Dad Academy

Chapter 849 Why are your hands shaking (1/2)

Chapter 849 Why are your hands shaking (12)

Liuliu burped after eating. Not only did she finish the piece of cake she was assigned to, but she also walked back and forth between the little sisters, eating and drinking. She didn't get the cake, but she got a bottle of bear drink. It was really Amazing, his acting skills have improved again.

Her mother told her to go home, but she refused and yelled that she hadn't had lunch yet. Zhu Xiaojing scolded her and dragged her out by her collar.

The little sisters had never seen such a fierce mother, and they all came out to say goodbye. They saw off Liliu all the way, blessing her and telling Mother Zhu not to bully Liliu.

"Mother Zhu, don't bully Liliu~~~ She is a good child, she is just a little naughty."

"Don't hit people, don't hit people, little friends are just babies."

"Liuliu, don't leave~~~~"

Fortunately, Liliu is not a face-conscious person, otherwise he would die in society. Da Liuliu, who is known as everyone's sister, has no status at home and is dragged around by her mother.

After leaving the little red horse, Liuliu knew that the situation was over and she would not be able to eat Boss Zhang's lunch. She gave up and followed Mother Zhu home obediently. Before going home, the two went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities. Luoliu became excited again, looking around, always wanting to run away. Zhu Xiaojing was heartbroken and held her little hand tightly to prevent her from leaving, for fear of losing it.

Liliu looked unhappy. She finally made a trip to the supermarket, but she wasn't allowed to take a look around! Then what is she doing here? ! ! Is she here to play? ? ? !

"Help mom carry the carrots~~" Zhu Xiaojing assigned her a task. Children without tasks are soulless and always want to wander around.

Liuliu clasped her little hands behind her back, shook her head and said she was not a little rabbit, why should she give her a carrot~~

Zhu Xiaojing said: "I will make fried meat with carrots for lunch, but you don't want to eat it."

"Mother Zhu, let me hold the trumpet for you." Liuliu said obediently.

"That's pretty much it. Come on, we still need to buy fish."

"Huh? Fish Baobao?" After hearing this, Liuliu jumped up and down, very happy, "Good duck! I really like eating fish Baobao~ The fish Baobao rice made by Xiaobai is also very delicious. I ate a lot of it. ~~"

Liuliu was extremely attentive, helping her mother pick the fish, and telling the master to kill the fish. She also told her not to look at the fish because she was afraid, and to keep an eye on the weight to avoid being short of weight. When she got it, she carried it all the way, and she was very afraid of the fish. She wasn't completely dead, and she would tremble a little from time to time, which scared her out of her mind, but she was strong all the way home.

Shen Limin is responsible for cooking at home. She also told Master Shen to cook the fish well and add more salt. This is what Xiaobai said. As a result, it was finally out of the pot and it was ready to eat, but she was told that Xiaobai Children should not eat fish because fish bones may get stuck in their throats.

Liliu: "..."

She was furious and was about to lose her temper on the spot. Fortunately, Zhu Xiaojing quickly comforted her and said it was just a joke.

"You can't afford to play with me~"

Zhu Xiaojing raked him over and made Liliu stunned for a while, not knowing why he fell out.

She muttered, neither angry nor laughing, and the strong little pomegranate was almost broken.

"I'll catch the fish for you and let dad shave the fish bones for you." Zhu Xiaojing said, giving Shen Limin a chance to show off.

If Shen Limin doesn't show up, he will have no chance and his life will be over. Today I have become Master Shen, as if he is being ordered to be a chef by Liuliu.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it." Shen Limin seized the opportunity and helped Liliu shave off the fish bones and put them in her bowl.

"Thank you." Liuliu said politely, "I want to eat that again."

She pointed to the fried meat with carrots that was far away from her. It was placed so far away that the children couldn't reach it!

Shen Limin helped her pinch it, and suddenly Zhu Xiaojing asked: "Liuliu, why are your hands shaking?"

"Huh?" Liuliu raised his big face from the bowl in surprise.

"I said, why are your hands shaking? Don't shake when eating." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Luoliu looked at his little hands in surprise. The little hands holding the chopsticks were indeed shaking, trembling, bang bang bang~~~~ The meat that had just been picked up was shaken off. She picked it up again, shook it again, and dropped it on the table this time...

Repeatedly, Liuliu said with a sad face: "Mother Zhu, am I poisoned?"

She glared at Shen Limin, Master Shen must have poisoned him! He cooked the rice!

Shen Limin complained that he had not done such a thing and how could he poison his wife and daughter.

Zhu Xiaojing grabbed Liuliu's little hand, looked at it, and said, "Maybe I exerted too much force during the move today, and my hands are shaking."

When Liuliu heard this, she nodded in agreement, saying that she was too tired, she was really too tired, she was almost exhausted~~~

Zhu Xiaojing handed Liuliu's little hand to Shen Limin: "Look and see if it's caused by overwork."

The couple studied for a while and diagnosed that Liliu was working too hard during the move, causing her little hands to tremble all the time.

"What should I do? Who can help me~~~" Liuliu thought he was seriously injured and panicked.

"It's okay, just rest for a while and eat." Zhu Xiaojing said.

The pomegranates were pinching the meat, and the little hands looked like Parkinson's. The chopsticks were trembling, and the meat was very naughty. It fell into the bowl, on the table, on the floor, on the napkin... but it didn't fall into the mouth.

Luoliu was so angry that he lowered his head and licked it directly from the table into his mouth, biting it very hard to relieve his hatred.

Zhu Xiaojing glanced at her and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. However, she saw Luoliu climbing off the chair and crawling under the table, like a dog.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Xiaojing couldn't keep calm.

Luoliu hid under the table and said with a smile: "My meat fell to the floor, I want to eat it!"

"Get up! It's dirty if it falls on the floor."

Zhu Xiaojing pulled her up and ordered her to sit down on the chair and not to lick the flesh on the floor.

Liuliu said reluctantly: "What a waste of money~~~The teacher said little friends can't waste it."

Zhu Xiaojing picked up the pieces of meat on the ground, threw them into the trash can, and tied a bib on Liuliu.

"Mother Zhu, please feed me." Liuli applied.

Zhu Xiaojing glanced at her and said nonchalantly: "Eat it by yourself, a little difficulty will stump you? You are a strong little pomegranate."

Liuliu sighed and muttered that Zhu's mother didn't love her. If Boss Zhang were here, Boss Zhang would definitely feed her.

Zhu Xiaojing glanced at her and said to herself, just brag, Boss Zhang won't feed you.

After doing strenuous work in the morning, Luoliu ate cake, but she was hungry again. However, the happiest time in the past was now full of anger, and her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't hold the food.

Zhu Xiaojing and Shen Limin had already finished eating and left the table. She was still sitting at the dining table, struggling with her trembling little hands.

The two couples were chatting after eating in the living room, and from time to time the grumpy little voice in the restaurant could be heard in their ears.

Shen Limin said: "Why don't you go take a look and help her."

Zhu Xiaojing said leisurely: "Don't worry, she is very strong."

Shen Limin: "I'm not worried about her not being strong, I'm worried about her breaking the bowl."

Zhu Xiaojing thought about it and realized that it was really possible. She got up and went to the restaurant and stared at the grumpy Liuliu.

At the same time, Dudu was eating a delicious lunch. He ate big mouthfuls and had a great appetite. He had already eaten two bowls and ate them in one go. His hands did not shake and he was in great spirits.

Her mother, Sun Dongdong, silently added another bowl to her, helped her put aside the bangs on her forehead, wiped away the fine beads of sweat, and gestured to her to eat slowly.

Dudu raised his rosy face and smiled at her. She was full of energy now, and labor made her truly happy.

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