Dad Academy

Chapter 919 You help me and I will help you

Tan Jin'er was touched by Xi'er. In order to care for her sister, this little guy painted a mustache on himself, just to become an adult in her eyes so that she could listen to her troubles.

She put down the dishes and chopsticks, not having much appetite.

"Who taught you this?"

Tan Jin'er pulled Xi'er to him, touched her mustache, and her hand was immediately stained with handwriting.

"hiahia, I thought of it myself." Xi'er said, hugging her sister's neck and acting coquettishly.

Tan Jiner wiped off her mustache, otherwise she would always want to laugh.

"Sit down and let me tell you."

Tan Jin'er told Xi'er about the troubles she encountered at work. Xi'er had a stern face, raised her head and raised her chest, making herself look like a little adult.

She listened very carefully, nodding her head from time to time and saying "hmm", but in fact, she was confused and confused, as if she had fallen into a sea of ​​bubbles.

"Can you understand?" Tan Jin'er asked her.

Xi'er smiled awkwardly, shook her head honestly and said she didn't understand.

"hiahia, I'd better ask Boss Zhang. Boss Zhang knows everything. He's awesome." Xi'er said.

Tan Jin'er's heart moved. In the past, she often consulted Zhang Tan when she encountered many difficulties at work. Although Zhang Tan was young, he seemed to understand the rules of the workplace very well, and the methods he taught her were very effective. It was simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

Later, her work went smoothly, and the number of such consultations became much less frequent. Until now, she almost forgot that she still had this think tank.

"Oh, don't bother Boss Zhang. Boss Zhang has helped us enough. Don't ask him about such trivial matters." Tan Jin'er said.

But Xi'er doesn't think this is a trivial matter. Her sister's troubles are big things, just like her sister will get nervous when she sneezes.

"But Boss Zhang said, Xi'er, Xi'er, if you have anything to do, tell me and I will help you. Don't keep it to yourself. Speak out. Only by speaking out can you be happy every day."

It made sense, but Tan Jin'er didn't want to trouble Zhang Tan and repeatedly told Xi'er not to tell anyone.

In order to thank Zhang Tan for the breakfast, Tan Jin'er made a special dish, Dengying beef, and sent it to Zhang Tan to try in the evening, and sent Xi'er to the little red horse by the way.

"It's so delicious." Zhang Tan had just returned from the set and was a little hungry. He took a piece of Dengying beef and tasted it. It tasted great.

Xi'er said proudly: "It's delicious. My sister made it, and Xi'er also helped~hiahia~"

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Thank you, you've been a big help. Come on, little hero, let's have a taste."

He pinched a piece of beef and fed it to the little one in front of him.

This little girl was so greedy that she quickly glanced at her sister. Without looking at her face, she stood up on her tiptoes, opened her mouth, oomphed, and ate it quickly!

"It's so delicious. Sister, you are so awesome~"

Before she even finished eating, she couldn't wait to praise her sister to prevent her sister from glaring at her.

Tan Jin'er said helplessly: "Didn't you just have dinner? Why are you still eating?"

Xi'er patted her belly and said, "hiahia, I don't want to eat, I don't want to eat~"

Bounce ran away, but soon turned back and told Zhang Tan that her sister was very annoying.

"Xi'er!" Tan Jin'er quickly stopped her and told her repeatedly during the day not to say anything.

Xi'er said, "My sister asked Xi'er not to tell you," and ran away like flying, hiding in the distance and peeking secretly.

Zhang Tan secretly liked the little clever ghost, asked Tan Jin'er what was going on, and invited her to sit in the studio.

"I, I have to go to work." Tan Jin'er wanted to run away.

But Zhang Tan knew her well: "You worked the night shift last night, so your working time today is seven o'clock in the evening. It's still early. Come, sit down in the studio and talk about what's going on."

Zhang Tan walked in front carrying the Dengying beef, followed by Tan Jin'er, followed by Xiaobai and Xi'er.

Xiaobai was thinking about the bowl of beef. Xi'er said it was delicious, but she hadn't even taken a bite yet.

Tan Jin'er turned around, glared at Xi'er and said, "Okay, you still dare to come."

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er smiled, hid behind Xiao Bai, and said to Zhang Tan, "Boss Zhang, my sister didn't finish your breakfast. She didn't eat well. Xi'er said something to her, and she was mean to me. , hum~"

This little guy is going to rebel, and he dares to complain in front of Tan Jin'er.

Zhang Tan saw that Tan Jin'er wanted to hurt Xi'er, so he quickly protected Xi'er: "If you stay up late and don't eat, your body will not be able to survive, and you will get sick easily and become listless."

"Oh." Facing Zhang Tan, Tan Jin'er was like a little sheep.

Xu Qian walked towards her, saw Tan Jin'er, and said hello: "Jin'er is here."

Tan Jin'er: "Yes, are you going to get off work?"

It was already time to get off work in the studio, so Xu Qian was late.

Before leaving, Xu Qian told Zhang Tan that Li Yuxiao's "Fruits of Midsummer" had been recorded today and the arrangement was also made.

"Thank you, it's so fast." Zhang Tan said.

After Xu Qian left, Tan Jin'er curiously asked Shi Baobao's mother if she had any new songs?

"Do you want to listen?" Zhang Tan asked.

Tan Jin'er really wanted to hear it, but she still said, "No, no, this should be kept secret."

Zhang Tan took her to the recording studio: "What secrets can I keep?"

He called to Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, help me hold this beef."


When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became energetic and ran forward!

Zhang Tan turned on the computer and found the "Fruits of Midsummer" he had just finished. He listened to it himself and felt very good. He handed the headphones to Tan Jin'er and asked her to listen to it.

"Is it really okay?" Tan Jin'er asked.

Zhang Tan: "What's the problem with this?"

Tan Jin'er put on the headphones and Zhang Tan pressed the start button. A sound that sounded like raindrops immediately came from the headphones. She couldn't tell what instrument it was, but it sounded really nice.

Li Yuxiao's somewhat deep and sad voice sounded:

Maybe only by giving up can I get close to you and not see you again

Only then will you remember me as time accumulates

The lonely fragrance in the memory of this midsummer fruit

After a song was finished, she took off her earphones and exclaimed that it sounded really good. Bao Bao’s mother sang so well and it would definitely become a hit.

Compared with the song, the troubles she encountered at work were insignificant, too insignificant.

Thinking of this, Tan Jin'er couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

However, she quickly cheered up. She knew that everyone's life trajectory was different. People should not compare with each other. People should compare with themselves, and compare their current selves with their past selves.

"When we first started, what instrument was that? It sounded so nice," she asked.

Zhang Tan said: "That's the sound of the xylophone."

Tan Jin'er had never heard of the xylophone, but she thought the sound was so nice and she fell in love with it right away.

Zhang Tan suddenly whispered to her: "Look at those two little guys."

Tan Jin'er looked back and saw Xiaobai and Xi'er gathering in front of Dengying beef, eating secretly!

Like two Mickey Mouse.

She was about to say Xi'er, but Zhang Tan stopped her.

"Let them eat. It means you cook delicious food. Tell me about you. What problems did you encounter at work?"

Tan Jin'er thought for a while and told the truth.

In fact, the matter is very small. She may be about to be promoted at work, but today her boss talked to her and said that she wanted to promote her, but he didn't know her career plan.

Of course, Tan Jin'er wanted to seize this opportunity and introduced her career plan. However, it seemed to be useless. The leader couldn't explain it clearly and asked her to think about it again.

After hearing this, Zhang Tan asked: "Isn't your leader that woman? The minister named Li."

Tan Jiner said: "The person who talked to me was a bigger leader, the second-in-command."

Zhang Tan asked a few more questions. Tan Jin'er didn't know why, because these questions didn't sound related to this matter, but she told the truth.

Zhang Tan finally asked: "How did you enter this hotel in the first place?"

Tan Jin'er: "I saw the recruitment information online and came for the interview."

Zhang Tan asked: "Isn't there anyone who can introduce me?"

Tan Jin'er shook his head: "No one."

She is just a poor little person without any background. How can she be introduced to her?

Zhang Tan nodded and said, "I understand. You have to work in the evening, right? Then tell this leader that you will treat him to a meal at noon tomorrow. I will arrange the location. I will be there then, so you can just accompany him. "

Tan Jin'er didn't know why.

Zhang Tan said: "In society, interpersonal relationships are about you helping me and me helping you..."

He guessed that Tan Jin'er's leader must have heard about him somewhere. For example, last time he stood up for Tan Jin'er and tactfully warned the minister named Zhou Ming.

Now this so-called big leader obviously wants to get to know him through Tan Jin'er, and it is not impossible to even ask him for a favor.

If the other party could help Tan Jin'er get promoted or transferred, Zhang Tan wouldn't mind doing him some favors.

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