Dad Academy

Chapter 896 Unexpectedly (1/2)

Chapter 896 Unexpectedly (12)

Visiting the Museum of Natural History with children is a very lively event. From the time we got on the bus to the time we entered the museum, we were all chattering and excited. At the same time, we had a hundred thousand whys. When we caught people, we would ask them why this was and why that was.

There are so many reasons why! Zhang Tan couldn't answer many questions, and neither could the kindergarten teacher.

"Why do little animals have so much fur?"

"Why don't we have wings?"

"Why are dinosaurs so big?"

"Oh my God!"

For example, when Xiaobai Xier and Xiaomi saw a model of a giraffe, they were surrounded by people in awe. Then Xiaobai suddenly asked, "Does a baby giraffe have to pay a ticket to enter the museum if it is so tall?"

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment and didn't understand. Xiaobai, bala bala, it turns out that children under 1.2 meters are free of charge.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Seeing this, Xi'er jumped up and down laughing, "hiahia, Boss Zhang doesn't know! hiahia~~~"

Zhang Tan: →_→, I don’t know, isn’t it normal? If you continue to tease me like this, I will leave you here without taking you home, and then I will take your sister away.

"You don't know?" Xiaobai also asked in surprise.

Isn’t it normal to not know these questions? Children's expectations for Zhang Tan are too high.

Xiaomi didn't look forward to Boss Zhang. She looked at Ding Jiamin, who was deserted at the side. Ding Jiamin was also very straightforward and gave her a simple "I don't know" in reply.


Xiaomi was a little disappointed, not that Ding Jiamin didn't know about this problem, but that she was a little disappointed with her attitude. Sister Xiaomin didn't seem to care much about these things.

"Come on, come on, let's go see the dinosaurs. The other children have already left, and you three are the last." Zhang Tan urged, driving the three little ones away and not dragging behind.

Ding Jiamin stood behind her and opened her mouth. She originally wanted to say something to Xiaomi, but the little man had already left, so she swallowed her words.

She looked at Zhang Tan chatting enthusiastically with the three children in front of her, and suddenly felt a little envious. She also wanted to have so many things to say to the children, and wanted to get along with them, but her personality dictated that she could not do this.

The children were very happy today, jumping up and down, and curious about everything. Zhang Tan felt that it was necessary to take them out often, as they were at the stage where they were full of curiosity and basic understanding of the world.

The morning was spent in the museum. It was almost noon before everyone took the bus back to the kindergarten, and then went back to their homes.

Zhang Tan left with Xiaobai and Xi'er. Ding Jiamin lowered his head and looked at Xiaomi who was following at his feet. Suddenly he felt that she was so small. It was rare for her to have a bright smile on her face today, and she went out with Xiaobai Xi'er. Have fun playing.

Ding Jiamin took the initiative to reach out, took her little hand, and asked, "Should we eat out or go home?"

Xiaomi bared his teeth and smiled, a little confused, but still tentatively asked if it would be troublesome to go home and cook.

Ding Jiamin said concisely: "No."

Xiaomi's eyes lit up. Seeing her not speaking, she seemed to be doubting her words, so Ding Jiamin said again: "Let's go shopping for groceries. Do you want to eat dumplings?"

Xiaomi covered her mouth and narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Xi'er likes to eat small dumplings."

Ding Jiamin: "You don't like it?"

Her answer was a cheerful "like".

The two walked to the car, Xiaomi took the initiative to open the door, and Ding Jiamin said, "I'll do it."

"I can do it myself~" After saying that, Xiaomi had already opened the car door, climbed in, and sat in the back seat obediently. When Ding Jiamin got into the driver's seat, she took the initiative to report: "I fastened my seat belt~"

Ding Jiamin looked up at the rearview mirror and saw Xiaomi sitting upright and said, "Let's go to the supermarket to buy groceries first."

The car started to move, and Xiaomi saw some friends leaving through the car window. She turned sideways and waved to them. When Ding Jiamin saw this, she immediately lowered the window.

If you don't lower the windows, how can people outside see what's going on in the car.

The car got on the road and was quiet for a while. Ding Jiamin turned on the music station, and music suddenly sounded in the car.

Xiaomi's eyes were darting around. She didn't know why Sister Xiaomin suddenly played music, but it sounded pretty good, even though she couldn't understand it.

In the past, when the two of them rode home in the car, they would be mostly silent. They would say a few words at most, and then they would be gone.

There was music in the car, and the atmosphere seemed much more relaxed. Ding Jiamin took the initiative to ask Xiaomi if she had fun today.

Xiaomi opened the chatter, and Balabala talked a lot until they arrived at the supermarket.

The two got out of the car to buy groceries. Dark clouds drifted across the sky. It was going to rain. There was a faint sound of thunder rolling in the sky.

Ding Jiamin said to Xiaomi: "It looks like it's going to rain."

Xiaomi looked up at the sky, studied it carefully and said, "There is still the sun."

"It's probably a rain shower."

"Then we have to go home quickly and collect our clothes."

"You didn't dry your clothes. Have you dried your clothes?"

Xiaomi nodded and said that she had dried her little pants and the little hat she wore in winter on the balcony.

"Then let's hurry up."

Although they knew it was going to rain, they didn't expect it to happen so quickly. When the two came out to buy groceries, it started to rain heavily, dark clouds rolled in, and strong winds blew.

Xiaomi was worried about her little pants and hat, while Ding Jiamin was thinking about how to get back. Their car was in the open-air parking lot outside the supermarket. How to get to the car?

There was no point in running. It was raining so heavily and you would get soaked if you ran even a few meters. Besides, you had a child with you.

"It looks like the rain won't stop for a while," said someone who was also trapped nearby.

Ding Jiamin looked up at the sky. The clouds were thick and it sure looked like they wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Let's go buy an umbrella." She said, taking Xiaomi back to the supermarket, buying an umbrella and a small raincoat.

The little raincoat was put on by Xiaomi and bundled into a ball. She opened the umbrella, picked up Xiaomi without saying a word, put it in her armpit, and strode out of the supermarket.


She didn't even react. She was clamped sideways in her armpit. Xiaomi's eyes were wide open. She felt that she felt safe around sister Xiaomin. After a while, she felt like she was being stuffed into the car. At first glance, I saw that I was actually in the car.

"Your clothes are wet~" Xiaomi saw that Ding Jiamin's trousers were wet.

It's summer now, but Ding Jiamin still wears trousers.

"It's okay." Ding Jiamin didn't care, sat in the driver's seat and drove away.

"You will get sick." Xiaomi leaned his head from the back row and said.

"Sit down quickly." Ding Jiamin said.

Xiaomi quickly sat down and took the initiative to fasten his seat belt, and then said: "You will get sick if you do this."

Ding Jiamin didn't speak. The road conditions were complicated on a rainy day. She was concentrating on driving. It wasn't until Xiaomi said it several times that she said, "You are so long-winded."

Xiaomi suddenly stopped talking and was quiet for a while. Ding Jiamin said: "Let's go home quickly and change our pants when we get home."

"Okay~" Xiaomi said crisply, and then asked: "Why didn't you buy yourself a raincoat just now?"

She was thinking too much and felt that Sister Xiao Min must have given her the best, but she only held an umbrella. Xiao Bai said that all mothers in the world were like this.

"I didn't expect that." Ding Jiamin said concisely.

Thank you for your concern. The fever has gone down.

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