The passages of the base had been cleared long before the shelling. Only the remains of limbs and internal organs torn apart by shrapnel were left in the passages. They looked disgusting, but no one cared about them now.

Toretto followed Ron's order, swerved, and parked the pickup truck at the entrance of one of the passages. When the button was pressed, the 107MM rocket launcher in the cargo compartment behind the pickup truck rose up, and orange rockets emerged from the tails of the rockets. In the light of the fire, the terrorists in the small passage had just emerged. Before he could see the license plate number of the pickup truck outside, he was horrified to see the rockets getting closer and closer before his eyes, and then...


The flames of the explosion instantly filled the small space in the passage. The terrorists who had just turned around the corner were engulfed by the blazing flames before they could even fire a shot.

At the same time, similar situations were repeated in several other small passages. Eggsy was dumbfounded: "Isn't this too violent? Wait! Aren't you afraid that this will hurt the hostages?"

Recently, many celebrities, nobles, scholars and other important people have disappeared in Europe. If the explosion just now injured them..."

"This is really a problem," Ron pondered for a moment, opened the door and jumped out of the car, took out a can of spray paint from under the seat, and then spray-painted the wall of the passage under Eggsy's puzzled gaze.

After he finished spraying, Eggsy connected the letters written by Ron and spelled them out, and almost died in the car without a mouthful of blood.

I saw the words Ron sprayed blood on the wall together, which happened to mean: "Kingsman is the murderer!"

The font is elegant and has a bit of a Jianghu atmosphere. If Ron writes in Chinese characters, it will even give people a feeling of Water Margin.

Of course, in the eyes of a few uneducated white people like Eggsy, they can only use one word to evaluate him, and that is "what a dick"!

But Eggsy has another feeling, that is, he has a big head. Now he finally understands what kind of behavior the Americans who are difficult to deal with in Mycroft's words have: "Hey! These are obviously done by your people. Why should we be blamed on our king’s agent?!”

Ron turned his head and took a few steps closer to Eggsy, scaring the fledgling kid back until poor Eggsy retreated to the car door.

Everyone here belongs to him, shouldn't I be treated as a terrorist and killed as well? Eggsy thought fearfully.

Fortunately, after Ron forced him to the car door, he didn't take the next step, but raised a finger:

"First, my name is not Hello, my name is Ron Lee Cooper; second, this is your Ace Agent's own business. If it weren't for a personal favor, I wouldn't wade into this muddy water. Anyway, there is no one in my family. Get their free chip, so got it, kid?”

Ron held a revolver in his hand, played with it back and forth and looked at Eggsy. The threat in his eyes was self-evident: "Now it's time to see your performance, come on, little rookie."

Ron slapped the pistol into Eggsy's hand, sauntered in along a passage with his hands behind his back like an old man walking in the park, while Eggsy remained in place, still in shock.

If it weren't for the bloody corpses everywhere in the passage, Eggsy would have even thought he was taking a walk.

Hank snarled at him kindly: "Boy, why don't you hurry up and follow?"

Eggsy nodded, took out his big backpack from the car, and quickly followed.

After a round of artillery bombardment, the others followed Ron's order and worked in pairs to take charge of a passage entrance. Each had a machine gun to block it, preventing anyone from passing through.

"Mr. Ron, here is your gun." Eggsy chased after Ron.

"No, that one is for you, I'll just use this one." With that said, Ron pulled out his usual Smith \u0026 Wesson M500 revolver from the holster on the other side.

Because he suffered from insufficient power several times before, Ron took out the large-caliber pistol from the beginning this time. This time, he couldn't even penetrate the body armor, right?

"Based on the structural map of this military stronghold, Valentine is likely to be in these two places." Ron drew a circle on the map: "Now we are divided into two groups. If anyone meets If that bastard Valentine says that, I’ll kill him with one shot.”

But Eggsy, who got the map from Ron, didn't even move: "What if I meet his men before meeting Valentine again?"

"Do you still need me to teach you? Of course you have to kill each one when you see them."

"Just the two of us?"

"No, to be precise, one person challenges a group to see who gets there first."

With that said, Ron kicked Eggsy on the butt and kicked him into another aisle. He continued to walk forward along the current route until he was quite far away and heard bursts of noise coming from the aisle. He heard footsteps and took out his phone: "Peggy, are you ready for the system?"

Of course, Ron couldn't come in carelessly. Before setting off, he had already arranged for Peggy to invade Valentine's system.

As long as Valentin wants to drive everyone who uses a free SIM card crazy through mobile phone signals, then he must be connected to the Internet, and in the online world, Peggy is the real queen.

"Call honey."

Ron was stunned: "Peggy, have you prepared your dear system?"

Peggy was furious: "Do you believe I will blow your head off with those soldiers?"

"I'm not implanting a chip that will make my head explode," Ron muttered, deciding not to tease Peggy anymore: "Okay, dear Ms. Peggy, can you fix that damn system now? "

"Of course, but don't forget the compensation you promised me. I'll wait for you in Texas."

Hiding in her pink boudoir, Peggy lightly hit the Enter key, and on Valentine's computer, the system that had been stagnant suddenly started to load quickly.

Stronghold command room.

"What's going on? I haven't touched it yet, and it started running on its own." Valentine clicked back and forth on the screen helplessly, but to no avail: "Wait! Wait! He's going to explode. What falls off is not the head of a low-level person who uses a free card, but the head of a high-level person! No, it must not be like this! Find a way to stop it!"

Valentin yelled at the secretary next to him, who kicked the computer screen, and the steel spikes on his feet pierced the computer screen.

Valentine was shocked: "What are you doing?"

"Didn't you tell me to stop it?"

"10, 9, 8..." Outside the command room, the celebrities invited to the safe area by Valentine had already begun counting down happily along with the sound of the broadcast: "3, 2, 1... 0!"


At the end of the countdown, everyone's cheerful expressions suddenly stopped at this moment, and then the head expanded violently uncontrollably until it exploded, and a gorgeous firework exploded from the neck up.

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