Dad Academy

Chapter 899 Comics (2/2)

Chapter 899 Comics (22)

Under the guidance of Zhang Tan, the world view of "Dragon Ball" gradually took shape. There were people who took notes at the on-site meeting, especially Zhang Tan's speech as the boss, which was the focus of the record. Others' speeches may not be recorded in full, but who said the boss's speech? Dare you not remember it? !

At least they have to show off, so that when Zhang Tan was speaking, almost everyone picked up their pens and wrote and drew on the notebooks in front of them - notebooks and mobile phones are not allowed in the brainstorming scene - of course, Zhang Tan Brought it.

Even Xiao Bai and Xi'er were scribbling with pens. The two little ones were lying on the corner of the conference table, hanging by the corner, drawing and playing.

After Zhang Tan finished telling everyone about "Dragon Ball", everyone's emotions reached the peak. Every word you said to me gradually improved the world of "Dragon Ball", and I felt like I couldn't stop.

Xin Xiaoguang observed his words and saw that Zhang Tan still had something to say, so he pressed pause and asked everyone to stop talking and stop thinking. There are many places to improve the story of "Dragon Ball" and it cannot be completed in one meeting. Follow-up formation As a team, spend a few days working on perfecting it, and don’t rush it.

"Boss, I threw a brick to attract you, the bright jade. Now I throw a brick again, and you have a look again~" Xin Xiaoguang said.

The scene burst into laughter.

The two painters, Beibi, raised their heads and glanced at everyone. They didn't understand why they were laughing, so they continued to lie down and paint.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Then throw it away."

Xin Xiaoguang glanced sideways at Xiaobai and Xi'er and said, "I saw Xiaobai and Xi'er's bulging bellies, and I wondered if I could make a comic for younger children. One of the characters also had bulging bellies. It has a small belly, but it can take out a lot of weird things..."

When Zhang Tan heard this, he was shocked. Isn't this Doraemon?

But after listening patiently to Xin Xiaoguang’s explanation, I found out that it was not the case, it just had a pocket similar to Doraemon’s.

Compared to Lai, Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket is more magical.

But Xin Xiaoguang was able to think of this, which also surprised Zhang Tan. He is worthy of the title of "Little Zhang Tan in the comics industry".

Zhang Tan continued what he said: "Is your pocket like the universe in your sleeve?"

Xin Xiaoguang said yes.

The pocket he designed is the Qiankun in the sleeve, and a lot of things can be put in it.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just a mobile hidden warehouse.

Someone said: "Since it is for younger children, they can't understand it."

Someone said: "You can just use pockets. It's cute. There's no need to say it's a secret."

Zhang Tan said: "Let's set it as a space bag, such as a four-dimensional space. The pocket is just an entrance, and what is connected to the other end is actually a world."

Someone in the conference room made a fuss, and immediately apologized sheepishly, specifically explaining to Zhang Tan that he was not scolding him, but that he was too surprised by this setting.

The concept of four-dimensional space is still rare in this world, but it has appeared in some well-known science fiction novels.

Some people really didn't understand what four-dimensional space was, so the boy who just fucked him explained it to everyone. After listening to it, these people couldn't help but admire Boss Zhang's imagination, which also showed that Boss Zhang read a lot.

Xin Xiaoguang asked with interest: "What else, boss? Why is it connected to a four-dimensional space?"

After asking, he motioned to the staff taking notes not to miss anything and to write down everything the boss said later. To avoid missing notes, the staff turned on the recorder.

Zhang Tan said: "This character with pockets actually comes from the future. It is not a real human being, but a robot, or, more cutely, a small animal that younger children like, such as a robot cat? A robot dog? In terms of design You can be cute.”

Xin Xiaoguang continued to ask: "Travel through time and space! Then why did he travel back?"

Zhang Tan said: "Why do you think about traveling back in time? But it is aimed at younger children, so the story does not have to be as exciting as "Dragon Ball", constantly upgrading and getting stronger. This is a story about companionship, about daily life, warm and touching. Relaxation is the keynote of the whole article, you can think about the rest."

Zhang Tan threw out the setting framework of "Doraemon" and left the rest to everyone to think about. He couldn't let his boss do everything. Besides, he didn't remember the stories of "Doraemon".

Basically every episode of "Doraemon" is a story. How could Zhang Tan remember it all? But it doesn't matter. Once the setting is done, the rest of the story is secondary. Anyone can write it.

Just like when he made "Unlucky Bear", after the setting and creativity are made, the storyline is left to others to do, and they are completely competent.

This brainstorming meeting was originally planned to last only two hours, but before we knew it, it was time to get off work. Everyone was excited and in high spirits, with no intention of leaving.

Not only them, other colleagues saw how intense the discussion was here and did not leave after get off work. They came in curiously to listen and got involved in the conversation.

Zhang Tan quietly went out with Xiaobai and Xi'er, and asked Xin Xiaoguang to order takeout for everyone, and ask for better ones.

As soon as the three of them came out, in a daze, they saw an afterimage flying past.

Xiaobaigang was a little confused and sleepy. When he saw this, he rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was dazzled. However, Hiahia, who was next to him, laughed and shouted: "Hurry and catch Shi Baobao~"

Xi'er broke away from Zhang Tan's hand and ran into the classroom chasing the afterimage.

Xiaobai woke up instantly and watched in surprise as Xier ran into the classroom and disappeared. She looked up at Zhang Tan, yawned and asked, "Shi Baobao?"

Zhang Tan nodded and said, "It was indeed Shi Baobao who ran over just now. Look, his mother is there."

Li Yuxiao appeared in the yard, talking to Lao Li, and seemed to have brought him good tea.

Lao Li helped her win the lawsuit. She was extremely grateful and always wanted to express her gratitude. However, Lao Li did not have enough food and salt and was only interested in tea, so she asked someone to buy some good tea and send it to her.

In fact, she didn't know that Lao Li was also very interested in square dancing. Recently, the district government organized square dancing competitions in various streets. He was a member of the square dancing team in Huangjia Village.

He took Lao Bai to sign up to participate, but was rejected, which shocked Lao Bai.

Lao Li asked someone to give Lao Bai a chance, but they didn't give him face.

That person was an old woman, and she knew Lao Li very well. Her status was only better than him, not weaker than him, and she didn't betray him at all. She spoke righteously and was selfless, which made her look particularly respectable.

Lao Li couldn't get angry in front of her, so he smiled and praised her for her principles, then turned around and whispered to Lao Bai about this old witch.

Lao Bai hasn't gone to square dance for three days, and his sky is already dark.

With a swish, Xiaobai also ran after Shi Baobao, entered the classroom, closed the classroom door, and laughed, saying that he would not let Shi Baobao escape.

This is a posture of closing the door and beating the dog.

Zhang Tan quickly told her not to make Shi Baobao cry.

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