Dad Academy

Chapter 954 Blocking the Wine (1/2)

Chapter 954 Block the wine (12)

The kindergarten is on summer vacation, and Tan Xier, a child, has nowhere to go during the day, and is in a state where no one wants or cares about her.

In the past, when Xi'er was not in kindergarten, she would go to work with Tan Jin'er, hide in the changing room and play alone, and follow Tan Jin'er to and from get off work. Later, Tan Jin'er was worried that she would bore her sister, so she sent her to the Little Red Horse to play with the children at night.

In the past, the conditions were not good, so Xi'er could only stay in the changing room. Now Tan Jin'er has been promoted and has an office. Although it is not a separate office, because his colleagues are all in sales, if there is nothing special, they usually don't do it in the hotel, but in the hotel. She was running business outside, so it would be no problem if she brought Xi'er with her. Besides, she didn't have to commute to get off work on time. She could just go to the hotel if she had something to do, or not go if she had nothing to do, just to ensure her performance.

This summer vacation, Xi'er still followed Tan Jin'er to and from get off work for the first two days. When Tan Jiner worked in the office, she would sit quietly in the corner playing with dolls, reading picture books, or watching cartoons on her tablet computer, and would fall asleep when she was tired.

After two days here, I got to know several colleagues from the banquet department. They all knew that Manager Tan had a little sister who was cute, loved to laugh, and looked very well-behaved.

The manager also discovered this little cutie the next day. It was small and sitting in a big chair, so it was easy to miss it. If she hadn't been secretly glancing at people, she wouldn't have discovered it so quickly.

"Hey, whose little cutie is this?" the manager said with a smile, a little surprised, it's so cute, so small. He also has a daughter at home, she is only 7 years old this year, a little older than Xi'er.

Xi'er hiahia smiles, practice makes perfect, she can call her uncle when she opens her mouth.

The manager found some snacks from his desk, including chips, multi-flavored peanuts, and wafer biscuits, and brought them all to Xi'er.


Xi'er said thank you sweetly and looked at her sister. She nodded before she could eat.

The manager lamented that he was so good, unlike his child who was naughty and gave him a headache.

When Tan Jin'er was not in the hotel but running business, she couldn't take Xi'er with her. Fortunately, Zhang Tan knew her inconvenience and took the initiative to take Xi'er over and let Xi'er play with Xiaobai, including food and accommodation. In the Little Red Horse.

Zhang Tan often took them out to play during the day. In a few days, they visited several amusement parks, aquariums, and zoos. Xi'er is tanned. She used to say that Xiaobai was dark, but now she is also tan. When she was taking a shower, she looked at her little arms and saw that one section was black and the other was white. I wouldn't know if I didn't compare it. So obvious.

She rubbed it again and again, trying to make it whiter, but it didn't help.

"I also turned into a black little white girl." Xi'er sighed, a little frustrated. She had always wanted to be Snow White.

Tan Jin'er looked at her little arm and said it was a bit darker.

Xi'er said it was a lot darker! She used to be white.

"Why do you want to be so vain? Just be the same as Xiaobai."

"Xiao Bai is not white at all, she is black."

"You said this to Xiaobai, does she know?"

"hiahia, I don't know."

"Wear long sleeves next time you go out."

The next time she went out to play, Xi'er put on a cotton-padded jacket because Zhang Tan took her to the ice and snow world.

Xi'er and Xiaobai saw how fun others were skiing and wanted to learn how to do it. However, they kept falling and fell to the side of the road after skiing for a short distance. Sometimes they even rushed into snowdrifts and crawled out in a panic.

Last time they were in the Northeast, they had skied before and had not acquired the skill of skiing.

In the end, they took a sled instead. Zhang Tan led them and slid down from a high place. The two children screamed behind them.



They were young but addicted to it. After playing it again and again, they wanted to play it again and took them on sleigh rides five times before giving up.

In the middle of the process, Zhang Tan received a call from Zhang Niancheng, saying that the film was about to be finished and a wrapping banquet would be held. Zhang Tan was told to remember to attend.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" is finally wrapping up, and Zhang Tan can leave Pujiang after the wrapping party.

He had an idea and asked him if the venue for the wedding banquet had been chosen. When he learned that it had not been chosen yet, he solemnly recommended the Four Seasons Hotel to him.

Zhang Niancheng happily agreed. After hanging up the phone, he asked his assistant to make a plan, and then sent the plan to Zhang Tanding.

The assistant was right next to Zhang Niancheng and heard the whole phone call between him and Zhang Tan. He got through immediately and understood what was going on. He made a plan and gave it to Zhang Niancheng for review immediately, and then sent it to Zhang Tan. At the end, he said: " Teacher Zhang, I have never been to the Four Seasons Hotel before and I don’t know who to contact. Do you have anyone you can recommend?”

Zhang Tan gave him Tan Jin'er's phone number, which was regarded as a business deal for Tan Jin'er.

Tan Jiner attached great importance to it and personally handled the entire process. She also appeared on the scene on the day of the banquet and was responsible for coordinating all parties to ensure that the banquet went smoothly.

The closing banquet was held in the evening, and all the crew members came as long as they were free. There were hundreds of people at more than thirty tables, drinking and drinking, and it was very lively.

Tan Jin'er was busy inside and outside and never left, staying until the banquet was over. When she saw that Zhang Tan had drunk a lot of wine, she didn't dare to leave. When no one was paying attention, she went over and gave him a bottle of kudzu drink to relieve his hangover.

The people at the table were producers, directors, assistant directors, etc., and the atmosphere was lively. Tan Jiner appeared next to Zhang Tan from time to time, and now even secretly brought him hangover drinks. An assistant director stopped her and jokingly said that since He's a friend of Boss Zhang. Let's have a drink before leaving.

Zhang Tan came to her rescue and said she didn't know how to drink.

"That won't work! Manager Tan has been here several times. He is a friend of Teacher Zhang. I want to toast you a toast." The deputy director said. As soon as he finished speaking, he started to do it as a gesture of respect and drank the liquor in the glass in one gulp. Drink.

Just when Zhang Tan was about to speak for Tan Jin'er, Tan Jin'er picked up the wine glass and drank the liquor in one gulp. The taste must have been unpleasant. Her little face was wrinkled, and she didn't know how to drink.

Everyone laughed and booed, and someone filled her cup again and said, "Today's dinner was arranged very well. Everyone had a great time. I'd like to toast Manager Tan."

As he said this, the man drained the wine in one gulp.

Tan Jin'er was in trouble, but she didn't want Zhang Tan to be in trouble, so she was about to drink it and vomit, but a big hand took away her wine glass first, it was Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan smiled and scolded the man, drank the wine, and asked Tan Jin'er to leave.

Tan Jin'er didn't go far, just outside the hall. She felt that Zhang Tan would definitely be drunk tonight if he was in this state, so she stayed to take care of him.

Sure enough, at the end of the banquet, Zhang Tan staggered a little. Someone was preparing to arrange for someone to send Zhang Tan back, but Tan Jin'er appeared.

"Let me take him back." Tan Jin'er said. Seeing that director Zhang Niancheng and others looked wrong at her, she quickly added, "Boss Zhang and I are on the way."

Zhang Niancheng smiled and said: "Just drop by, then I'll bother Manager Tan."

Tan Jin'er helped Zhang Tan leave. It seemed that Zhang Tan was quite drunk. Most of his body weight was on her, which was extremely heavy. There were waves of strong masculine smell coming from the tip of his nose.

She turned her head to look at Zhang Tan's features carefully. This was the first time she looked at him so closely, and her eyes were even a little wanton.

People kept coming and going behind her. She helped Zhang Tan leave. As soon as she left the hall and turned around the corridor, she suddenly felt a light on her shoulder. Zhang Tan suddenly stood up straight, and his eyes were no longer cloudy.


"I'm okay, I'm not drunk." Zhang Tan said, "Go quickly, don't let them see me."

Tan Jin'er froze on the spot and immediately turned red. Did Boss Zhang notice her staring at him just now? ?

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