"Is it a confession?"

"It’s a confession!"

"This freshman is so brave!"

"Come on, confess your feelings, junior, we support you!"

""Come on, Yuan-san!"

Even the girls in the first grade class joined in the booing.

The originally dull atmosphere in the gymnasium was ignited by the sudden situation.

No one expected that such a situation would happen right after the freshman speech.

"What are the people in the background doing?"

""Where is the student union? Please help me!"

With such a big commotion, the school leader who was in charge of the opening speech just now felt that his life was bleak.

Naoto Kawamura, who was the representative of the seniors in the audience, was stunned at this moment. The confession manuscript that he had asked the literature club to help write at a high price was deformed in his hands.

He had been preparing carefully since the summer vacation and paid a lot of money to get the qualification of student representative from the student union president.

Naoto Kawamura just wanted to sing a line,"I stood like a minion at the opening ceremony of my alma mater when I was eighteen that year."

Looking at the two people looking at each other affectionately under the spotlight, at least what the victim Naoto Kawamura saw in his eyes was a deep look.

Naoto Kawamura knew that he had no chance to save it. All the efforts of so many days were in vain.

Thinking that he was already in his last year at school, Naoto Kawamura lowered his head in a daze.

Every second here from now on is torture, watching the person he likes being confessed to in public by others!

"No, I still have a chance!"

"He is a freshman, the mechanism was triggered by accident, he will definitely not confess. I still have a chance, sports festival? Campus festival?"

The fighting spirit of hope was rekindled in Kawamura Naoto's eyes.

Yuan Qingkong on the stage remained calm and did not do anything because of the booing from the audience.


In a corner of the gymnasium, Komi Glass stood there and looked at Minamoto Qingkong from a distance.

She should have been the one to give a speech on the stage, and she should have been involved in the accident.

But she ran away and put all the responsibility on Minamoto Qingkong.

She knew it was useless to escape, and she wanted to stand in front of the stage and communicate with everyone, but she just couldn't say a word.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

The students in the audience thought Yuan Qingkong was going to confess his feelings, so they all quieted down.

"First of all, this has nothing to do with me"

"However, I have something to say when I see this scene."

"I think everyone can see that this is a carefully prepared confession ceremony."

"The person who arranged all this may have thought that this way of expressing love was cool and could show his sincerity."

"But he never thought that in the eyes of the person he confessed his love to, this was completely a kind of trouble and shock."

"With so many people watching, what should the other party do?"

"Agree or refuse?"

"If the two are in love, it will certainly become a good story."

"But what if you don’t like it?"

"In order to save face for the person who confessed his love, should I give an answer that goes against my will?"

"Moreover, the person being confessed to is a teacher whom students should respect."

"If you answer carelessly, your entire life's reputation will be ruined, right?"

Kirisu Madoka looked at the completely different Yuan Qingkong and had a new understanding of him.

"I didn't expect him to have such a steady side."

The atmosphere at the scene became even more silent because of Yuan Qingkong's words. Indeed, they only wanted to join in the fun and didn't think about these things.

"So, this is just a kind of moral kidnapping"

"We should all reject moral kidnapping!"

"I have finished what I want to say. Thank you for your support."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the gymnasium came on again. It seemed that the student union finally had some effect.

Yuan Qingkong walked down the podium amid applause and returned to the area where Class 1 was located.


""Hayasaka, what's going on?"

In the VIP room on the second floor, Shinomiya Kaguya stood by the window, watching the farce in the gymnasium and asked the person behind her.

Behind her, Hayasaka Ai, who had unbuttoned the top button of her uniform and wrapped a brown-gray knitted jacket around her waist, pretending to be a hot girl student, held a tablet in her hand.

She flipped the screen and stopped at the interface of a student card that looked as strong as a gorilla and said,"I found it. It was the third-year Kendo Club President Naoto Kawamura who arranged everything. His father is a middle-level cadre of the Shinomiya Group and was specially recruited for kendo."

"What's wrong? Do we have to be sent to Siberia to dig potatoes, Miss Kaguya?"

"No need, today I saw a good show"

"It seems that he is quite popular among the students. What a group of superficial women. If we use him a little, we should be able to win a lot of votes in the election of the student union president."

"Interesting, does Hayasaka have his information? I remember you were in the same class with him, right?"

It was the first time that Hayasaka Ai saw Shinomiya Kaguya interested in the opposite sex of the same age. In her eyes, the opposite sex of the same age were just a group of childish and insignificant people.

"I didn't study at this department, so there's not enough information."

"Only the name and class, and the admission score was second in the grade."

"You don't need to emphasize this!"

That's right. As a student who was admitted from the headquarters, Kaguya Shinomiya felt that being ranked third in the entrance exam was one of the biggest shames in her life. The first and second places in the entrance exam of Hoshinokai Academy were taken by people from outside.

"It seems that the young lady has reached the age where she wants to fall in love. Do you need me to investigate his information?"


"No, Hayasaka, how can you have such a dirty thought? As a student of Hoshinokai Academy, you should be self-aware."

"I just think he's a good tool."

"Yes, yes, yes… Then I will leave first."

The entrance ceremony took up one class period, so there was still one class period before the end of the school.

After the class, the students surrounding Yuan Qingkong finally returned to their seats.

Yuan Qingkong wrote a sentence on the paper, and threw it on the desk of Gu Jianxiaozi under the angry eyes of the boys in the back row.

「When did Furumi-san return to the classroom? He left without saying a word just now, and I didn't see you in the gymnasium. I was worried that something had happened to you."

Furumi-san hesitated, then opened her notebook and started writing.


「Because of me, Minamoto was forced to give a speech and encountered such a thing."

Komi Glass opened her notebook and raised it, only revealing her eyes in the direction of Minamoto Aozora.

Minamoto Aozora also returned to the notebook.

「Why should I apologize? Aren't we friends?」

「Even without Kirisu-sensei's request, I would have taken the initiative to step forward after knowing that Furumi-san was not good at communication."

Furumi Shoko buried her head in her notebook and did not dare to look at Yuan Qingkong.

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