Dad Academy

Chapter 906 Big bear mixed with little bear in wine (3/3)

Chapter 906 Big bear wine mixed with little bears (33)

PS: Return to the previous chapter.

Liuliu won the lottery and won 50 yuan!

It was the lottery ticket that Zhu Xiaojing grabbed her little hand to buy last time. After the lottery was drawn that day, she found that she had won several numbers.

When Liuliu got the news, he was stunned for a moment before he remembered, good guy! She doesn’t have to pay any money! Now she still has money!

After Liuliu reacted, the first thing he thought of was to invite his friends to eat, drink, have fun, and have a massage!

"Go again??" Zhu Xiaojing disagreed.

"Play duck! Invite little friends to play duck! It's fun to play duck!" Liuliu jumped up and down, trying his best to persuade.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Xiaojing told Shen Limin that this child in their family would definitely not be able to save money when he grew up. He must be a member of the moonlight family and could spend whatever he had in his hands.

Liuliu nodded yes.

Since the children want to invite their friends to play together, then go ahead. Zhu Xiaojing reluctantly agreed, but the condition is that Liuliu must buy another lottery ticket! Strike while the iron is hot, just in case you get hit again!

"If you don't win, you owe mom 2 yuan." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Liliu: "..."

It’s the duck’s mother Zhu who doesn’t give her any money if she wins, but makes her pay if she doesn’t!

Liuliu invited her friends to eat, drink and have fun. The group of best friends who "just want to play and don't want to work" were invited. In addition, Liuliu also invited Shi Baobao, Xiao Zhengzheng, and Xiao Yuanyuan.

These three, especially the first two, are often bullied by her. If they are beaten with a big stick, they must be given one or two dates.

Originally, Liuliu planned to invite Xiaonian, but Xiaonian weakly said that she couldn't go because her parents didn't have time.

What can I say about Liliu? She is naughty, and she is usually stingy. She especially takes snacks very seriously, but she invites everyone to eat, drink and have fun from time to time.

She saves a small amount of money, but spends a lot of money. She is loyal and has enough friends.

Among the children, she was the only one who asked the big guys to play from time to time.

Zhang Tan was inspired by her and discussed with Xiaobai whether to organize a children's party, invite everyone to play together, and prepare delicious food and drinks.

Of course Xiao Bai has no problem, he needs to discuss it carefully with Boss Zhang.


Nearly thirty episodes of the TV series "In the Name of the People" have been filmed and more than twenty episodes have been edited. On this day, the director called Zhang Tan to the company to review the film.

The edited film must be reviewed. If it is confirmed to be correct, it must be reviewed by investors and then put on the platform for broadcast.

This drama also adopts the mode of filming and broadcasting at the same time. Now it is more than half of the filming. There is plenty of shooting time, so there is no need to worry about rushing to shoot.

Zhang Tan came to Pujiang Film Studio and met several acquaintances along the way. They were all a little surprised to see him coming, and then they stepped forward and called Teacher Zhang.

Zhang Tan hasn't been to Pujiang Film Studio for a long time. Since he joined Kuxun Video, he has rarely been here. If he has something to do, he goes directly to the crew.

But the people here are still the same people as before. Regardless of whether Zhang Tan knows him or not, they all know Zhang Tan, and they will naturally call him Teacher Zhang with respect when they meet.

"Zhang Tan is here."

Entering the multimedia room, director Wu Wenzheng and producer Hu Shizhen of "In the Name of the People" were there, as well as the director of the film and television department of Pujiang Film Studio and others.

Zhang Tan checked the time and saw that there were still ten minutes left before the agreed time. He was not late, but everyone had already arrived.

This drama is the masterpiece of Pujiang Film Studio this year. It has high hopes, but it also faces great risks. The first risk is whether it can be broadcast smoothly.

Although there is investment from the Pujiang Municipal Party Committee, it is the first political drama after all. The impact is too wide and the topic is too sensitive. It is difficult to say whether there will be any concerns above.

Moreover, although there had been sufficient communication before the shooting, no one knew whether the actual shooting was in line with the intentions of the leaders.

At this time, Zhang Tan became very important.

He is not only the screenwriter, but also an important channel for communication between the crew and the municipal committee.

Everyone knows that he has skills and is related to the female leader who really decided on the show.

After Zhang Tan entered the door, he immediately apologized for being the last one. Everyone said that it didn't matter, and besides, they weren't late. They had arrived early.

After chatting for a few words, the video started to play. Starting from the first episode, the light in the multimedia room dimmed, and then the big screen lit up...

Zhang Tan watched most of the episodes and had a preliminary impression of the drama. Generally speaking, it met his expectations. The film was very attractive. The first episode threw up many contradictions. The senior officials' speaking skills and The infighting is fascinating.

The biggest difference between this film and the one in the previous life is that it is much more streamlined. The plot advances very quickly and many irrelevant plots are cut out.

The drama in the previous life had more than 50 episodes in total, but this one retained 40 episodes after Zhang Tan’s deletions and modifications.

After watching the first episode, there was a ten-minute intermission. A staff member prepared fruit and coffee outside the multimedia room, but no one went out to enjoy it. They were all chatting enthusiastically about the plot.

"If it is broadcast without any cuts, this film will definitely be a hit!"

"The filming is really good. I have never seen a TV series like this on the market! I have a feeling it will be a hit."

"Director Wu has profound skills and captured the official rhetoric and secret fighting vividly!"

"On the surface, he is calm and calm, but in the mainland, he is a fierce warrior. This plot shows that Teacher Zhang's skills have increased again."

Everyone is very optimistic about this drama and think that as long as the quality of the first episode is maintained, this drama will definitely become a hit.

But everyone is also worried about whether they will be asked by the leaders to delete the content. Many good films are forced to die by being deleted.

"Teacher Zhang, I'll be looking after you later," said producer Hu Shizhen.

In the evening of the same day, Zhang Tan took the copied film source and put on Shang Fang Sword white children's shoes to his uncle's house.

Xiaobai muttered along the way.

"I came with you, you want to take me swimming."

She didn't want to come at first. When she came to her uncle's house as a guest, she couldn't have fun with the melons at the little red horse, but wasn't it just to accompany Boss Zhang? When Boss Zhang mentioned this, he said that this was Xiaobai's strength, which made Xiaobai not know how to refuse.

"Okay, no problem, I'll take you swimming, and I can also take you to the sea."

"I don't want to play in the sea. The sea is so big that I can't play in it~"

"Let's take a boat."

"I want to take the children to play together."


Finally arrived at the uncle's house. The uncle was not there as usual. Zhang Mingxue had just come out of the kitchen with washed grapes. When she saw Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai, she said hello: "Here, look, I have washed grapes for you. My mother said Xiao Bai." I like eating grapes, so I bought them specially for you, seedless ones, try them, Xiaobai! Come here, I won’t eat you.”

Xiaobai, who was about to go over, paused when he heard this, and asked in surprise: "What?"

Zhang Mingxue said: "I said I care about you, come here quickly, your grandma has gone shopping for groceries and will be back soon."

Zhang Tan led Xiaobai into the house, put down a bottle of Big Bear wine, and asked, "Where did you go to buy groceries?"

"Not next door. Who did you buy this wine for? My dad doesn't drink, what else?" Zhang Mingxue saw Zhang Tan taking out another bottle of wine from the bag, but she didn't expect it to be two bottles of Little Bear drinks, so she opened one directly Bottle, give it to Xiaobai. Xiaobai immediately held it in his hands and sucked.

Zhang Mingxue: "..."

She looked at Zhang Tan and then at Xiao Bai, thinking to herself that Zhang Tan had really changed and turned into a daddy. There was actually a little bear mixed in the big bear wine!

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