Time flies.

There is only one day left before the competition officially starts.

In the headquarters of the program group, the chief director Jiang Hua and two respected old professors are sitting in the conference room to make the final preparations.

These two professors are consultants specially invited by the program group.

One of them is a senior professor of the Chinese Department of Magic City University.

The other is the president of the Longguo Film and Television Association.

They are all old gentlemen at the top level in their respective fields.

"Professor Zhang, Professor Wang, is this the topic?"Director Jiang Hua confirmed with the two professors.

Professor Zhang nodded and said:

"Yes, that's it. The difficulty of the next competition will become higher and higher. This proposition is both challenging and realistic."

Professor Wang:

"Indeed, this topic is good."

"It just so happens that the fraud problem in northern Myanmar has attracted much attention recently, so this topic will undoubtedly be very popular."

Jiang Hua looked at the topic in his hand:

"Well, since both old gentlemen think so, let’s set the proposition."

He smiled and said:

"This time, Su Chen, that kid, shouldn't be able to write a script as shocking as"Gambling Life"?"

Professor Zhang laughed after hearing this:

"Hahaha, this question is quite difficult, and the subject matter is very specific. I predict that the scripts of most contestants may be highly homogeneous."

He paused and continued:

"If Su Chen can write a unique topic under this topic, then I will……"

Professor Wang asked curiously:

"So what do you do?"

Professor Zhang stroked his gray beard and said meaningfully:

"Then I will quit the show! In short, I think that under this proposition, no matter how talented Su Chen is, it will be difficult for him to write something new."

Jiang Hua nodded after hearing this.

"Professor Zhang is right. It coincides with my idea."

After saying that, the three of them turned their eyes to the paper. There were two big words written on it:——【fraud】!


The competition date is getting closer.

Su Chen has been idle at home these days. His life rhythm is simple and regular, eating, sleeping, and occasionally doing some relaxing activities.

Due to the huge success of"Sleepless Night" and"Pinoconi PV", Su Chen's popularity on the Internet has soared.

Netizens hope that he can open a personal Weibo to facilitate close communication with fans.

However, Su Chen has not thought about this.

The main reason is that he dislikes trouble.

As a screenwriter, the main focus should still be on creation.

It is better to have as little contact with the Internet as possible.

Famous screenwriters generally have few social accounts, such as Jiang Wen, Liu Heping, etc., they don’t have any.

It’s not that Su Chen is so arrogant that he wants to compare with famous screenwriters.

It’s just too troublesome.

So it’s better to be a lurking audience.


During this period, Su Chen also encountered a troublesome matter.

Although he had granted the adaptation rights of the gold-dust script to Mihuyou, many companies still took the initiative to contact him.

The purpose of these companies was not for the script, but for Su Chen himself.

Among them, entertainment agencies accounted for the majority.

They all said that Su Chen was handsome, outstanding in temperament, and had great star potential.

As long as he was willing, these companies were willing to use all resources to pave a bright road to stardom for him.

However, in the face of these tempting promises, Su Chen declined one by one.

He did have the idea of making his debut, but after careful consideration, he chose to give up.

In his opinion, although the life of a star is glamorous, his status in the entertainment industry is not high.

Unlike the earth, on Blue Star, the status of screenwriters is much higher than that of actors, and even surpasses directors in some aspects. In addition, he is not short of money now.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Su Chen resolutely chose to continue his career as a screenwriter.

Among all the companies, Jiaxing Media, led by Yang Mi, was the most"persistent".

Every now and then, Su Chen would receive a call from Yang Mi.

In order to win over Su Chen, Yang Mi did everything she could.

Fortunately, Su Chen was determined and rejected Yang Mi directly.

In order to avoid being bombarded with phone calls, Su Chen simply set his phone to flight mode.

That's it.

Time came to the last day before the competition.

Early in the morning.

Mihoyo announced that it would make a new game.——《"Honkai Impact 3: Star Dome Railway".

As soon as the news was released, the number of views exceeded 30 million within just one hour.

Both comments and reposts exceeded the one million mark.

It directly rushed to the top of Douyin's hot search.

The number of pre-orders for the game has exceeded 10 million!!

Such a terrifying number of pre-orders for a new game is a miracle in the two-dimensional game.

Seeing the data of 10 million.

The three giants of Mihoyo were dumbfounded, as if they had seen something incredible, and their eyes widened.

You know, the initial number of pre-orders for a game they are operating was only 100,000!!

And now? It has reached a terrifying 10 million!!

Such a terrifying number of pre-orders, even for Tencent's new game, is almost impossible to achieve without falsifying data.

Of course, the three giants of Mihoyo know very well in their hearts.

The reason for such high popularity.

This is all thanks to Su Chen and Shajin!

At the same time, netizens' related discussions suddenly boiled over.

【"WTF?! The number of pre-orders for Mihoyo's new game has exceeded 10 million?"】

【"Is this true? Isn't Mihoyo a small company? How did they do it?"】

【"I can only say that Su Chen's script is too awesome, and Sha Jin's personality is too charismatic."】

【"Is it really going to fly up to the tree and become a phoenix? Tencent must be so angry!"】

【"Isn't it just 10 million? Is it a lot? Any new game from Tencent has hundreds of millions of reservations."】

【"No way? No way? No way, no one really believes the booking data of Tencent's new game? It looks like hundreds of millions, but it's good enough if it's actually a few million!"】


Jiaxing Media Headquarters.

Yang Mi was so envious.

She didn't know much about the gaming industry, so she specifically consulted the big guys in the gaming industry.

She focused on the value of the 10 million pre-order for the new game.

She got an amazing result.

If the 10 million is not fake, then the annual revenue of this game is probably more than 10 billion!

Hearing the exaggerated and terrifying number of 10 billion,

Yang Mi's brain was like being struck by lightning, and her scalp was numb.

You know, Jiaxing Media has signed a bet agreement with other capitals. A small goal of 500 million must be achieved within three years!

If Su Chen's script can be successfully obtained before then, let alone five small goals, dozens or hundreds of small goals can be earned directly!!

"Damn Su Chen, why did you sell the script to me? My bid was obviously higher than Mihuyou!! If you want shares, Jiaxing Media can give them to you! Not to mention 10%, even 30% is fine!!"

Thinking of this, Yang Mi felt uncomfortable.

She called the screenwriter director Sister Wang:"Sister Wang, prepare 20 million funds, and in the next round of competition, we will bid directly! We must take one of Su Chen's five seats!"

"Okay, boss.

Sister Wang did not dare to neglect it and quickly notified the finance department to prepare funds.


The same situation is also happening in iQiyi. iQiyi once contacted Mihoyo.

It tried to get in touch with Su Chen through Mihoyo.

Then it tried to get Su Chen's script.

But it was ruthlessly rejected by Mihoyo.

It didn't matter if it was rejected, after all, it was just a script written by a junior student.

Later, it was learned that Tencent wanted to spend 50 million to buy the adaptation rights of the script. iQiyi executives once laughed at Tencent for being stupid and rich.

But now, they are completely dumbfounded.

"What? Ten million reservations? Does anyone know what this means?"

"Even though the game hasn't been released yet, 10 million players have already made reservations."

"Who doesn't know this? I'm asking, with 10 million bookings, how much money can you expect to make per year?"

"Boss, I can't say for sure."

"What the hell, what do I need you for? Don't you need to investigate?"

"Conservative estimates put it at tens of billions, and at least five billion."

"What?! Five billion? Are you saying that Mihoyo spent three million to buy five billion in revenue?!"

"Yes, yes, boss."

"Immediately prepare 30 million funds and be ready to bid for Su Chen’s new script at any time!"

"OK, OK, boss."


Similar situations also happened in Tencent, Douyin and other companies.

Without exception, everyone was dumbfounded.

They found a problem. They originally thought that they had overestimated Su Chen.

But unexpectedly, they still misjudged him.

Su Chen's potential far exceeded their expectations.

No wonder 50 million couldn't"make friends" with Su Chen.

Su Chen really has the ability.

After thinking about this clearly.

They all planned that in Su Chen's future competitions, as long as the script was good, they would immediately participate in the bidding.


In a five-star hotel.


Chen Sicheng punched the coffee table.

The explosive news was like a slap in his face.

At first, he said in front of everyone that Su Chen's script had no commercial value.

But now, it not only has commercial value, but is also being snatched up by major companies.

·· ·······Request flowers···· ·

"Humph! If one script can be popular, how can the second step be popular?"

·· ·······Request flowers···· ·

"I just don't believe that you can write a script like Gold Dust!"

"Don't be happy too early, there will always be bad luck for you"


Not long after, the Youth Screenwriter Competition program team posted a message on Weibo.

Interestingly, the official posted a photo of a beautiful customer service representative answering the phone.

And the text read:

The 32 to 16 finals match will start at 6 o'clock tomorrow night! Invite audiences across the country to witness the birth of the top 16.

This message was like a stone thrown into a lake, stirring up ripples on the Internet.

It attracted the attention of countless netizens, who left messages on Weibo.

【"Time goes by so slowly, why hasn’t it been game day yet?"】

【"I finally understand what it means to live day by day like a year"】

【"Why is there a photo of a customer service representative answering the phone? What does this mean?"】

【"A sense of sales, could it be that the theme of the competition is"Sales」?"】

【"You have a rich imagination."】

【"Other topics may include"telephone","smile","speech skills","beauty","patience", etc."】

【"I can't wait!!"】

【"The production team knows how to build up expectations, so why not just announce the topic directly?"】


The day of the competition finally arrived at

5:30 pm.

Su Chen packed up his equipment and arrived at the competition site in advance.

The audience seats were already full.

....... 0 0

....... 0 0

When Su Chen walked into the scene, a large group of female fans immediately cheered, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Unable to refuse the kindness, Su Chen took photos with several enthusiastic female fans.

Afterwards, he found an excuse to get away and came to the contestant waiting room.

As soon as he entered the room, several contestants immediately surrounded him and flattered Su Chen, which made him feel embarrassed again.

The top five contestants on the side were even more uncomfortable.

Their works pale in comparison to Su Chen's.

Su Chen's work was bid up to 50 million, and he has not even agreed to sell it.

In comparison, no one wants their works even if they are given away for free.


At 6:00 p.m., the live broadcast room of the Young Screenwriters Competition was launched as scheduled.

At this moment, countless viewers were eagerly waiting.

Almost at the same time, millions of viewers flocked to the live broadcast room.

【"Here I come, here I come, I’m the first one!"】

【"The game finally started. I've been waiting so long."】

【"Su Chen... I saw Su Chen!! I could spot him in the crowd at a glance!"】

【"Come on, Su Chen! Write another amazing script!"】

【"It's almost impossible, the gold dust is so well shaped! It's the ceiling of all previous competitions!"】

【"Yes, I have watched many competitions, and none of them can compare to the gold dust."】

【"I hope that in this round of competition, Su Chen can perform stably. Even if he doesn't surpass Sha Jin, at least he won't be too far behind."】


After a moment, the lights on the stage suddenly lit up, shining like stars.

The host Xiao Sa and the judges walked into the studio together.

Their appearance immediately triggered applause from the audience, which echoed in the studio like thunder.

Xiao Sa smiled, and his voice spread to every corner through the microphone:

"Good evening, everyone in the audience, everyone in the live studio."

"Welcome to the Young Screenwriters Competition》"

"With the end of the last round of competition, the top 32 players in the country have been born"

"Today, we will usher in a more intense competition - the match between the top 32 and the top 16"

"The competition will be more difficult and the test for the players will be greater."

"First of all, let's welcome the four judges with applause."

"They are:"

"Teacher Jiang Wen, Teacher Zhang Songwen, Teacher Liu Heping and Teacher Chen Sicheng!"

The four judges and mentors smiled and waved to the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

After Xiao Sa's three or four minutes of enthusiastic opening remarks, he finally got to the point.

"I believe the audience can't wait any longer, so let's invite Teacher Jiang Wen to announce the topic for the top 16 qualifying round!"

Amidst thunderous applause, Teacher Jiang Wen stepped out calmly, and the audience's attention was focused on him.

The program team carefully arranged a female staff member in cheongsam, holding a tray in both hands, and walked to Jiang Wen with elegant steps. At this moment, the atmosphere of tension and expectation reached its peak.

Teacher Jiang Wen slowly untied the cards on the tray, and his eyes swept over the words on the paper.

Then he looked up at the audience, and his voice was loud and clear, and he directly announced the answer:

"The topic of this round is——【fraud】!!"Mountain.

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