"Hey, who did you say you were?"

The cat has a very sharp hearing and can hear clearly any voice within a hundred meters.

"When asking someone a question, should you introduce yourself first?"

"Hehe~ Low-level humans don’t have this privilege.

You don’t deserve to know my name."

The cat remained alert. This man was Kamiya Shuran, the man that Shuchiin Hanako asked her to come and find.

When did he come

? Did he find out at the beginning? Did he wait until I killed someone before coming out?

No, if that were the case, the two men in front of the hotel wouldn’t have died.

He should have just noticed and come out.

Also, he just walked out of the mirror.

Does he have space-related skills?

The cat narrowed his eyes and was very serious.

Kamiya Shuran observed the cat's body.

The majestic vitality and extraordinary temperament in the body should be a high-level monster.

His own high-level products There's a place to go~

Kamiya Shuran had just gone out to throw away the garbage, and felt a noise coming from nearby.

He hurried over and saw the woman transformed by the Nekomata killing people.

If he hadn't seen the Nekomata's slender cat claws,

Kamiya Shuran would have suspected that this was a humanoid demon.

After all, the Nekomata has restrained the demonic power in its body, and it needs to be felt with the heart to be detected.

Kamiya Shuran looked at the vicinity. Although the crowd had left, it was surrounded by residential areas, and it was not convenient to use Susanoo, so he could only open a small skeleton.

Of course, it is better to control it directly with illusion.

He took out a pack of shurikens

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Dozens of shurikens flew out at once, all attacking the cat-mata.

The cat-mata waved her arms, and her sharp claws bounced all the shuriken away.

Kamiya Shuran pulled the thin rope in her hand, and the flying shuriken flew back.

Some of them pierced the cat-mata's butt, which was her blind spot.

The cat-mata immediately pulled the shuriken off and was extremely angry.

There was actually a back-up on the dart! It even pierced someone's butt!

Do you know that beautiful women cherish their bodies very much!

Even the nails cannot be scratched!

The cat-mata gritted her teeth and made a"gurgling" roar.

Just listening to this sound, ordinary people would feel very scared.

""Instant afterimage!"

Nekomata rushed out from the tree in an instant, leaving an afterimage in her place. She appeared on all sides of Kamiya Shuran, leaving several afterimages around her.

Moreover, the afterimages seemed to be solid, and they stayed in the same place without disappearing.

Nekomata moved quickly, enough to make people dizzy.

She raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Kamiya Shuran's idiotic eyes. He must have been dumbfounded by her own skills!

Stupid human, it's just a mid-level skill that can't deal with it. What if my sister uses advanced skills?

Wouldn't you surrender directly!

Nekomata wanted to declare victory directly.

She instantly moved to the afterimage behind Kamiya Shuran.


The cat pawed at her again, and she cracked her lips and began to laugh wildly!


Kamiya Shuran disappeared from where he was, easily dodging Nekomata's attack.

He appeared behind Nekomata and slapped Nekomata's plump and round butt with his left hand.


The cat was slapped and flew more than 30 meters away, hitting the rolling door across the street.

"This feels much better than Hanako-san's~"

Kamiya Shuran shook his hands.

When Nekomata used the skill [Instant Afterimage], Kamiya Shuran opened the Mangekyo.

In the eyes of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Nekomata's movement curve was extremely clear.

The afterimages she left behind could not deceive this pair of eyes.

There was no vitality in the afterimages, but just a trick.

The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, there is nothing that is not clear!

Nekomata stood up with difficulty and walked out of the small puddle she created.

She gritted her teeth, her face was extremely red, angry, the scarlet color caused by extreme anger!

Damn human, how dare you treat me like this!

Nekomata clenched her fists, veins popped up all over her body, her clothes were stretched open, and her body was no longer a beautiful big sister.

The light purple hair swelled out, the big ears on her head, the erect pupils, and the three whiskers on her cheeks.

Her furry The furry soles of her feet stood on the ground, and she walked without making any sound.

Now, the cat's mind had only one thought, that is, to torture Kamiya Shuran.

Don't say that the overall situation is important, or that it is better to leave first.

There is no such thing as forbearance for monsters, and revenge must be taken now!

Walking silently, the cat rushed up in an instant.

She came to Kamiya Shuran's head and pretended to attack, but her two tails hooked on the railing above, and she jumped behind Kamiya Shuran.

Kamiya Shuran turned around, and the cat changed the attack again.

She kept jumping, and the speed was much faster than before.

Kamiya Shuran's eyes could keep up with the cat's speed, but his body couldn't. After accelerating, the cat's speed was 10 times faster than before!

The cat's whole body was full of blood. This state was extremely energy-consuming and was used to deliver a fatal blow at a critical moment!

After more than ten seconds, the cat went around Kamiya Shuran's back and launched a fatal blow at him!



Nekomata's hands hit Susanoo, making a crisp sound.

A violent beating was felt in Nekomata's hands.

All ten of her fingers were broken, her sharp claws turned outward, and blood was dripping.

"How......How can it be......"

Nekomata looked at his hands in disbelief. His claws were broken! All ten fingers were turned outward. His weapons that he was proud of, the claws that could tear diamonds, were broken!

Nekomata calmed down from the passion just now. Now there was only one thought in her mind:

Kamiya Shuran was more powerful than she could imagine!

Before she attacked, she had clearly confirmed that he did not have the red skeleton, but the moment she attacked him, the red skeleton appeared!

Do you understand the advantage of instant Susanoo?

In other words, his reaction ability is even better than mine!

Nekomata took a step forward and ran forward, running desperately.

If he stayed here, he would definitely end up like that little red flower!

No trace, no life or death!

It might even be worse than life or death!

Kamiya Shuran followed Nekomata closely, very fast. He was not so fast yesterday.

Today, he exchanged an intermediate product in the system mall - Kakashi's physical technique.

So his reaction ability and movement speed became super fast, exceeding the normal form of Nekomata.

Nekomata jumped out several hundred meters and saw Yukinoshita Yukino who had just run away.

She looked at Kamiya Shuran who was following closely behind her.

He was too fast. If she didn't burst into full state, she wouldn't be able to escape at all!

But she had just burst into full state and now she didn't have the physical strength.

In order to survive, Nekomata had to take a gamble!

She turned around and grabbed Yukino in her hand.

"Don't come over here, or I'll kill her!"

The cat looked at Kamiya Shuran, bared its fangs, and pressed against Yukino's goose neck.

"What do you want to do? Do you think you can survive like this?"

"Take at least one away!"

Yukino's teeth chattered, how come she was caught even after running so far!

Nekomata's teeth pressed against Yukino's goose neck. She was thinking about how to survive, and suddenly thought of one - possession!

The cat demon could possess bodies, so why not just take away the girl's body and pretend that she is alive?

Nekomata grabbed her own neck, pretending to commit suicide, and broke it in one go. When she was almost dead, her soul entered Yukino's body.

As long as she succeeds in possession, she can survive!

Please give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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