Dad Academy

Chapter 879 My own shadow (3/4)

Chapter 879 My own shadow (34)

PS: Continue to code Chapter 4

Liuliu looks like a little devil who eats children, scaring the young children so much that they cower behind Teacher Xiaoliu.

Liliu: "..."

Teacher Xiaoliu: "Liuliu, please go away."

Liuliu muttered in his mouth, he was like a duck, he was like a duck, he couldn't play like a duck, he came in pleasure and returned in despair. She welcomed the young children so warmly, but was treated as a bad guy.

It's a duck!

She groaned and sat on the sofa with an unhappy face. She lay down and rolled around, her stomach growling. She was hungry and it was time to eat snacks, but where were her snacks?嘤嘤嘤~

When Xiaonian was watching the little penguins just now, she accidentally crushed two of them. Although Xiaobai forgave her, she still felt guilty and a little scared. She drew two of them herself and found Teacher Xiaoliu. Accompanied by Teacher Xiaoliu, she Come to Xiaobai's house and return the little penguin to her.

Xiaobai received these two little penguins and looked at them carefully. Of course, it's not like what she and Boss Zhang did. It's just painting, without folding, cutting and pasting. The painting is not very good, it's crooked. It's not as good as Xiaobai's painting, and it's not evil or crazy. Some of it is just Stupid.

But Xiaobai took it carefully and was very happy. He touched Xiaonian's little head, thanked her, and praised her little penguin for being so cute.

Xiaonian, who looked nervous, breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled timidly, and his anxious mood finally improved.

Teacher Xiaoliu lowered his head and praised Xiaonian, "I just said that the little penguin you drew is very good. Sister Xiaobai will definitely like it very much. Look, doesn't Miss Xiaobai like it very much? They are all praising you."

"Hehe~" The little boy raised his face and smiled.

This little guy had two little tiger teeth when he smiled. He was so cute and cute, which aroused Dudu's curiosity and stared at her.

Xiaonian's smile stopped suddenly, and he subconsciously hid behind Teacher Xiaoliu, pulled her clothes, and whispered that he was going back.

"Then let's go and say goodbye to Xiaobai and Sister Dudu." Teacher Xiaoliu said.

Xiaonian waved his little paws at them in a low voice, and Luoliu immediately stood up from the sofa and said, "What about me, what about me? I am also a little sister~~~"

Xiaonian immediately hid behind Teacher Xiaoliu, not daring to talk to the child-eating Liuliu.

Liuliu was disappointed and sad. She never expected that someone would be afraid of such a cute little girl like her.

She always thought that she was cute and loved by everyone.

Teacher Xiaoliu comforted Liuliu, saying that it was not her appearance that was the problem, but that Xiaonian was timid and was afraid of everyone.

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw Xiaonian letting Xiaobai touch his little head with a puppy-like smile.

Liliu: "..."

Good guy, you can’t afford it, can you?

Luliu angrily climbed onto the sofa again and rolled on it.

Ever since she first arrived at Boss Zhang's new home, she had fallen in love with this sofa. It was big and soft, especially suitable for a little princess like her. She almost wanted to make a bed here.

Just like Xiaobai before, when he first came to Zhang Tan's house, he fell in love with Zhang Tan's big bed.

Now, the little kid Liuliu falls in love with Boss Zhang’s sofa.

Xiaobai later occupied Boss Zhang's big bed, but obviously, Luoliu couldn't occupy Boss Zhang's sofa because Xiaobai would beat her if she didn't agree.

Xiaonian is really afraid of Liliu, not only because Liliu "eats" the little penguin, but also because Liliu is usually a bully-like character in Little Red Pony, causing trouble.

When they first came here, Liuliu was the youngest of the little red horses. Later, Xi'er came and Xi'er became the youngest. Then little Zheng Zheng and Shi Baobao came, and her little friend Shen Liuliu grew up. At the age of 6, she became the eldest child of Little Red Mali. She also practiced wrestling. Her size advantage was obvious, and she really had the aura of a street tiger.

It's just that she can't mess with those people she can't mess with, such as Luo Zikang, Xiaojun, and Ding Xiaohai.

If she crosses them, she will be beaten.

Many new children have never seen Liuliu being chased for her life by Luo Zikang in the yard, nor have they seen her crying when Luo Zikang hugged her. They thought Liuliu was Little Red Mali's eldest sister. They usually see her. , both respectful and fearful.

When Xiaonian was about to leave, Xiaobai touched her little head and suddenly thought of something. He ran to the restaurant, opened the refrigerator on tiptoe, took out a bottle of bear milk, and ran back to give it to her.

"Hold it, you are so thin." Xiaobai said.

Xiaonian didn't dare to accept it, but Teacher Xiaoliu said it was Sister Xiaobai's wish and asked her to accept it.

Xiaonian took the milk, thanked Xiaobai, and left with Teacher Xiaoliu in hand.

Xiaobai stood at the door and watched them go downstairs. He shouted that the Malan flowers were about to bloom and the lights in the corridor were turned on. He asked Xiaonian who looked over curiously to turn on the lights for them.

Xiaonian smiled and was amused by Xiaobai, waved his little hand and left.

Xiaobai turned around and was startled to see Liuliu leaning in front of her, smiling stupidly.

"Where do you live! You little melon!"

Xiaobai pushed Liuliu away, and the baby frightened her.

"66666~~~Xiaobai, Xiaonian likes you, you are her little sister." Liuliu flattered her.

Xiaobai glanced at her, she was already very familiar with this little best friend, and must have taken a fancy to her bear milk.

In the end, Xiaobai still didn't stop Liuliu's flattery. She, Liuliu and Dudu sat side by side on the sofa watching "Windmill and Fake Sophistication", each holding a bottle of Little Bear milk, sucking on it and shaking their feet.

Xiaobai couldn't help but want to drink.

So, of course, it was impossible for her to just drink it by herself without giving her the dudu.

Liliu and Dudu belong to everyone who sees them.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Liuliu had eaten and drank enough, and left with Dudu, saying enthusiastically that he would come back tomorrow.

Xiaobai did not go downstairs with them, but came to the study room and found Zhang Tan who was writing a book in front of the computer. He first curiously asked him what he was writing. He heard that he was writing a novel. He said oh, and praised him like a little adult, You are pretty awesome.

Zhang Tan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Thank you, you are just complimenting me."

Xiaobai nodded: "This is your strong point." Then he asked what the novel was.

I bet he doesn't know novels.

Zhang Tan explained that they are stories and picture books.

"Do you want to hear the story I wrote?" Zhang Tan asked hopefully. He was not afraid of trouble and could tell Xiaobai Tongxiao the story of "Zhu Xian".

But Xiaobai nodded, but suddenly the topic changed to Xiaonian.

He almost reached Boss Zhang's waist.

"Why is she so thin? She, her hair is still yellow..."

Xiaobai tried his best to describe Xiaonian. The general idea was that Xiaonian was thin and small, and his hair was still yellow. Why was this happening?

She didn't know why, but she felt a little sad when she saw Xiaonian's young appearance.

She couldn't explain this emotion, let alone why she felt it.

When Zhang Tan heard her question, Xiaonian's appearance immediately came to mind. This Xiaonian looked very similar to Xiaobai when he came to Little Red Horse.

Xiaobai saw his original self in Xiaonian.

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