Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 186 Sheldon is going to the North Pole

"I swear, my orientation is absolutely normal and I don't have any fetishes!" Howard swore in the car back to Los Angeles.

"Really? So you admit that you are gay, right?" Leonard drove the car with a smile on his face: "Those two tigers are both male tigers."

What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. This is an American proverb. It means that those crazy things you do in Las Vegas should stay there and don’t take them with you today. life.

But that doesn’t stop everyone from using it as a conversation piece on the way home.

Not long after Ron found Leonard and Rajesh from Tyson, he compared the surveillance of Tyson's home and the surveillance of the hotel and found that the groom returned to the hotel with them before disappearing.

As expected, he should still be in the hotel, and with the reminder of the mattress thrown from the roof, they quickly found the missing groom from the forbidden roof.

This unlucky guy was thrown onto the roof of the building by his companions as a prank, but it turned out that the little fat man drugged their wine, making them forget about it.

The poor groom's skin was burned red by the sun, like a big lobster.

Fortunately, there was still enough time for them to get back to the wedding. Of course, they also extended invitations like Ron and his party, but they were rejected by three scientists with social phobia.

Really, even though he had so much fun last night, when he woke up from drinking today and immediately turned into a good boy, Ron felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"No, of course I'm not gay. I told you it was because of drugs." Howard continued to retort.

Ron's last excuse for their being recruited was that their last tenant was a drug addict. In order to cope with the inspection, he hid the drugs in the kettle, and all four of them drank the water in the kettle. Everything was purely coincidental.

Of course, Peggy didn't think so.

Standing by the window of the staff dormitory, Peggy looked at Ron's leaving figure and stamped her feet angrily: "Damn guys, if you weren't in the way..."

"Leonard, are you really going to pool your money to find a woman for me yesterday?" Howard patted the seat in front of him: "What does that woman look like?"

"It's very beautiful. Rajesh said it's the style you like. Wait! You really don't mind her profession..." Leonard turned around in surprise.

"Look at the car! Leonard." Ron quickly grabbed the steering wheel to avoid the fate of a car crash and death.

"I can have a wonderful night with a woman for free, and I can't even thank you enough!" Howard said with excitement: "What a pity! What a pity!"

Howard's expression became very intoxicated. Who knows what he was thinking. The messy things must be the plot of the night he missed, and it was also very obscene.

"But even though I don't remember what happened, being able to do the same thing as my best friend, Howard, and compete against each other, I really feel like our friendship has taken another step forward."

Rajesh said with satisfaction. As he spoke, his hand lay on Howard's hand unconsciously.

Two big exclamation marks appeared on Ron and Leonard's heads at the same time. There is definitely something wrong with these two people!

Speaking of which, there is also a small group within the four-person group, of course not the kind that intrigues each other, but the kind that is close to each other.

Rajesh and Howard have a better relationship, and Sheldon and Leonard, because they are roommates, naturally spend more time together than the other two. After Ron joined this group, miraculously The earth remains balanced.

Ron is Sheldon's brother, but apart from the necessary communication with Sheldon based on blood, most of the time he just plays some harmless pranks on Sheldon.

For example, using his toothbrush to scratch leather shoes, putting his hands in warm water after Sheldon falls asleep (it causes bedwetting), etc.

But on the other hand, Ron was very close to Howard because of weapons research and development. Although he only had a master's degree and was ridiculed by Sheldon as a space plumber, everyone recognized that he was the best at Caltech. engineer.

Otherwise, it would not be his turn to design the horse tube for the International Space Station, let alone the remote control room that controls the Mars rover at any time.

Think about it, if Howard's level was not recognized by the vast majority of people, how could this happen?

As for Rajesh, although he comes from a super-rich family and looks like a spoiled rich second generation, his own IQ cannot be underestimated. In most cases, whenever Sheldon has a new idea, , Rajesh is often the first person to follow his ideas.

At this time, Ron was usually thinking about how to contact Sheldon's home planet and pick up his alien brother.

As for Leonard, Sheldon was able to choose him to be his roommate, which in itself was a recognition of his IQ, even though Sheldon complained every day that Leonard's research had no originality and was just copying other people's successful cases. .

But doesn’t it take talent to successfully replicate other people’s research? What's more, he often inspires Sheldon with new ideas.

It can be said that Sheldon and his foursome are one of the most elite scientific research forces at Caltech. Therefore, the four of them were invited by Sheldon as soon as they returned to the apartment.

"Hey, I got a strange email yesterday," Sheldon said when Howard and Rajesh immediately stared at Ron nervously. Could this be a video of a super friendship incident between them and a male tiger? Bar?

With Ron's bad taste, it's completely possible!

Fortunately, Sheldon's next words made them relax: "The president of the university asked me to meet him in the office at eight o'clock this morning."

"I guess you harassed him last night, right?" Ron ordered a bottle of water and sat back on the sofa.

"Of course, it must be an emergency for him to meet me at eight o'clock the next morning. Everyone in college knows that breakfast is eaten at eight o'clock and the stomach starts digesting at 8:20. In the 16 hours between receiving the email and meeting me, I Like Heisenberg particles.

How could I stand knowing either my location or my speed, but not both at the same time? These annoying things will always be on my mind. "

"Yes, I know exactly what that feels like." Leonard said meaningfully next to Ron.

"I guess you will wait until two o'clock in the morning at most and knock on the door of the university president, right? I guess he will ask you what time it is now?" Ron guessed this based on his past understanding of Sheldon's behavior. road.

"Yes, I don't understand either, why everyone is asking me the time, don't they have a watch themselves?" Sheldon said in surprise, obviously, he was very surprised that Ron could guess the situation at that time.

Leonard asked garrulously: "Everyone? Who else?"

"The principal's wife and his furious daughter are all very interested in whether other people know what time it is."

Rajesh showed a puzzled expression: "Ron, I heard that your Texas folk customs are tough. How did Sheldon grow up so big in that place?"

Ron rolled his eyes: "How else do you think I developed my fighting skills and marksmanship? Without my protection, this kid would have spent his high school career in a high school student's closet."

"Hey, I was already a very respected little scientist when I was in high school! Everyone in the town liked me." Sheldon retorted dissatisfied.

"That's why during the carnival, your participation in the bucket jumping game was so popular. Almost everyone in the town participated."

"Bucket jumping game? What is that?" asked Rajesh.

Ron explained: "The participants are asked to sit on a stool on the water tank, and then someone else throws a ball to throw a disc, and the person sitting on the water tank will fall into the water."

"If Sheldon plans to participate in this kind of game again, I am willing to spend a month's salary to throw the ball just to see him fall into the water." Leonard YY to Sheldon's appearance when he fell into the water , the corner of the mouth unconsciously grinned to the base of the ear.

"Everyone in the town thought so, so this one project alone raised more donations for the church than all the other projects combined. If her mother hadn't allowed Missy to participate, she would have spent all her pocket money. Ron said with a shrug.

"Hey, Ron, we're talking about business!" Sheldon brought the chat back to the topic: "Remember the application I submitted to the National Science Foundation to go to the North Pole to survey slow magnetic monopoles?"


"There was a last-minute vacancy for members of the Foundation's Arctic expedition."

"Wait a minute," Leonard's eyes widened: "You mean the principal asked you to join the Arctic scientific expedition team?"

"Of course, he was very enthusiastic," Sheldon said proudly, "Frankly speaking, I wish I could send you to the North Pole tonight."

"That's normal," Ron sneered, "I guess he also wants to leave you with nothing but a vest to keep you warm, so that you can stay there forever and don't have to bother him anymore. .”

"Sheldon, that's the North Pole. Are you sure you really want to go? I'll be worried about you." Leonard said worriedly, but his eyes were almost slits when he smiled.

"Yes, I agreed." Sheldon nodded.

"Yeah!" Howard Rajesh jumped up excitedly and bumped his chest: "We can finally have a summer without Sheldon!"

Howard: "You can also play outdoors!"

Rajesh: “The most important thing is that you can sit wherever you want on the sofa.”

Leonard: "I can still poop whenever I want, without having to look at that bullshit toilet schedule!"

Ron covered his face in embarrassment, how humble are you guys? Is this little thing worth being so excited about?

"Thank you, but don't be too happy too soon." Sheldon protested dissatisfied.

"I suddenly had an ominous premonition." It must be said that the Indians' intuition was very sharp, because Shelton's next words made them feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

"I formally invite you to join me and participate in this incredible Arctic scientific expedition project."

"Oh~" Rajesh sighed in disappointment: "Are you worried that we will touch your things after you are gone?"

"I admit that I have concerns in this regard," Sheldon nodded: "But the more important reason is that I need a team to assist me, and you three are the best candidates."

"Hahaha, I wish you good luck, friends~" Ron gloated.

"The Arctic has a harsh climate and polar bears. Isn't it too dangerous?"

"Don't worry about our safety. The scientific expedition team promised to equip us with the best security personnel to participate in the operation."

It felt bad to be Ron now, because Sheldon's eyes did not leave his body when he said this, which made him feel uncomfortable: "Wait a minute, is this security officer talking about me? "

"Yes, I recommended you to them, Ron, you don't have to thank me."

Thank you grandma for your leg!

Ron was so angry that he wanted to curse. If they weren't brothers and had the same grandmother, he would have cursed out loud.

"Didi~" Ron's cell phone rang at the right time, which happened to be the transfer order that Sheldon just mentioned. Fortunately, the transfer order was only in a consulting tone and did not say that he must go.

After all, it is a major scientific research project that may prove string theory. The United States is not worried about it. It can be said that there is a long history of placing spies among scientists and it is a common offender.

It is not aimed at the scientists involved in the project, but mainly to ensure that no other spies come to steal the scientific research results. Who knows what amazing discoveries these scientists will eventually make.

The last time the United States achieved a major reversal and became the world's number one scientific research power was when it stole scientists from Germany during World War II. Directly allow a second-rate scientific and technological country to board the high-speed train of nuclear energy and become the country's number one scientific research power.

"I can step aside for a moment and give you some time to discuss whether you want to get involved." Sheldon ran back to the room and closed the door.

"We're not really going to go to the North Pole with him, are we?" Howard was the first to object.

Leonard wanted to go: "Think about it, this is a nationally funded scientific research project, how can we refuse?"

"No, what I'm saying is not that we don't want to participate in nationally funded scientific research projects, but that we don't want to spend time locked up in the Arctic Circle with a madman for three months!"

"Yes, I think the same thing. Even though he is my brother, I am afraid that I will not be able to help but pull out his intestines and strangle him when he is chattering. My parents will be sad then."

Ron said tangledly that it was true that he was Sheldon's brother, and it was true that he was willing to protect this troubled brother, but it did not mean that he could really be alone with Sheldon for three months.

At that time, there is no need to wait for Howard to take action, he will kill Sheldon first.

Leonard persuaded: "Howard, this is a major scientific research project. Imagine, if it succeeds, we may even be on the cover of a magazine!"

"Maybe I assemble a crossbow with my own hands and kill him."

“That way you’re just as likely to be in a magazine.”

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