Dad Academy

Chapter 923 Howling on the spot (1/2)

Chapter 923 Howling on the spot (12)

Xiaobai took away the pillow, quilt and doll, and wanted to separate from Zhang Tan. He would move to Grandma Jiang's room tonight.

Zhang Tan persuaded her to come back, but Xiaobai was very arrogant and refused to come back. Balabala said that her brain was hurting tonight.

Zhang Tan said he could help with the massage, and he was very good at massaging her.

Xiaobai's body hurts again and she can't walk.

Zhang Tan promised that he could go anywhere with Xiaobai on his back.

Xiaobai seemed a little touched, so he asked him: "Do you like other little friends?"

Zhang Tan didn't think much and replied: "I like it."

Xiaobai suddenly shouted excitedly: "Ah~~~"

Zhang Tan quickly changed his mind and said that he didn't like it, he didn't like it, he only liked the little girl Bai Chunhua.

I thought Xiaobai would be happy, but I didn't expect Xiaobai to immediately accuse him of being unloving. How cute the child is.

Zhang Tan was confused and asked Xiaobai: "Should I say I like it or not?"

Xiaobai didn't give him the answer, maybe she couldn't figure it out herself.

She drove Zhang Tan away, closed the door, and said she was going to sleep.

Xiaobai stayed with Teacher Jiang that night. Zhang Tan had no choice but to return to his home. After taking a bath, he thought that it had been a long time since he wrote "Zhu Xian", so he quickly took advantage of Xiaobai's absence to write more words at night.

Inspiration struck at night, and he wrote until after one o'clock in the morning. He wrote nearly 20,000 words. Including the previous manuscripts, there were already 30,000 words, and he planned to send them out together.

I haven't read a review of "Zhu Xian" for a long time. I don't know what's going on. Is anyone still reading it?

The next morning, he got up late and vaguely heard a knock on the door in his sleep. He thought it was an auditory hallucination and didn't pay attention. He quickly fell asleep again. When he woke up again, he was disturbed by the ringing of the mobile phone on the bedside table. Wake up.

The caller ID showed it was Teacher Jiang, but when the call was answered, it was Xiaobai's voice.

"Boss Zhang, are you yelling?..."

On the phone, Xiaobai's voice was a little nervous. When he learned that Zhang Tan was fine but fell asleep, Xiaobai immediately returned the phone to Teacher Jiang and complained to Teacher Jiang to criticize him!

"Big lazy idiot!!!"

Teacher Jiang quietly told Zhang Tan that Xiaobai got up early in the morning and waited for him to come over for breakfast, but there was no one there. He couldn't help but go out to check the situation. He knocked on the door for a long time and did not open the door, thinking that he was out. What happened made Xiaobai extremely nervous.

A warm feeling flowed through Zhang Tan's heart. Although Xiaobai Tongxie was very jealous, he knew he cared about others, but he was just too shy to express it.

"Come on, come on, I'll wash my face and come over, right now!"

Zhang Tan said, getting up quickly, went to the bathroom to squeeze out toothpaste, suddenly thought of something, put down his toothbrush, and hurriedly opened the door to the house. He also looked into the corridor. He didn't know if it was an illusion. The moment he opened the door, he seemed to see A small figure on Teacher Jiang's side shrank back.

Regardless of whether it was Xiaobai or not, Zhang Tan shouted towards the other end of the corridor: "I'm opening the door, I'm going to brush my teeth~"

A gust of morning breeze blew in from the window at the end of the corridor, rolling up the small trousers hidden on the edge of the door~

During breakfast, Zhang Tan could finally sit with Xiaobai.

"Eat an egg~"

Zhang Tan took a steamed egg for Xiaobai and put it in her bowl. He thought about it and took it back. Xiaobai immediately stared at him.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "I'll peel the shell for you."

Xiaobai snorted nonchalantly and continued to drink millet and sweet potato porridge, his little feet dangling under the table.

She likes to eat millet and sweet potato porridge. Teacher Jiang often cooked this when she was in her hometown in Sichuan. Xiaobai has been eating it since she was a child.

Zhang Tan peeled off the eggshells for Xiaobai and said, "Let's go see the stars tonight. I checked the weather forecast. It's sunny today, the sky is high and the clouds are light. It's a good opportunity to see the stars at night."

Xiaobai said firmly: "What's so beautiful about the stars~"

Zhang Tan: "Then we can go swimming."

"Let's go see the stars."


Zhang Tan added: "There is only one week left, and this semester is over. Xiaobai Tongxiao, you are about to graduate from kindergarten and be promoted to a first-grade primary school student. Do you have any thoughts?"

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, as if he was still reeling from the fact that he suddenly graduated from kindergarten.

In fact, the one who really didn't recover was Teacher Jiang. After hearing Zhang Tan's words, her expression was just stunned, but she drank a small bowl of porridge for the whole morning.

"My baby is still small, right?" Xiaobai lowered his head and looked at his little arms and legs, and suddenly saw his little belly and laughed, this is not small.

Zhang Tan said: "You have grown up a lot. You can see that you have grown taller and gained weight."

"Is there any?" Xiaobai asked doubtfully, she didn't feel it.

"Let's go weigh it."

After hearing this, Teacher Jiang also put down his chopsticks and followed Xiaobai to see Xiaobai's weight and height.

"Come on, stand up." Zhang Tan took out the electronic scale and asked Xiao Bai to stand on it.

Xiaobai smiled and asked Zhang Tan to stand up first and pushed him up.

The pointer on the scale swished, crossed to the right half of the needle, and landed on 78KG.

Xiaobai heard that Zhang Tan weighed more than 150 pounds and couldn't help but sigh that he was fat.

"..." Zhang Tan said, "I'm not fat. I'm at a standard weight, but I seem to be a little fat. I need to lose some weight. It's your turn, Xiaobai, come up."

Xiaobai stood up and the pointer landed on 21KG.

"42 pounds, Xiaobai, you are too heavy. I remember when I weighed you last winter, you were 38 pounds. You are growing so fast."

Xiaobai said that she was 40 pounds at that time. Teacher Jiang went to the room and took out a small notebook, opened it and read it, and said that on December 28 last winter, Xiaobai was 38 pounds, not 40 pounds.

Xiaobai curiously approached Grandma Jiang and read the notebook, "Grandma, do you know how to write about me?"

Teacher Jiang smiled and said, "Record your growth."

"Which pot is this?" Xiaobai pointed to another set of data on the small book.

Teacher Jiang was stunned, closed the notebook, and said that was the date he recorded.

Every time she recorded a set of weight and height data for Xiaobai, she would write her own next to it.

Xiaobai's data is increasing year by year, while her data is declining year by year. The two are in sharp contrast.

While Xiaobai was taking the height and weight scales, Xiao Shen's family happened to be there, but the atmosphere in this house was not very harmonious. Shen Liuliu's child couldn't get on the scale, crying and squealing everywhere, and Zhu Xiaojing couldn't convince her despite all his efforts. Take the initiative to get on the scale and try to lift her up. The children will have to fight with her.

Finally, she said helplessly: "We are just weighing you, we are not trying to sell you as a piglet, why are you panicking!!!"

"Ah - I have a stomachache, am I going to die~~~~Dudu, Fatty, come and save me~~~My mother Zhu is bullying me, 嘤嘤嘤~~"

Zhu Xiaojing said several good and harsh words: "It's okay not to weigh yourself. Then let's consider you gained three kilograms. It's not too much. It's just three kilograms. In fact, it will only be more and not less! If you gain three kilograms, your Don’t let go of snacks, and we will continue to strictly control them in the second half of the year..."

Before he finished speaking, Liuliu howled on the spot, and then became furious. He got up and wanted to fight with Zhu’s mother~! ! ! !

The first half of the year was like a ghost, and the second half of the year will be like a ghost again! She is a child and she has to eat snacks every day! ! !

PS: Please vote for me.

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