Dad Academy

Chapter 959 The river is flowing (2/2)

Chapter 959 The river is flowing (22)

Appearing under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village, it was Dunzi and his mother.

The car drove slowly and stopped. Xiaobai got out of the back seat, yelled "Donzi" and ran away...

The little chubby boy under the willow tree was stunned. His mother said something to him, and then he ran up to meet her.

The two children hugged each other, jumping up and down, happy and excited.

The wild chrysanthemums on the roadside are blooming brilliantly, and the friendship between children is pure and beautiful.

Xiaobai was carried by Dunzi, his little feet lifted off the ground, and he laughed so loudly that Zhang Tan could hear it even from a distance.

Compared to before, Xiaobai came back much more cheerful this time.

Then another child got off the car, ran over and stood next to the two of them. He was filled with envy and asked Dunzi with a smile if he knew her.

Dunzi went to Pujiang this year and got to know many children in Xiaohongmali. He saw Xi'er frequently and Xi'er knew him well.

But Dunzi forgot and shook his head.

Xi'er was not embarrassed. Hiahia smiled and introduced herself, saying that her name was Tan Xi'er, she was a child and she was 8 years old today.

Dunzi stupidly immediately called Sister Xi'er.

Teacher Jiang also got off the car, and stood under the big willow tree with Dunzi’s mother and talked for a while, and then asked everyone to get on the bus, squeeze in, and go home!

No one has lived in my hometown for more than half a year, but the yard and inside are kept very clean, the windows in the house are bright, the air is fresh, and there is no musty smell.

Dunzi's mother often comes over to clean, especially when she learned that they were coming back, so she spent a day cleaning up yesterday. Dunzi was also a big help.

A large bush of Lespedeza is blooming in the yard, dotted with small red and purple flowers. Bees and butterflies are flying among the flowers. The fragrance of grass and trees is in the air. Looking around, the mountains are surrounded by greenery, and there is only sound in my ears. The sound of pine waves and wind is no longer the noise of busy traffic in the city.

Three children were playing in the yard. Dunzi's mother looked at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai has grown up and has flesh on his body. He is not as dark and skinny as before."

Dunzi is also stronger, but her mother is a little worried, because Dunzi is only horizontally long, not vertically long, strong, but not tall, even shorter than Xiaobai.

Teacher Jiang comforted her, saying that she and Dunzi's father were both tall, and there was no reason for Dunzi not to be taller. It was just that children, especially boys, develop late, and at a certain period of time, they would suddenly grow taller, like a seedling. This kind of example Not uncommon.

Dunzi's mother said she hoped so.

The three children ran back into the house. Xiaobai opened his suitcase and took out a puppet. However, the puppet shrank into a ball and had no visible shape. It was weird and unsightly.

Xiaobai tore open the package, called Xi'er, and beat the doll. After a while, the doll slowly expanded and turned into a big bull devil.

"Wow~~So tall~" Xi'er raised her head and looked at this big bull demon king, who was bigger than her and Xiaobai.

Xiaobai picked it up with difficulty and handed it to Dunzi, whose eyes were shining, saying that it was a gift for him.

"Don't you like the Bull Demon King? I gave it to you. We are good friends."

Dunzi looked at Bull Demon King and Xiaobai with a silly smile on his face.

His mother reminded him to help Xiaobai quickly, because Xiaobai couldn't hold it anymore.

Xi'er was curious and hugged her, but it took a lot of effort, and said that she was still a baby.

Dunzi picked him up easily. He was very strong and could cook three large bowls without eating.

Rural children are not so delicate, they are foul-mouthed, they eat whatever they are given, they often run around in the mountains, forests and fields, and they eat a lot.

Teacher Jiang looked around the house. His own home was the most familiar. However, after being away for more than half a year, the old man's memory was getting worse and worse, and he felt a little strange. He walked around and looked for the memories hidden in the bricks.

People in the village came to visit from time to time, and the news of Teacher Jiang's return spread quickly, and soon everyone knew about it.

The children who were free-range at home during the summer vacation rushed to see Xiaobai. They heard that Xiaobai had brought a beautiful child. Everyone was very curious to see the beautiful child.

"Go away, go away! Hahaha, her name is Xiwawa! She is my sister..."

Xiaobai drove away the children while introducing Xi'er to everyone.

Xier hiahia smiled and was not afraid at all. She quickly got involved with the children and ran around behind them.

The sky is getting late, the sky is covered with sunset, the evening breeze is blowing, bringing coolness, and the sound of pine waves in the mountains and forests can be heard.

At the entrance of the village in the distance, someone was shouting: "Beans - go home and eat Mangmang!!!!"

“Go home and eat Mangmang!!!”

“Eat Mangmang!!!”


The sound came, floating in the valley and echoing in the mountains.

Among the children who were playing in the yard of Xiaobai's house, one of them immediately looked over after hearing the sound, said goodbye to everyone, and walked slowly home with bare feet to eat.

Not long after, another child's mother stood at the edge of the village and yelled to go home and eat Mangmang.

The children left in groups and called Xiaobai to go take a bath in the river.

Without thinking, Xiaobai took Xi'er and Dunzi and followed. Zhang Tan chased them out and took them home.

"I'm so hot, I want to take a bath~" Xiaobai said unwillingly.

Xi'er was laughing and joking: "I'm so hot, I also want to take a bath~~"

Zhang Tan: "It's dangerous in the river. We'll take a bath at home later."

"I'm going to take a bath in the river~~" Xiaobai said.

Xi'er then said: "I also want to go to the river to take a bath~~"

Zhang Tan was amused by her and said with a smile: "Are you a repeater? Xi'er."


Dinner was at Dunzi's house. Dunzi's mother had cut the vegetables very early in the afternoon and started working just waiting for them to come back.

Teacher Jiang and Dunzi's mother went over to cook, and asked Zhang Tan to take Xiaobai's three children to take a bath. It was okay in the river. The water in the nearby river section was shallow and there were many people.

When Xiaobai heard this, he laughed, took Xi'er and ran out. Suddenly he turned back, found a little yellow duck in the house, and carried it to the river to play.

Zhang Tan took them to the small river. The water was shallow and clear. There were bright stones at the bottom of the river. The river was flowing and sparkling in the sunset.

Zhang Tan felt a chill and wanted to get into the water.

Somewhere upstream, there were other adults taking a bath with their children, and the sound of play spread to the lower reaches.

Someone had just finished working in the fields and passed by the river leading a buffalo. After working for a day, the buffalo dived into the river when it saw the water, snorted while soaking in the water, and made a long and comfortable breathing sound~~~ Suddenly it stood up and spread its legs to defecate, and looked at the people downstream shaking their heads and tails. It was like a fart. The child is black.


“Niu Niu is making daddy~~”

"It's Brave Niu Niu!"

Zhang Tan, Xiaobai and the others left quickly and went around to the upper reaches of the river. Xi'er was inexplicably excited when she saw the buffalo. She had roots under her feet and couldn't stop looking at it.

Zhang Tan told Xiaobai and the others not to run around and to be more honest in the water.

Xiaobai promised that she would be honest, laughed, jumped into the water with a splash, fluttered in the water, and sighed in fright.

Zhang Tan quickly jumped down, picked her up and put her on the shore. He saw that this guy was soaked all over, and his clothes, pants and shoes were also wet.

"You jumped like this without taking off your clothes? You're too reckless, you... wait!"

Zhang Tan was talking when he suddenly saw Xi'er also about to jump into the river. He quickly let go of Xiao Bai and held Xi'er down to stop her from messing around.


Zhang Tan turned around and saw that Dunzi had jumped into the river.

Zhang Tan felt tired. It was very difficult to take care of three children by himself.

Fortunately, the water in this section of the river was shallow, only reaching the child's belly. Zhang Tan felt relieved and asked Xiaobai and Xi'er to take off their clothes, leaving a pair of small pants on, allowing them to have fun in the water and laugh on the river bank. echoed on both sides.

Zhang Tan was immersed in the cool river water. In his field of vision, he could see small white stripes swimming in the water. The mountains and rivers were beautiful, and there were plenty of fish and shrimps.

Suddenly he sank, and a child jumped on his back, hugging his neck and laughing.

The factory won, Ronaldo is awesome.

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