"What!" The other two friends opened their mouths in disbelief. Of course, Sheldon was not included.

Ron ignored Rajesh's pleading eyes: "Of course it's true. Sheldon can testify that Rajesh's family is extremely wealthy."

Sheldon nodded under the shocked eyes of the other two people: "Yes, I have notarized some documents for Rajesh before. If compared with the characters in the comics, the wealth of the Rajesh family is no less than that of Iron Man. .”

Sheldon was answered by two shocked faces.

"I don't understand what kind of review committee decides who is on the list? I can't find anything in common with the people you just mentioned except that they are all under thirty years old."

"Come on, this is People magazine, of course people chose me."

Characters and people are written PEOPLE in English.

"Then who are these people? What are their evaluation criteria? Why are they qualified? Why is it that someone who accidentally discovered a broken rock that has been floating in the solar system for billions of years is more outstanding than other scientists under the age of thirty? Woolen cloth?"

Ron was silent. He could tell that Sheldon was clearly sour grapes.

"Oh my God! I think Ellen Page's friends would never hurt her like this!" Rajesh left the table angrily and slammed the door.

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Of course~" Sheldon nodded, and Leonard looked at the sky speechlessly. At this time, Ron had finished dinner while they were talking, stood up, and patted Leonard's shoulder pitifully.

"If you still plan to pursue Penny, it's best not to tell her about Rajesh's family affairs."

"Why?" Leonard asked puzzled.

"No reason, we are a capitalist country. In this country, it is not unspeakable to like money and marry for money."

Ron glanced at everyone and said meaningfully: "If you really treat Rajesh as a friend, you'd better not spread the word for him. I am the only person I know in Los Angeles who is willing to kidnap a bunch of people to make some extra money." Guys don’t go below double digits.”

Are you kidding me? This is the famous Los Santos. Just by following Toretto's gang of racing gangs, Ron can easily find most of them with various criminal records.

A night of silence.

The next day, Ron, who finally remembered that he still had work, returned to his office and was warmly received by his subordinates.

"BOSS, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I will divide the funds in the account with everyone and break up the team." Andy greeted him humorously.

"Then I will catch you no matter where I go to the end of the world." Ron smiled and looked at Arthur, who was in charge of the intelligence: "Is there any particularly noteworthy information in the recent period? It seems that we haven't been open for a long time.

Maybe it's time to find someone to take advantage of and earn out your bonus this year. "

"Of course," Arthur shook his head: "There was news on the road some time ago that the CIA's weapon key was lost. Maybe we can..."

"This matter has been resolved, next one." Ron shook his head.

"Uh..." Arthur hesitated for a moment: "An unnamed NBA player contacted me through a special channel and wanted me to kill the Heat's star Shaquille O'Neal. The price is very generous."

"Unnamed NBA player?" Ron said with a black line: "Do you need to guess? It must be Kobe! This job must not be done! Everyone knows who is the main messenger, and once he is caught, he will immediately I will tell you that you did it too!"

Honest Hank's views were shattered: "BOSS, shouldn't our place be a tax collection agency? How can we do the work of these killers?"

"Don't worry about these details," Ron waved his hand, but his mind was running fast, and he immediately thought of a good target: "By the way, how is Barak doing when he escaped from the border last time? Can he be stabbed?"

"He fled to Brazil and continued to run his drug empire, and his business was bigger than before," Andy suddenly interrupted, taking out a document and placing it on the table:

"It seems that he has a relationship with a certain congressman. He has now almost blatantly transported drugs to the United States through large smuggling ships, and has almost monopolized the heroin trade in all western states.

Now not only the FBI, but also the CIA is eyeing him, but there is nothing they can do about him, because even the Brazilian police have been bribed by him and even help him transport drugs. There are rumors that the current president of Brazil is in his chain of interests. a node. "

Ron picked up the document on the table. It was a piece of intelligence sent from the FBI. What Andy said was not an exaggeration, and he even reserved it because he was not familiar with intelligence work.

Based on the vague words in the intelligence, Ron immediately analyzed that Barak's actual control ability in Brazil may be greater than imagined!

Although the Brazilian government is the legal government of Brazil, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the so-called president is just a puppet on the surface. It is the gangs that really control Brazil.

They can even talk better than the police, and there have even been cases where the police department has just spent money to acquire a batch of new equipment, but before the equipment is used, it appears in the hands of gangsters, who use it to start a riot in the city.

And there’s more than one case!

How arrogant can Brazilian gangs be? Ron can say without exaggeration that if they were not concerned about the bad international influence and feared that other countries would join forces to intervene, this group of lunatics would even dare to drive tanks to grab territory in the capital city!

"Oh my god~" Ron licked his lips excitedly: "Don't you think this is such a fat fish? I say, how about our next target be him?"

"BOSS, are you crazy! The Brazilian government can't even do anything to them!" Hank opened his mouth in shock: "If we want to deal with them, we must at least dispatch the Marine Corps and the Air Force to coordinate operations to defeat them!

This is war! This is war! Do you think we can conquer a country alone? ! "

"Or are you sick?" Hank put the back of his hand on Ron's head to test the temperature: "You must have a fever. How about going home and taking a rest?"

"I'm not crazy, and I'm not sick," Ron slapped Hank's fat hand away angrily, "I just thought this might be an opportunity."


"That's right," Ron said confidently, pointing to the description in the intelligence: "Don't think about how powerful Barak is. He is just one of the many gangsters in Brazil, but he just happens to be the strongest one right now. , Believe it or not, if he hangs up now, a new gangster will step on his corpse and rise to power?"

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