Hoshi no Kai Academy, in the principal's office.

Just after school, Gen Aosora was called over by Kirisu.

The principal sat at his desk, looking at Gen Aosora sitting opposite him. Kirisu Madoka stood by with a folder in his arms, listening to their conversation.

"They have to pass the monthly test before the Golden Week, right?"

"Well, Ogata and Furuhashi need to achieve this result."

The principal crossed his fingers in front of his chin and rested his elbows on the table, giving off a sense of majesty.

He was waiting for Yuan Qingkong's answer.

"Just pass?"

Yuan Qingkong looked at the school principal in confusion, thinking that they had to get an average score.

This was too easy. The passing score for the Xingzhihai Academy exam was half of the average score.

For example, if the average score was 70, a score of 35 would be considered a pass.

The papers that Yuan Qingkong gave them this week were all able to get more than 60 points.

The school principal thought Yuan Qingkong was in trouble, so he asked

"Don't you have confidence, Yuan Jun?"

If they can't even reach the passing line before the Golden Week, then I think it's the right choice to let them get back on track. This is good for them.

The principal stared at Yuan Qingkong who was thinking, and he thought to himself

"I see"

"But this time I set the goal for them to get the average score, not just pass."

"I hope that after this achievement, the principal will not mention changing educators or giving up again.

Yuan Qingkong looked into the principal's eyes. The principal had clearly doubted his own teaching ability.

"I promise you, if you can do it."

Yuan Qingkong stood up and bowed:"Then I won't bother you anymore."

Yuan Qingkong came out of the principal's office and prepared to go to the club activity room.

"It's Minamoto-kun."

Fumino Furuhashi pointed ahead and said to Ogata Rizu

"Did the principal talk to him again?"

Looking at Yuan Qingkong coming out of the principal's office, Ogata Rizu was thoughtful.

They walked to the principal's office and were about to call Yuan Qingkong when they heard the voice of their first generation educator, Kirisu.

"To be honest, I just wanted to give it a try and find him something to do."

"I didn't expect him to do this for them, but I don't think it's realistic to expect Ogata-san and Furuhashi-san to reach average scores in such a short period of time."

""Teacher Kirisu doesn't trust the person you recommended either?"

It was the principal's voice.

"As a first-generation educator, I know how difficult this is. After all, Yuan is just a student."

"If he doesn't achieve the results he set for himself in the Golden Week exam, I will advise him to quit his tutoring job."

Listening to the conversation in the principal's office, Ogata Riki and Furuhashi Fumino lowered their heads.

"It has always been like this, Furuhashi-san"

"If we don't get the results they expected in the test, we will change to another educator."

"If I don't do well in the exam this time, it will be like this."

Hearing the footsteps of someone coming out of the office, Ogata Rizu and Furuhashi Fumino quickened their pace and chased in the direction of Yuan Qingkong.

In the club activity room, there was unexpectedly one more person today. The pigeon spirit Hayasaka Ai actually came to participate in the club activities.

Her reason was that the exam was approaching, and in order to get good grades next time, she came to seek guidance from Furumiya.

But Yuan Qingkong knew her background. If she could get into the top 20 of the grade at any time, she must be planning something for Shinomiya Kaguya.

In the activity room, Hayasaka Ai was pestering Furumiya Glass.

As expected of a social expert, Furumiya was not nervous when facing her, and could even speak a word or two occasionally.

Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizu sat opposite Yuan Qingkong, took out the exercise book from their schoolbags, lowered their heads and looked at it without saying a word.

Yuan Qingkong did not notice their expressions and took out the test paper he received from them this morning from his schoolbag.

The two of them scored just over 60 out of 100 points. The difficulty of Yuan Qingkong's questions was a bit higher than the test.

This was the reason why he dared to promise the principal today that they would get scores above the average.

"The results last time were good, and the problems I pointed out to you before did not occur again."

"The target score for the test in the month before the Golden Week is to be above the average. Are you confident?"

「come on!」

「Senior Ogata, Senior Furuhashi."

Furumi Shoko listened to what Minamoto Aozora said and wrote down the words of encouragement on a piece of paper.

Hayasaka Ai raised her head and glanced:"Why do the seniors look so unmotivated?"

"No... that's not the case."

"Okay, let’s start studying. Where should I start reviewing?……"

Furuhashi Fumino spread her hands, hiding her feelings.

Minamoto Aosora also noticed that the atmosphere was not right. Ogata Rizu hesitated for a while, then looked up at Minamoto Aosora and said,"Manamoto-san, are you free tomorrow, Saturday?"

"Well, it's fine during the day, but I have to work at night."

"Then can you come to my house to help me with my studies? I must get an above-average score in this monthly test. I don't want to be abandoned again."

"Did you all hear that? I understand."


Shinomiya Villa, 10 p.m.

"Hayasaka, what do you think we should do to make Gen willing to join the student council?"

Shinomiya Kaguya lay on the bed, looking at the photos Hayasaka Ai took today and sent to her mobile phone by email.

In the sports warehouse, I stared at each other's back, which was too embarrassing.

"I think it's equal. As long as Miss Kaguya no longer looks down on the other party, I think there will be no problem in communicating normally with Minamoto."

"What should I do? He and I are not in the same class, so we don't have the chance to meet each other."

"Hayasaka, do you have any good ideas?"

Shinomiya Kaguya turned her head and looked at Hayasaka Ai who was standing beside her bed.

Hayasaka Ai thought about it and realized that before letting Yuan Qingkong join the student union, the only chance to spend time with him every day was probably in the club activity room.

So she suggested:"Miss, why don't you consider joining the club he founded?"

"Anyway, the high school archery club competition is on Christmas Day, so the young lady can’t participate."

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