After the farce in the life class, the atmosphere in Class 1 was obviously much calmer, and the influence of the rumor spread by Yamai Ren almost disappeared.

In the circle of the class, Yuan Qingkong and Furumi Glass were still in a high position, but they were no longer untouchable.

"Bye, I'm going back now."

"Hayasaka, do you want to go play with me? There is a new arcade opening recently."

Several girls in the class who like to play games invited Hayasaka Ai who was packing up. They had been rejected many times before.

If they could bring Hayasaka into their circle, a girl like Hayasaka who is naturally blonde and a little mixed would definitely be very popular, and they would also be very proud.

"Sorry, I have to attend club activities today and have to work later."

Hayasaka Ai declined. She didn't have time to play house with these people.

Moreover, these two took money from students in the school and mixed with bad people outside the school.

Hayasaka Ai was afraid that if she played with these people, she would accidentally hurt them.

After Hayasaka Ai left, one of the girls kicked the table.

"Humph, why are you pretending?"

"Forget it, forget it. If she doesn't want to go, just find someone else."

Outside the club activity room, during the break, Gen Aozora sent a message to Ogata and Furuhashi, who had already arrived.

Furuhashi Fumino changed her hairstyle today, tying her long hair into a high single ponytail.

A white headband fixed her bangs to avoid covering her eyes.

Looking at Furumi Shoko walking side by side with Gen Aozora, Ogata Rizu just felt curious, and a little envious, about Furumi Shoko's figure.

Ogata Rizu was very concerned about her figure.

When she walked in front of her, Furumi Fumino took a step back. Furumi's eyes gave her a too strong sense of oppression.

As for Hayasaka Ai who had said she would go to participate in the club activities, of course she canceled it.

Now is the important moment for Miss Kaguya to run for the student union president, and Hayasaka Ai has a lot of things to do.

"Sorry for the long wait, Furuhashi-senpai and Ogata-senpai"

"We just arrived too, Minamoto-kun."

Furuhashi Fumino responded, and then looked at Furumi-san who was standing next to Minamoto Aosora.

"This is my deskmate, Gu Jian, who is also a member of the club. She is a little nervous when facing strangers, so please don't mind.

Because Yuan Qingkong was by her side, Gu Jian Xiaozi didn't feel the nervousness when facing others alone.

She took out a pen and paper and wrote on it:

「first meet」

「I am Komi Shoko from Class 1, Grade 1.」

"Hello. I am Ogata Rizu."

"I’m Furumiya Fumino."

They didn’t think it was strange that Furumiya didn’t speak and wrote on paper.

Because they themselves were geniuses in the eyes of others.

Yuan Qingkong took out the key and opened the door of the club activity room.

Before, he just looked through the window on the door from the outside, but he didn’t expect that there was such a thick layer of dust.

Fortunately, Yuan Qingkong was well prepared. He took out four sets of aprons, sleeves and hats from his backpack, all of which were borrowed from the life classroom.

Then he took a few masks from the health room. Yuan Qingkong wearing an apron made the two seniors and Furumiya Glass’ eyes light up.

Because the club activity room was converted from the chemistry preparation room, there were left on the wall. A row of empty shelves.

On the other wall are two glass cabinets, and the chemicals inside have long been moved.

Conveniently, there is a washbasin in the activity room, and there is water running, which is also convenient for cleaning.

The four people quickly completed the cleaning of the club activity room.

Yuan Qingkong pushed a large table to the middle of the club activity room, put stools on both sides, and the activity room was basically ready.

Although it looks empty for the time being, as long as the student union's funding is approved, it should be possible to add many things that are needed to the club.

Furumi Naoko sat next to Yuan Qingkong, and sat face to face with Ogata Rizu and Furumi Fumino.

"By the way, has Furumi contacted your family and told them that you are going to participate in club activities?" Furumi Nozomi took out her cell phone and nodded, then took out today's homework.

This was her first time studying with others, and Furumi liked this feeling more than being alone in the room.

Yuan Qingkong took out the exercise book that the senior sister lent her yesterday, and opened it in the morning to take a look. Senior sisters Furumi and Ogata filled all the exercise books with notes, but the contents were a mess.

For example, when senior sister Ogata was doing modern Chinese reading comprehension, she was easily influenced by the author or the characters in the article.

Ogata Rizu even wanted to use mathematics to calculate the answer to the modern Chinese.

But in fact, the trick is to guess the intention of the questioner. Sometimes the author doesn't even know that he thought so much when he wrote the article.

"So, Ogata-senpai, it is not about empathizing with the author or knowing what he is thinking, but about finding the answer the author wants in the article."

As for Fumino Furuhashi, the word that appears most in her math notes is"don't understand", and she even has a fear of numbers.

"So, Senior Guqiao, don’t focus on the numbers, but learn to apply the formula to convert the numbers into……"

Unexpectedly, Fumino Furuhashi fell asleep on Ogata Rizu's shoulder after listening for only three minutes.

"Senior Furuhashi, wake up! It's time for dinner!"

As if receiving a signal, Furuhashi Fumino sat up straight with her eyes still closed.

"Is the meal ready? Let's eat today.……"

She opened her eyes and saw that everyone was staring at her.

Fumino Furuhashi covered her face and squatted under the table.

"Sorry, let me die!"

Yuan Qingkong handed them the study notes he had compiled after spending a class.

The notes were special annotations for the parts they didn't understand, mainly to change their way of thinking.

Yuan Qingkong took the time to do his homework and occasionally answered the questions of the two seniors.

Although Yuan Qingkong had the power to not listen to the lectures in class, he still needed to do his homework.

This was so that the teacher could understand his learning situation and whether he really knew this.���The homework was done in half an hour. Yuan Qing had nothing to do so he wrote two test papers by hand, ten questions each for the liberal arts and science subjects, and handed them to seniors Ogata and Furuhashi.

"That's all for today's club activities. I'm going to go work next."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

「See you tomorrow, Senior."

Earned the title"Teacher".

Teacher: Increases the ability to teach, learn, and solve problems.

This is the first title Yuan Qingkong got.

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