Dad Academy

Chapter 872 Hush (2/2)

Chapter 872 Hush (22)

Ever since Zhang Hui came in, Bai Jianping has been in a sluggish state and his whole body is not feeling well.

What the hell? Why did the people on the TV escape? Are you here to visit the visiting class to see him? Could it be that my complaint yesterday was heard?

He immediately realized that it was impossible, he was walking with Zhang Tan, and then he heard Zhang Tan introduce him, this was his uncle.

Bai Jianping's whole body was even worse, and he was in a state of confusion.

He didn't dare to stare at Zhang Hui, as if the man's radiant light blinded him.

He stared at Xiaobai, glaring at Xiaobai, making Xiaobai look confused.

The child didn't understand what was going on and thought her uncle was unhappy with her for ignoring Wang Xiaoyu, so she chatted with Wang Xiaoyu about cartoons. When she saw her uncle still staring at her, she suddenly became unhappy. She puffed up her cheeks and said, "Just stare at me." What is it?

Bai Jianping didn't respond. His brain was in a down state and he couldn't react.

It wasn't until Malanhua brought the topic to him that he came back to his senses and saw everyone looking at him, laughing and giggling, not knowing what to say.

Malanhua scolded him in her heart, what a fool.

When I was at home, I was so arrogant that I wanted to call her Sister Qin Huifang, but when I got here, I was as timid as a pile of mud.

Zhang Tan knew Bai Jianping a little, so he came to his rescue and said with a smile: "He is a good cook. When he was at home, Xiao Bai always said that he missed his uncle's cooking."

Xiaobai was confused. When did she say that? She often feeds the meals her uncle cooks to the dogs under the window.

Zhang Hui smiled politely at Bai Jianping and said a compliment. Bai Jianping didn't hear clearly. He couldn't hear any words now. He could only hear his own heartbeat and chaotic thoughts.

He just realized that Zhang Hui said something to him, but he didn't know the specific words, so he giggled twice and dealt with it.

Zhang Hui was stunned, nodded, smiled, and then asked Xiao Bai to sit next to him.

Xiaobai pretended not to see it, Zhang Hui said something more, Xiaobai turned his head and told Wang Xiaoyu that his grandpa asked him to come over and sit down.

Wang Xiaoyu quickly said, his name is Xiaobai.

Xiaobai said: "I'm calling you."

Wang Xiaoyu waved his hand and said, "No, no, I called you."

Zhang Tan spoke for Wang Xiaoyu and asked Xiaobai to sit over.

Xiaobai puffed up her face, a little unhappy, and sat over. Zhang Hui didn't know what to say to her, and the child immediately laughed.

Zhang Mingxue looked at his father, then at Xiaobai, and then at Wang Xiaoyu, who was ignored. Unexpectedly, his father was such a serious person. He treated her, her sister, and her sister's baby Wang Xiaoyu very seriously and seriously. He turned out to be a second-generation relative, and he was a little too doting on Xiaobai. He put a smile on his face even when he was disliked, which was a bit weird.

Bai Jianping had similar thoughts to hers, but he was more realistic.

In the future, we have to build a good relationship with Xiaobai. We can't let the melon's child grow longer and the melon's child become shorter. I'm afraid that in a few years, I'll have to call her Miss Bai.

When he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his foot and almost shouted. When he looked down, he saw a big foot stepping on his foot. It was Malanhua!

While Malanhua smiled and talked to Qin Huifang, she kicked her feet twice before letting go.

Bai Jianping was completely awake. He wanted to find a chance to tell Malanhua Zhang Hui's identity, but there was no chance.

He felt anxious, afraid that he would say something wrong.

Zhang Tan was the lubricant at the scene, making jokes and helping the two families get familiar with each other, talking and laughing, and with children participating, the atmosphere was pretty good.

In order to further enhance the atmosphere, Zhang Mingxue asked Wang Xiaoyu to perform a show.

"Aren't you learning hip-hop dancing? Let's do a dance." Zhang Mingxue said.

Wang Xiaoyu is timid and embarrassed to jump.

Qin Huifang encouraged him with a smile, and everyone encouraged him, so he came out coquettishly and performed a severely deformed hip-hop dance. It didn't look like a hip-hop dance, but a Yangko dance.

Zhang Mingxue smiled mischievously, giving him face without any venom.

Wang Xiaoyu's performance was over, and Ma Lanhua asked Xiaobai to perform a section as well.

Xiaobai didn't want to. When Wang Xiaoyu danced just now, she felt that Wang Xiaoyu looked like a monkey. She didn't want to be treated like a monkey being watched.

But everyone was so kind and she couldn't help it. She hummed and performed a sword show.

"Sing another song. Aren't you very good at singing? You've received a lot of praise." Malanhua encouraged, almost telling the truth.

"Why don't you sing a song?" Xiaobai asked.

Malanhua: "You are a child, and I am not."

Xiaobai: "You were a kid before, and you grew up as a kid."

Malanhua: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I was born this big."


Xiaobai sang a song unhappily. His voice was immature but presentable, and he won a lot of applause.

Wang Xiaoyu applauded very enthusiastically, gave Xiaobai a thumbs up, and said that from now on he would dance and Xiaobai would sing.

Talking about the fuss, an hour passed quickly. Qin Huifang asked Teacher Jiang if she could order food now and get ready to eat.

Everyone took the opportunity to get up and walk around. Bai Jianping picked up the tea cup in front of him and suddenly found that the water was gone and he had finished it long ago.

He was so nervous that he kept drinking water. He had already finished the glass of water, and he couldn't reach the teapot, so he didn't have the nerve to get up and reach for it.

"Can you speak normally now?" Malanhua found the opportunity to whisper, hating that iron could not become steel.

Bai Jianping: "...I, I'm going to the toilet."

He left in a hurry, as if he really couldn't bear it anymore.

There was a bathroom in the box, but he went out. Just as he was peeing, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door. He didn't pay attention and continued to pee. Suddenly he felt someone coming next to him. He looked sideways and saw Zhang Huina. She smiled at him.

Bai Jianping immediately became weak and couldn't urinate.

The hissing suddenly disappeared, and Zhang Hui couldn't help but say: ←_←

He was very embarrassed for a moment, but he couldn't pick up his pants and leave at this time, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing. He could only pretend that he didn't notice, hush, then pull up his pants and leave.

Bai Jianping saw him leaving before wiping the sweat from his forehead. Hammer! What does this ask him to do? ! I can't even pee to win!

He stood for a while, then shushed again, pulled up his pants, and wandered outside the box, embarrassed to go in. Until he couldn't see anymore, he pushed the door open and entered, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible. Who knew that when Xiaobai saw him? He shouted: "Uncle, why didn't you come back just now?"

Everyone looked over. Bai Jianping looked at Zhang Hui immediately. He saw Zhang Hui lowering his head and talking to his grandson Wang Xiaoyu without looking over. Bai Jianping breathed a deep sigh of relief.

But before he could completely relax, Ma Lanhua suddenly asked him to chat with Zhang Hui, saying that he liked to read current political news.

Malanhua just learned that Zhang Hui is interested in current political news and is quite knowledgeable about it.

This is what Zhang Tan told her, because Zhang Hui had not spoken much before and no one could talk to each other, so he wanted to make a match.

Bai Jianping: "..."

He suddenly thought of yesterday's denigration of Zhang Hui's formalism, and his heart trembled for a moment.

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