   "The ratings have dropped a lot this time, what do you say, Chief Xiaoting?"

   "Descent? President Dashan, are you confused by the high harvest in the first episode before?"

   "Oh? What do you mean?"

"Do you want me to tell you? The ratings of the first episode obviously have something to do with Akina Nakamori's own topicality. Although Mr. Masaki Sakai in the second episode is also a red star, he is obviously worse. Moreover, the president? Don’t you read newspapers and magazines? The evaluation of the second episode, in terms of the plot, is obviously much better than the first episode."

   "Chairman Xiao Ting, let me remind you that we are a private TV station, which is based on ratings! Those evaluations will not make us better run!"

   "Of course I know this! But we also have to work **** our content! Only in this way is the basis for high ratings!"

   The spray between the two is dim, and the spitting stars have hit the pond fish.

   However, they both have their own reasons, and it is hard to tell who is right and who is wrong.

   So, what about Supervisor Yukino Kusano?

   "Chairman! President! I'm here to guarantee that the ratings of the third episode will definitely increase! Otherwise, I will hand over my supervisory position."

   Kusano Yuki is equivalent to a military order.

   And his statement is very clever, that is, put the total length first.

   Chief Xiaoting is even more arguable.

   "Should we let the main TV series create variety shows as usual?"

   Although President Oyama has never wanted to do this, now, since Kusano Yuki has made such a guarantee, it is difficult for him to continue to restrict himself.

   I'll give them a variety show promotion.

   So, in a variety show on Wednesday, I invited Rie Miyazawa and Masakazu Tamura to be guests.


   Wednesday, night.

   Fuji TV, Miyazawa Miyazawa rushed to the front desk in a panic.

   "Where is my daughter? Did any of you see it?"

   "Ms. Miyazawa finished her work and went back with you?"

   "No! She is gone!"

   "This, isn't it impossible?"

   "Why are you still stunned! Help me find it!"

  The front desk can't help facing such a tantrum, but is Rie Miyazawa missing?

   This is big news.



   Miyazawa Rie is wearing a white dress today, and the breeze is coming, quite immortal.

   was standing on the edge of the building, she kept thinking about it.

In fact, she was all smirking all night. She made this variety show ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After listening to the words that Kusano said before, she did get better, but, Her mother has recently gotten stronger.

   is because my mother told advertisers that our daughter is going to get married and retire.

   So, he charged sky-high advertising fees.

   But right now, the marriage is gone, and she has not retired. The advertisers have been fooled. Can they not be angry?

   This was originally a problem caused by her mother, but in the end she didn't realize it at all, and she kept complaining about her daughter.

   Myself is just a tool, a tool for making money, nothing more.

   Rie Miyazawa thought of this and couldn't help but look down, she was a little scared.

   But there is a little yearning, because just a light jump, then, she can be free.

   but at this moment. . .

   "It would be ugly to jump off a building and fall to death."

   Kusano Yuki, wearing a black suit, appeared behind her at some unknown time.

   Miyazawa Rie did not turn around or speak, which seemed to represent her determination.

   Kusano Yuki was very flustered at this time, as cautious as he was, and made a plan early in the morning, but now, this beauty has come out like this, absolutely super unexpected!

   Then, what should I do?

   How to persuade a person who wants to commit suicide?

   I am just a Doctor of Film, I don’t know much about others.

   Miyazawa Rie ignored him, which made Kusano anxious. Suddenly, he thought of a way that might be useful.

   He saw it in a certain book. . . This method is a little shameful.

   But no matter what, it’s important to save people!

   Then, he said in a loud and upright manner, "Anyway, you are going to die. How about a shot before you die?"

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