Dad Academy

Chapter 99 I am a strong little sloth

Late at night.

The driver drove Zhang Tan back to the academy. At this moment, his legs went numb and his phone vibrated, calling him WeChat.

"Teacher Zhang, are you home yet? Thank you very much for today. If it weren't for you, I would have been completely drunk. Tomorrow is the weekend, can I treat you to a cup of tea?"

The person who sent the message was Yuan Mei, the public relations director of Yuanda Entertainment who was at dinner.

She was the only woman present today, and she was the one who apologized. She had to drink, and she drank a lot.

I'm no longer Neptune.

Zhang Tan replied to WeChat, declined, put the phone back in his trouser pocket, and walked home.

He also drank some tonight. Yang Huan from Yuanda Entertainment, Yuan Mei, and the two trembling red-eyed dogs toasted him a lot.

It was already 11:30, and the Little Red Horse Academy was very quiet, with most of the children gone.

What surprised Zhang Tan was that Xiaobai was also picked up today.

She must be angry with him.

Today is Friday. Zhang Tan had promised to play the latest episode of "Xiao Xi Gu" to Xiao Bai that night, but he couldn't do it because of the banquet.

"It was played to all the children in the hall, and everyone liked watching it." Asked Teacher Xiaoliu, Teacher Xiaoliu said with a smile.

That's good, Xiaobai is not a vindictive little friend, and you won't blame him after you sleep.

"Boss Zhang, bye~"

A little friend passed by and said hello to him.

Zhang Tan didn't pay attention and responded subconsciously: "Bye."

Saying goodbye to Teacher Xiaoliu, he went upstairs to go home. After climbing two steps, he suddenly froze. Looking back, he saw the little friend who had just greeted him lying on a woman's shoulder and leaving.

It's Cheng Cheng!

No, wasn't Cheng Cheng picked up by her father? She has no mother.

Just as I was about to chase after him, wait, let’s ask Teacher Xiaoliu first, maybe grandma.

"Teacher Xiaoliu, was that Cheng Cheng just now? Who was the one who picked her up?"

Teacher Xiao Liu glanced outside and said, "It's Cheng Cheng, and it's her mother who picked her up."

"Ah?" Zhang Tan said in shock. He always thought that Meng Chengcheng had no mother!

However, I soon felt relieved, who would be without a mother! Cheng Cheng's father and mother divorced. In the past, her father was the one who came to pick her up the most. This time, it was her mother who finally came. Not surprising.

Zhang Tan thought he had figured it out, so he didn't ask any more questions and went back home to wash up.

I was lying on the bed, getting ready to go to bed. I thought that the fourth episode of "Little Actor" was broadcast today. I was worried and took out my phone to check it.

"The illegal use of child labor has been clearly explained, so feel free to continue watching the show."

"The famous scene is here, the flower burial!"

"This song "The Burial of Flowers" is so nice."

"Oh my god, the service is so good, and the interludes are so good. It's so embarrassing to other major dramas."

"As soon as "Flower Burial Song" played, I cried."

"Daiyu's performance is great, and the song is tear-jerking."

"A drama of conscience."

Seeing that many people gave positive reviews to "Little Opera Bones" and also spoke highly of the episode "The Song of Burial Flowers", Zhang sighed with relief and could feel free to write comments.

The fourth episode is about Lin Daiyu burying flowers. Zhang Tan had previously written two songs, one was "Wang Ning Mei", which was used as the theme song, and the other was "Yang of Burying Flowers", which was used as an interlude.

Meanwhile, in the hotel.

Su Lan was wearing silk pajamas, lying lazily on the bed, revealing her seductive curves, her white neck was as elegant as a white swan, and her two long legs were overlapped together. These legs can be played with for a lifetime.

There was a box of tissues on the bedside table, and many used tissues were scattered beside it.

Su Lan's big eyes were full of water and she was crying.

She wiped her tears with a tissue and stared at her phone. A song came from her phone:

Flowers are easy to see but hard to find when they are gone

In front of the steps, the sad person buries flowers

Leaning alone on the flower hoe secretly shedding tears

Sprinkle empty branches and see traces of blood

It is "The Burial of Flowers".

She is an emotional person. When she saw the flower burial scene and listened to the sad "Flower Burial Song", she couldn't help it. She burst into tears. She shed tears while watching the show and couldn't stop running.

"This Zhang Tan, when did he learn to write songs? His songs are so sad. Why have I never heard of them before..."

She murmured, thinking that Zhang Tan, whom she thought was familiar, kept giving her something new.

"No, I can't cry anymore. I have to be strong. I am a strong little sloth. I have to go to sleep. I have to film tomorrow."

Su Lan finally wiped away her tears, vowed not to cry anymore, turned off the light, put down her phone, pushed it away so that she could not reach it, and lay down to sleep.

However, I can't stop in my mind, all kinds of pictures are floating up and down, like a movie, over and over again, clicking, clicking, hitting my heart.

Tears flowed down again.

"Zhang Tan! It's all your fault!"

She turned on the light angrily and had to take out the tissue again to wipe her tears.

Who would have thought that Su Lan, who looked like a royal sister, would be a crybaby when she returned home.

The next day was Saturday. Because he had been drinking last night and came back late, Zhang Tan decided to give himself a day off and not go to the set today.

director? The director has no control.

Coordinating? I want to fart.

Zhang Tan stayed at home, preparing for the next movie video.

After the release of the last video explaining "Tomorrow You", it attracted a lot of attention. This movie is now very popular, especially among young men and women.

Xilili video barrage website, nicknamed Xiaoyu website, gave Zhang Tan a recommendation and recommended the video "Tomorrow's You" to the film and television section of the homepage. This caused Zhang Tan's account to receive huge traffic. Follow the public account The number of people increased from 150,000 to 180,000.

The website short message mailbox was filled with various website short messages again. Zhang Tan clicked through them and looked at them one by one. Most of them were text messages sent by fans, a few were system short messages, and a few were for business cooperation. However, when When Zhang Tan chatted with the other party, he found that these guys were either liars, or they wanted him to use his love to generate electricity and help them advertise for free.

If the other party frankly says that he has no money and wants Zhang Tan to help, Zhang Tan may consider it. But these people will talk about business cooperation and say that their products can help the official account attract traffic. It is a win-win situation. Listen to the tone. It seemed that Zhang Tan was already giving him face by not letting him pay the money.

Zhang Tan would block all these people.

After such a filter, there was no business cooperation. It seemed that the cooperation with Li Rui ran out of good luck.


I saw a short message sent by the official website, the title was "A letter to the owner of the up-Xiaoyu Creative Incentive Plan is about to launch."

"Many years ago, we had an idea - if Xiaoyu can allow the up owners of original content to earn income by producing high-quality videos, allowing them to invest more time and energy in creation, then Xiaoyu will definitely have more good content produce.

This year, we were finally able to realize such an idea and launch the ‘Xiaoyu Creation Incentive Plan’. The content of the plan is very simple - it is to allow up owners who join the plan and continue to contribute to earn income through video production (creation incentives).

After joining the plan, when a single original and self-made article you submit reaches 1,000 views, you can start to receive incentive income, which will be settled through the Beike system in the next month. The specific incentive income algorithm is calculated based on the content value of the manuscript itself, including multi-dimensional indexes such as content popularity, user preference and content verticality.

As long as you have 1,000 fans or 100,000 cumulative views (based on Creation Center data), you can join our incentive program..."

To put it simply, it’s just four words: traffic monetization.

Zhang Tan feels that this is a good way to encourage UP owners to create more original videos, but at the same time, it also has great hidden dangers. Once the scale is not grasped well, it can easily lead to a significant decline in the quality of website content and the proliferation of marketing accounts. In order to attract attention and make headlines, all this will greatly harm the originality of Xiaoyu's website.

But this was not what Zhang Tan had considered. After reading the short video, he applied to join the incentive plan, not knowing how much profit it would bring him in a month.

The cicadas outside the window were screaming vigorously, and the sunlight that came in became shorter and shorter, and finally disappeared completely.

It was already noon. Zhang Tan got up, stretched, and prepared to make lunch. He opened the refrigerator to look for ingredients, but found that there was nothing in the refrigerator except Little Bear drinks.

He opened a can of Little Bear, drank it in one gulp, burped, and felt even hungrier. He changed his clothes and wore a gray T-shirt, a pair of black trousers, and white sneakers.

The community organized a K-singing competition for Guawazi. I went to watch the competition and was so cute that I was so cute, so don’t blame me for updating it late.

Want to know what Xiaobai does during the day? Tomorrow and the next few days will be Xiaobai's plot, which I will reveal to you. Thank you Go Away, Dynasty Warriors for the 1,000-coin reward, thank Samui Feng, Lao Wang next door to the mountainside thatched house, and Relaxing Moment for the 500-coin reward, thank Bookworm Xian for the 300-coin reward, and thank Xiaomo 3269 , Blade Crazy Blade, Heise BOY’s 200 coin reward, thank you OLDBUDDY, Crazy Before Farewell, £ Demonic Demon №, I Forgot to Meet You in the Late Night, I Don’t Want to Silence You, INCHINA, Book Friends 20191015190956870, Bingbingtang Q, Zhan Boyue, A 100-coin reward for the scavengers at Nantianmen. There will be a single chapter later, let me tell you something.

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