The illustrations in this chapter are from the Internet. Please delete if any infringement occurs.


Thursday's art class was a compulsory course before the first year of high school was divided into arts and science.

After the teacher briefly explained sketching on the stage, the students were given the rest of the time to use as they wished.

Before the end of the class, they had to submit a sketch of their favorite subject matter.

The art class was not like a normal class where students had to sit in their own seats. In a corner of the classroom, Minamoto Aozora, Komi Shoko, and Hayasaka Ai sat opposite each other.

"What is Gu Jian-san going to draw?"

「"I haven't decided yet."

What is the thing I like?

Hayasaka Ai has already started to write.

After a few minutes of discussion, the classroom gradually became quiet, with only the sound of pencil leads rubbing on paper, and everyone was concentrating on completing their own works.

Some people who had finished their drawings in advance began to give advice to their classmates, and some felt ashamed after seeing other people's drawings. They were both drawing people, but others' drawings were vivid, while my drawings looked like apes.

"Have any strange things happened around you these past two days?"

Yuan Qingkong was making the final revisions to his work. When he saw that Hayasaka and Komi had also slowed down, he said

"I seem to be followed these two days."

"For two consecutive days, several faces kept appearing around me, pretending to be passers-by, customers, deliverymen who knocked on the wrong door, etc.……"

"But what they don't know is that I have a photographic memory."

When the two heard what Yuan Qingkong said, they both stopped writing.

Furumi Naoko wrote what she wanted to say on another piece of manuscript paper. Hayasaka

Ai tilted her head and poked her head out from behind the drawing board and said,"That's terrible, are you in trouble?"

She thought she hadn't been exposed yet. Her other identity at school was a maid outfit that Yuan Qingkong had never seen before.

She used the hot girl's business voice as always. What Yuan Qingkong wanted to complain about was that you are the one who followed me.

"There is no trouble.

Yuan Qingkong thought for a while and said,"It's just that I have done a lot of good things in the past two days. On the way to and from school, I met many people who asked me for help and people who had accidents."

"Of course I will help as much as I can, but forget about those who are beyond my ability and are using moral blackmail."

「Be careful"

Komi Shoko wrote on the paper

"Yes, so is Komi-san."

"By the way, what are you drawing? Are you secretly drawing a handsome me?"

Minamoto Aozora stood up and saw that Furumi Naoko drew a black cat, which was almost the same as the doll she usually put in her schoolbag.

Hayasaka Ai drew an exquisite box, and her painting level was beyond Minamoto Aozora's expectation.

Minamoto Aozora knew that Furumi liked black cats, and the meaning of this box should be something very important to Hayasaka.

After reading it, Minamoto Aozora pretended to sigh.

"I am sad. As the first friend of Furumi-san, I am not as good as a cat in Furumi-san's heart."

Furumi Glass hurriedly shook her hands to deny it and wrote on the paper.

Seeing her nervous look, Yuan Qingkong quickly apologized to her and said that he was just joking.

Then Furumi Glass got angry and drew a turtle for Yuan Qingkong. There was a word"idiot" on the turtle, and Furumi-san looked really good when he was angry.

Yuan Qingkong decided to draw a portrait of Furumi-san in the next art class.

Furukawa Hayabusa came behind Yuan Qingkong with his paintings to show off. He was about to show Yuan Qingkong his two-dimensional wife.

Several classmates were praising him just now, and Furukawa Hayabusa was full of confidence.

He saw the witch Irena on Yuan Qingkong's drawing paper, and then he knelt down.

"What's this!"

""Mina, how can she be so cute! Tell me her name!"

As soon as Furukawa Hayabusa said this, he also attracted the attention of others.

Seeing the students who gathered around, Furukawa Hayabusa tactfully stepped aside.

Hayasaka Ai and Furumi Shoko, who thought that Minamoto Aozora was painting a girl, looked over at the first time. After seeing that it was not a realistic style, Furumi Shoko secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Furukawa Hayabusa, an outsider, could only sigh that Irena was so cute, but Hayasaka and Furumi could see that Minamoto Aozora was a great painter.

"Judging from her drawing skills alone, Yuan-san has reached the level of a first-class cartoonist in character illustrations.

Her drawing skills also proved her strength, so there was no need to pretend that she didn't understand.

Then she took a photo with her mobile phone

"Hayasaka-san's painting is also quite good, which is quite unexpected."

After they finished praising each other, Furukawa Hayabusa put his arm around Yuan Qingkong's neck and said,"What conditions will make Yuan Qingkong willing to give this painting to me?"

Yuan Qingkong finally finished the painting and left his signature on it.

"So are you ready to be Miss Irena's dog?"

"Is her name Irena?"

Furukawa Hayabusa squatted in front of the painting, looking at Irena's face devoutly. As for the wife he painted, he had already thrown it aside.

"I do!"

Yuan Qingkong shook his head:"It's a pity that Miss Irena likes cats."

"How can this be, my Miss Irena!"

Furukawa Hayabusa knelt on the ground, pretending to be heartbroken. He is a bit of a drama queen, but overall he has a good personality.

"Haha, I'm kidding. Miss Irena is allergic to cats."

"This is for you. Remember to keep it well. This is the first character manuscript of the talented cartoonist Yuan Qingkong who will debut soon."

"The narcissistic, venomous, yet gentle witch - Irena."

It can be seen that he really likes it.

Furukawa Hayabusa kept the original manuscript carefully in the envy of many male classmates as if he had found a treasure.

They also seemed to want a painting of their favorite wife, but they didn't dare to come up and talk to her.


「Are all 2D characters like this?"

Hayasaka Ai looked at Komi Shoko's doubts and nodded affirmatively.


Then Yuan Qingkong spent five minutes sketching a water cup and submitted it as homework.


At night, Hayasaka Ai is helping Shinomiya Kaguya blow dry her hair

"Miss, do you want to continue? Gen-san has already noticed that someone is following him, and even my identity was almost discovered at school."

Shinomiya Kaguya threw the stack of reports in her hand into the trash can.

"No thanks, Hayasaka"

"I thought there were no good people in this world."

"Therefore, the more Yuan seems like a good person, the more I believe that he must have some ugly intentions in his heart."

"So I wanted to expose his ugly side."

"But after a few days of investigation, no matter how many tricks I used, I couldn't find any ugly things about him."

"You said I was wrong all these years, I was very wrong.

She thought of the family motto of the Shigong family, the various selfish educations that had been instilled in her since she was a child.

"It should be said that the family motto of the Shinomiya family is wrong. The more I understand the character of Yuan, the more I feel that I am ugly."

"Hayasaka, do you think I should make some changes?"

"I want to be cute too."


Hayasaka Ai took out her phone and found the photos she had taken today.

"Miss Kaguya, do you think this picture is cute?"

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