"Today is a very important day. Not only did I talk to Kamiya, but I also found a mirror at my doorstep!

I know that this must be God's will for me to change!"

Goto Ichiri clenched her fists and gently pounded her soft chest twice.

"I, Goto Ichiri, will make changes starting today!"

Ichiri shouted loudly, this is her determination to make changes!

"Who is it that's so noisy!"

"Hey, who is it? I don't know either~ Shhhh~"

Yili whistled, pretending to know nothing, and looked around with passers-by for the person who was shouting loudly.

After waiting for a minute and making sure that no one noticed, Yili walked back home with the guitar on her back.

Yili took her jade feet out of her black leather shoes.

She was wearing white short socks, and her jade feet were very beautiful.

She took her little feet out of the shoes, and there was a little heat coming out of them.

She had spoken more than a dozen words to Kamiya today, which was a great progress.

Therefore, Yili was very nervous at the time, and her whole body was full of She was sweating profusely, and her little white socks were soaked!

When she took off her little white socks, the cute ice cream inside was revealed: her little feet were as white as jade, rosy in the white, small and exquisite, white and tender, and the skin on the soles of her feet was shiny and delicate. Through the delicate and translucent white skin on the back of her feet, you could faintly see the tiny blood vessels deep under the skin.

Her feet were slender and soft as if they had no bones. Her ankles were slender but plump, with beautiful curves, a slightly high arch, and you could even see the skin texture on the heels. Her toes were symmetrical and neat, like ten thin green onions, and the shiny red nails were like pearls embedded in the white toes.

"I'm back."

Yili put down his guitar and walked to the living room in his slippers.

"Ah~ my sister is back~"

The younger sister Goto Jiri came running over, grabbed her sister's hand and wanted to play together

"Wow, my body is so smooth, why did you sweat so much?"

"Well, my sister ran back, so she was sweating."

"Then sister, go take a bath quickly and come back to play with Erli later!"

"Well, I'll go take a shower first."

Yili took her sweaty socks and ran into the bathroom.

She quickly took off her sportswear, and the small mirror she picked up fell out of her sportswear and fell on the ground.

Yili picked up the small mirror and took a quick look.

Her bangs were messy, her hair was sticking to her cheeks, and her face was slightly flushed.

"I look pretty good~ Hehehe~"

Ichiri put the small mirror on the table outside the door and stepped into the bathtub to soak.

Outside the door, the mirror opened automatically, and a pair of eyes appeared in it, examining the surroundings and absorbing all the information that could be glimpsed.

She is a newly appeared strange creature, who knows nothing about the world and is trying her best to absorb information and prepare for life after taking over another body.

After a while, Goto Ichiri came out of the bathtub, wiped the water droplets on her body, and then slowly dried her hair.

By the way, she twirled her long hair a few times and made it into a cute bun!

The brand new Goto Ichiri is on the stage!

Ichiri came out of the bathroom, and her sister had been waiting here for a long time.

""Wow! Sister is so beautiful!" Goto Jiri praised sincerely.

The sloppy sister who didn't take care of herself was gone, replaced by a sparkling sister!

This snow-white skin, white and glowing face, and a slight blush on the cheeks!

How can the sister be so beautiful!

The younger sister stroked her chin and thought about what she saw in the fairy tale.

Cinderella became a princess, so she must have met the prince!

""Sister, have you found a boyfriend?"

Goto Jiri shouted, and ran to the kitchen to tell her mother:

"Mom, my sister found a boyfriend and she has become so beautiful!"

"Ah~ Really? Did your sister really find a boyfriend?

Mrs. Goto didn't pay much attention to her daughter's words.

After all, Ichiri hadn't brought friends home for a long time. How could she suddenly find a boyfriend?


Goto Ichiri ran to the kitchen, grabbed his sister, and loudly argued:

"Mom, stop telling my sister nonsense. I haven’t found a boyfriend yet!"

"OK, Mom got it, bring the dishes out, it's time to eat"


Yili nodded and walked out with the dishes.

The family sat at the dining table. Yili felt a little restrained and couldn't let go while eating.

"Yili, why did you change your hairstyle today?"

"Well, I want to try a new hairstyle. I usually wear my hair down, which doesn't look good."

"Well, mom supports you.~"

"My sister must have met the prince, otherwise she is Cinderella!"Goto Jiri said while holding a spoon

""Nonsense! I, I, I, oh, I, I didn't meet the prince!"

Goto Ichiri said nervously, expressing his inner thoughts directly.

"Hehe~ It's good to have some changes. Ichiri usually wears her hair down, but now she has changed it to a bun, which is also very good.

My daughter is very beautiful, and we need to bring out her advantages."

Mrs. Goto said with a smile, she is happy to see her daughter's changes

"Okay, let's continue eating and stop talking about that."


Goto Ichiri smiled and nodded. It seems that he really looks good.

He still needs to make more changes!

For example, every woman knows how to put on makeup!

Let's start with my mother's dressing mirror!

The next morning, her mother went to work early. She took her sister to kindergarten.

Now Goto Ichiri was the only one at home.

She went to her mother's bedroom and opened the dressing mirror.

She looked at the chalk, eyebrow pencil, beauty egg, and a bunch of things she couldn't name.

"How do I put this thing on?"

Yili was at a loss and could only stand there in a daze. He suddenly felt that putting on makeup was a very troublesome thing!

Why did he usually see his mother putting on makeup so skillfully and simply?

Yili began to back out again.

"No, I must make a change!"

Yili took the foundation and began to apply it on her face!

After a lot of messing around, she stuffed all the cosmetics into her schoolbag, ran out of the house with her schoolbag on her back, and rushed to school.

Walking on the road, Yili felt that she was being looked at by many people.

It seemed that the passers-by around her were looking at her. Why?

Usually, she was like a little ant. Passers-by never looked at her more than once, and even if they passed by them, they would not say a word.

But today, so many people were looking at her!

Some people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures of her!

No need to think, it must be that her changes were recognized by everyone!

Yili felt extremely satisfied in her heart. If she hadn't been on the street, she would probably have rolled on the ground with joy!

Goto Yili quickened her pace and wanted to go to school.

Taking advantage of her current"beautiful appearance", she would have surprised the whole class!

After that, her interpersonal relationships will definitely be improved by several levels, and she will be 100% free from the title of"little loneliness"! Asking for flowers

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