The time flies, and three years have passed in a flash.

After returning to the village that year, the grants promised by the daimyo were sent in batches, and the coordination fees from the nobles were also slowly sent.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who received a large amount of money, began a drastic three-year reform, first of all, promoting nine-year compulsory ninja education.

At the beginning of the education reform, the Konoha Ninja School became a nine-year system, the first six years were elementary school, and elementary school was six days of study and one day of rest. The next three years were junior high school, and elementary school was for Genin education. After passing the graduation assessment, they became reserve ninjas, and those who failed the assessment would be retained. Those who failed the reserve assessment for three consecutive years would lose the opportunity to continue studying.

Junior high school was for Chunin education, and the teachers were all Jonin. Elementary school geniuses who pass the reserve assessment in advance can skip to middle school. Geniuses who pass the Genin exam and are over 12 years old are allowed to graduate early. Even if they pass the Chunin exam, those who are 12 years old or younger must wait until they are 13 years old to graduate.

It is reported that a certain Hokage wanted to carry out 4 years of Jonin education, but the idea was abandoned because the timing was not ripe.

Of course, everything is not so smooth. Since the beginning of the education reform, there have been ninja clans who have come out to oppose and make trouble, but they have been resolved one by one by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When collecting basic teaching ninjutsu for the school, many families did not cooperate. It's okay. Sarutobi Hiruzen collected it himself and developed a lot of basic ninjutsu of various attributes. Due to the panel, the basic ninjutsu he developed has the advantages of great power, low consumption, and simple seals. All clans have sent outstanding children to school to learn ninjutsu.

There is also a shortage of teachers. Because of the nine-year compulsory ninja education, as long as the children of school age who have settled in Konoha can enroll for free. Konoha civilians have sent their children to ninja schools. The school was overcrowded. The number of classes in one grade expanded from 2 to 3, and then from 5 to 8. The increase in students led to a shortage of teachers. Sarutobi Hiruzen's preparations came in handy. Yes, the wounded cruel people.

There are many wounded cruel people in Konoha, and they have all been on the battlefield. Aren't they the best teachers? They can also calm down those naughty children.

The curriculum of the ninja school was changed to culture and ninjutsu. Culture is divided into basic knowledge and common sense of the ninja world and history of the ninja world. After entering junior high school, one course of ninjutsu will will be added. Ninjutsu includes: seals, physical skills, and chakra application. After entering junior high school, two courses will be added, ninjutsu application and ninja practice (ninjutsu practice is once a week, which is to take students who have received the ninja forehead to do some D-level tasks in the village, and do C-level tasks outside the village once a year.)

In addition, there is a selection of five all-around moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor, once a year, with one quota for each grade. . Prizes and medals are awarded by the Hokage.

There is also a selection of top students, which is also held once a year, but there are only two places, one for a middle school and one for an elementary school. The top students who graduate will be awarded a corresponding B-level ninjutsu. They will be promoted directly to Chunin upon graduation.

After three years of operation, Konoha Ninja School is finally on the right track.


Sarutobi Hiruzen is sitting in the Hokage's office studying his panel. In the past three years, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been tirelessly reading all the ninjutsu materials of Konoha Village. Sarutobi Hiruzen feels many times stronger and should have reached the level of Six Paths. Now everyone's danger rating is low

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Physical: 73/73

Spirit: 189/189

Element: 274/274

Skills: Advanced physical mastery, intermediate combat mastery

Energy level: Primary wind control, primary fire control, advanced earth control, advanced water control, advanced illusion control, intermediate seal mastery, intermediate thunder mastery, primary energy mastery, advanced space mastery. Primary Yin Mastery, Primary Yang Mastery

Skills: Advanced electromagnetic application: electromagnetic body, magnetic field control,

Primary wind control: bone-eroding Yin wind

Intermediate fire and earth fusion: meteor shower

Intermediate earth and water fusion: mudslide

Intermediate water and fire fusion: nuclear bomb

For the past three years, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been running electromagnetic body strengthening techniques. Finally, his hard work has paid off. His physical strength has improved greatly. The biggest impact of the improvement in the body is the amount of chakra, which has increased from more than 70 to more than 270, almost 200. The god has also been passively improved a lot because of the strengthening of the body.

The control of water on the panel, and it is possible that Sarutobi Hiruzen really has no spatial talent. After studying Flying Thunder God for three years, he has learned it, but he has not learned it. It cannot be applied to combat at present. The transmission distance does not exceed 100 meters. The main

If the coordinates cannot be sensed beyond 100 meters, Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that he cried. You said that Sarutobi Hiruzen can now use magnetic field to monitor the area within 100 miles, so why can't he sense the target 100 meters away?

Finally, he went to ask Mito-sama, and Mito-sama's words woke Sarutobi Hiruzen up.

"Why do you have to learn Flying Thunder God? There are many ways to fight. Your five elements escape techniques have reached the pinnacle. You should develop your strengths and focus on your strengths. There is no perfect person in this world. Everyone has their own flaws. You should use your strengths to cover up your weaknesses. Look at how many ninjutsu Tobirama has studied? Can he beat Hashirama?"

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for two days before he realized that he was too stubborn. At the beginning, he taught his disciples the way of specializing in one thing and being good at many things. As a result, he was confused by the situation and must practice all escape techniques to perfection.

Later, Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer bothered about Flying Thunder God. After letting it go, he focused on studying electromagnetic applications. Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that this would be a killer in the future.

This is how he developed magnetic field control, which can form a force field shield. After opening the force field shield, a spherical translucent cover will be formed, covering the whole body. The maximum size can be spread to a radius of 10 miles, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's chakra can only hold on for 30 seconds when it spreads to such a large size. Then there was severe fatigue. After trying it once, Sarutobi Hiruzen lay down for 3 days and couldn't get up. Later, the strength was tested. The strength has nothing to do with the size. Anyway, all the current means can't break the force field shield.

There is another way to use magnetic field control, which is to use it like telekinesis. Telekinesis can form an invisible hand in the air to grab objects, or manipulate objects. Magnetic field control can also produce the same effect.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is now focusing on electromagnetic applications, he has not given up the research on Yin-Yang Chakra. Thinking about the Yin-Yang escape in the original work, it is also quite powerful. It's pretty cool. But now there is not much information about Yin-Yang escape.

As for other escape techniques, it is not that I have given up. First, there is not so much information on ninjutsu. Second, I am open-minded and follow fate. If I encounter it, I will collect it on the panel. If I don’t encounter it, I will not worry about it.

Now we have to start to rectify the Anbu. In fact, the Anbu has never been a department. The Anbu used to be a squadron of about 20 people. Now there are more or less 50 people, almost two squadrons. This year, the first batch of 100 people in the nine-year compulsory ninja education will graduate. Sarutobi Hiruzen arranged Danzo to pick some people to supplement the Anbu.

Originally, Shimura Danzo wanted to force the ninja clan to hand over people to supplement the Anbu, but was rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen. For the first time, the famous scenes of "Danzo, I am the Hokage." "Huruzen, you will regret it." appeared. At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was quite embarrassed and kept comforting Danzo. After all, he is his partner. Although the political views are different, there is no need to hurt his heart. Someone has to sing the black face and the white face.

Although both of them wanted to weaken the ninja clan, Sarutobi Hiruzen advocated the grand and majestic use of momentum to overwhelm them, and did not want the ninja clan to obey openly and play tricks in secret. But it takes time to create momentum.

Danzo just wanted to get it done quickly without considering the consequences. Neither of them saw the "bloody mist" caused by the weakening of the ninja clan in the original work. The weakening of the ninja clan by Sand Village caused the decline of talents, and the Iwagakure also caused itself to be in a state of lack of successors. What about the Kinkaku and Ginkaku Rebellion in Kumogakure a few years ago? Konoha caused talents to flee and defect, and finally cut off its own hands and feet to destroy the largest clan, the Uchiha clan.

So weakening the ninja clan can be done slowly, but it cannot cause everyone to be disunited.


"Knock knock"

The knock on the door interrupted Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts.

"Come in"

Nara Shikako opened the door and came in.

"Hokage-sama, this is the graduation list of the ninja school."

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened the file and read it. I suddenly found several familiar names, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kato Dan. They are only 13 years old, and they are going to graduate early. Will it be approved or not?

"Put it here first, I will find out the situation, you can come and get it tomorrow."

After Nara Shikashin left, Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the table, and an Anbu jumped out. The Anbu was carrying a short sword, had white hair, and wore a cat face mask. Yes, this is Hatake Sakumo. Now at the age of 16, he is already a captain of the Anbu's ninja.

"Sakumo, what level are your junior brothers and sisters now? I just saw that they are on the graduation list."

Hatake Sakumo took off his mask and said: "Master, the junior brothers and sisters are now at the level of Chunin. A few days ago, the fourth brother (Orochimaru) won the title of the top student in the middle school. The fifth brother (Jiraiya) was jealous and clamored to take the graduation exam early. The little sister also followed to join in

Lively. So the three of them signed up for the graduation exam.

"Sakumo, you go be the graduation examiner, don't let them off, test them honestly. If they fail, send them back to school. Don't give them face. These little bastards are messing around."

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of something and added, "Of course, if they pass the exam, don't suppress them, I'm afraid they will get sick. Alas."

"The junior brothers and sisters will understand the master's painstaking efforts."

"I hope so. I have suppressed them for the past few years and didn't teach them too advanced ninjutsu. I guess they all have complaints. They are still young, and I don't want them to fight and kill at such a young age. Forget it, if they pass the graduation exam this time, I won't suppress them. You won't be on duty tonight, right? Remember to go home for dinner. Your master's wife cooked a good meal today."

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