Dad Academy

Chapter 853 Get rich overnight (1/2)

Chapter 853 Get rich overnight (12)

Xiaobai, a silly little boy, was competing with the peas in the bowl. The peas are said to be the most popular among Sichuan people and she also loves to eat them.

Bai Jianping sighed, this little fool didn't know what Boss Zhang's words just meant, it meant that she would be rich in the future! You can eat as much quack as you want.

He didn't have the nerve to directly ask Zhang Tan which company he was from. Why didn't he know? He had never heard that Zhang Tan had a company, but he knew about the studio next to it. Several young people worked here every day, playing like a house.

He finished dinner with such questions, and then drank tea and chatted with Lao Li in the yard. Xiaobai was wandering around, chasing a ball and kicking it around. Lao Li was so frightened that half of his mind was on guard against her. He was worried that the ball would fly to his head accidentally.

Flying to his head was secondary, he was more worried about knocking over his little teapot and smashing it to pieces.

His little teapots are exquisite and have a sense of the times, but they are not antiques. They are all genuine ones that he found in Huangjia Village. Zhang Tan had checked them all and concluded that they were all fakes, but he didn't tell Lao Li directly because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to bear the excitement.

"Xiaobai, go over there and play."

Lao Li wanted to send Xiao Bai away, but Xiao Bai refused, so he circled around them. The football was kicked with a loud thud, which hit Lao Li's heart.

He couldn't help but sigh, it wasn't enough to have Miss Zhao, and there was Bai Chunhua, and none of them made him worry.

"Xiaobai, go over there and play, and I'll give you a candy to eat." Lao Li said seductively.

Xiaobai didn't even look at him. He just wanted to send her away with a candy. Do you think she is a three-year-old child? snort! She is not a pomegranate.

Seeing that he couldn't do it, Lao Li looked at Bai Jianping, meaning that as his uncle, he would take action.

Bai Jianping said casually: "Xiao Bai, go and play aside."

Xiaobai: "You're yelling at me to leave? You're not yelling at me to leave! I was the one who came first~"

Bai Jianping: "..."

Lao Li: "...drink tea and drink tea~~"

Suddenly, Xiaobai said to him: "Li Baibao, look!"

He followed Xiao Bai's gesture and saw a small figure holding something in his arms. He quickly ran out of his guard box and jumped towards the direction of Building 2, intending to make a circle from there. Escape into the classroom.

Lao Li suddenly stood up and threatened loudly: "Dudu - you little guy, what are you moving me with?!!!"

He hurriedly chased after her with all his energy.

Xiaobai took the opportunity to sit in his seat, looked at his teacup, smelled the tea, and curiously asked Bai Jianping, is this the taste of mulberry leaves?

Bai Jianping didn't want to talk about this topic with Hanhan'er. He looked around furtively and when he saw no one, he asked Xiaobai mysteriously if he knew what kind of company Boss Zhang opened.

Xiao Bai lowered his head and played with Lao Li's teacup and teapot, and said without raising his head: "I don't know."

Bai Jianping asked again: "Have you been there?"

Xiaobai still answered without raising his head: "No."

Bai Jianping continued to ask: "Then what do you know?"

Xiaobai finally raised his head, "Uncle, you're so annoying~ Why don't you ask Boss Zhang? I'm just a little kid, don't I know anything about it? You can ask it yourself, I'll call Boss Zhang for you , Boss Zhang——”

Bai Jianping was startled, "Don't shout, don't shout, don't shout~~~~"

Bai Jianping did not find out about Zhang Tan's company in the end. He was frightened by Xiao Bai and fled from Little Red Horse in a hurry, not having the face to ask Zhang Tan face to face.

However, he pays close attention to the news. While working on the set, he would take out his mobile phone from time to time and squint his eyes in the sun to check the news. He first looked for it in the current affairs news, but then he realized that Boss Zhang was not an official, so he changed to the entertainment news channel. He searched and searched, and finally he found it. Zhang Tan's name was not in the news headlines, but he was in the news photos!

Bai Jianping's expression perked up and he zoomed in to see that the font sizes on his mobile phone were all the largest, just like an old phone, otherwise he couldn't see clearly.

"Kuxun Video is on the market!" 》

Under the news, it was reported that Kuxun Video was launched today. It was accompanied by a news picture. It showed a group of people standing on the stage ringing the bell. Among them, standing near the edge was Zhang Tan!

"On the 19th, the domestic video website Kuxun went public with an issue price of US$27. As of 12 o'clock in the morning, it closed at US$56, with a total market value of US$10 billion..."

At the same time, Zhang Tan, Ku Cheng and others were holding a cocktail party to thank all parties.

After drinking and drinking, everyone returned to the hotel to rest. Ku Cheng was old and could not hide his tired look on his face. After they went abroad, they never had the chance to catch up on jet lag, so they forced themselves to attend the listing bell ringing.

Zhang Tan is young and strong and can hold on. It is not easy for Kucheng to hold on until now.

After the car arrived at the hotel, he was almost helped out of the car and back to the room by Zhang Tan.

As soon as Zhang Tan came out of Shikucheng's room and closed the door, Xiang Yuan hurriedly appeared and asked Zhang Tan how Mr. Ku was doing.

Zhang Tan said: "It's just that I'm physically tired and I haven't recovered from the jet lag."

Xiang Yu'an lamented that Mr. Ku was old and should have a good rest and not worry about so many things.

Zhang Tan was stunned and did not answer. At this time, Xiang Yu'an said again: "There is no other way. I have to report something to Mr. Ku."

Zhang Tan: "If it's not urgent, let's talk tomorrow."

Xiang Yu'an: "Have you read our stocks?"


Xiang Yu'an said dejectedly: "It's broken."


He knocked on the door and entered Ku Cheng's room. Zhang Tan returned to his room and took out his mobile phone to check the stock price of Ku Xun Video. He saw that the curve that was red not long ago had now turned into a miserable green, and the stock price had changed from The highest point was 57 US dollars, and it fell to 26 US dollars, which was a break!

This is too miserable! ! !

In fact, before it went public, many companies analyzed Kuxun Video and believed that the company had no advantage in market share and its core competitiveness was not obvious. It has been on the defensive in recent years and is in danger of being further cannibalized by leading video websites.

It seems that the stock market does not like Kuxun Video very much.

Zhang Tan is helpless. This is something he can't control. He holds 5% of the shares, which has suddenly dropped from the previous high of 500 million US dollars to less than 250 million US dollars now!

This is so exciting!

Zhang Tan felt distressed for a while, then received a video call from Xiaobai, chatted with his little girl for a while, and felt much better. 250 million U.S. dollars, which is nearly 2 billion yuan, which can be called a fortune overnight.

After staying abroad for two days, the group visited Silicon Valley on the second day, met with several companies, and then returned to China.

Bai Jianping has been paying attention to the news of Kuxun Video's listing. At night, he suddenly saw the news that Kuxun Video's stock price had plummeted. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for Boss Zhang. He had lost so much money in one night, and he couldn't think about it.

However, I suddenly saw the news that Boss Zhang's new drama "My Love from the Star" has been officially approved! The investment alone is 350 million yuan.

"You are so rich." Bai Jianping sighed, showing no sympathy for Zhang. He was a lonely old man living in a rented house. How could he have the right to sympathize with a rich and handsome man? If he was full and had nothing to do, why should he look at the country? News, pay attention to current affairs.

As soon as Zhang Tan and others returned, the company announced the drama in advance in order to boost the stock price and give the market confidence.

Sure enough, the stock price rose at the opening of the next day, until the daily limit, and until the close.

PS: Chapter 2 will come during the day tomorrow. I have to adjust my work and rest schedule. I can’t stay up late every day. I’m going to squeeze everything out.

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