Dad Academy

Chapter 830 The pinnacle of Shi Baobao’s life (1/2)

Chapter 830 The pinnacle of Shi Baobao’s life (12)

Today, "In the Name of the People" was filmed in the film and television city. It was a war scene, but the scene was not big. One of the characters in the play, an old man named Chen Shishi, recalled his experience of joining the army when he was young. It only lasted about 5 minutes in the play. The plot, but director Wu Wenzheng has already shot it for one day, and today is two days.

The actors recognized his sincere spirit, and Zhang Tan also admired it. However, one person was more worried. Producer Hu Shizhen was particularly worried about going over budget! With this kind of shooting method, it will definitely exceed the budget!

She comes to the set every day these days, nominally to deal with things, but actually to keep an eye on Wu Wenzheng and not let herself go too far.

Zhang Tan hasn't been here for several days. He spent the whole day on the set, chatting with the actors about their roles. In the evening, the 5-minute war scene was not finished filming, and it looked like they were going to fight at night, so Zhang Tan stayed. Bai Jianping dangled in front of him. After several times, he finally couldn't hold it back and asked him if he wanted to go to the kindergarten to pick up the child. White?

"Don't worry, I didn't forget. I have already contacted Teacher Jiang. She will pick up Xiaobai. She should have gone home by now." Zhang Tan said.

Bai Jianping nodded and said, "I'm just asking casually, getting ready for dinner."

The crew was having dinner. The sun was about to set and everyone was hungry.

Director Wu Wenzheng saw that he could not finish filming within a certain period of time, so he called for a break and continued after dinner.

"Give it to me, I'll do it." Zhang Tan took Wu Wenzheng's meal from the steward, found him and said, "Here we are, let's eat together."

Compared with before turning on the camera, Wu Wenzheng is much darker. Although it is not summer yet and the sun is not hot, it is inevitable to be a little darker when he is often under the sun.

"Thank you." Wu Wenzheng picked up the chopsticks and took a big bite to eat.

Zhang Tan looked back and said with a smile, "Mr. Hu is here."

Wu Wenzheng looked up and saw that the producer Hu Shizhen was here. He said with great self-knowledge, "It's mine."

Hu Shizhen came over with a lunch box to eat with her. Wu Wenzheng didn't wait for her to say anything, but first reviewed: "The progress is indeed slow. I will catch up in the next few scenes."

Hu Shizhen was startled and said with a smile: "I know, I'm not worried about this. I brought this for you to add some food."

She went to a nearby restaurant and packed up a dish of lotus blood duck as a special meal.

After getting along with each other these days, Hu Shizhen already knows that Wu Wenzheng eats spicy food and doesn't like anything spicy, so she brought this spicy lotus blood duck.

Sure enough, Wu Wenzheng was so excited that he thanked Zhang Tan repeatedly and invited Zhang Tan to eat with him.

Zhang Tan looked at the chopped chili peppers. The duck meat was almost soaked in the minced chili peppers. He couldn't bring up his appetite at all. He got up and left to find Bai Jianping.

I have always wanted to have a drink with Bai Jianping, but there is no chance. He often works overtime with the crew. When he is not working overtime, he can't find anyone. He either goes to the construction site to find his old brothers, or goes to the square to dance in the square. dance.

Bai Jianping and a group of people in charge of logistics and catering also gathered around to eat. When they saw Zhang Tan coming, everyone got up and left knowingly, leaving space for him and Bai Jianping.

Some ignorant people stayed here to joke and joke, but were kicked away by the senior employees.

Bai Jianping lowered his head and ate vigorously. His mouth was full and he choked. He looked for water to drink and took several sips.

Zhang Tan thought that Lao Bai was still timid, and said, "Nothing else, I just want to talk about Xiao Bai."

Bai Jianping looked at him and said vaguely: "What are you, Xiaobai?"

Zhang Tan: "Swallow the food in your mouth first, and we'll chat while we eat."

After Bai Jianping swallowed the food in his mouth, he took a sip of water and asked again: "What's the matter, Xiaobai?"

Zhang Tan said: "Nothing else, don't be nervous, I just feel that Xiaobai is getting older and a little bit out of touch. I seem to be a little bit unable to control it, and I don't know how you educated her before. I think it's good." , learn from the experience..."

When Bai Jianping heard this, his expression softened a lot, and he felt close to Zhang Tan. This cheap old man cared about Xiao Bai, otherwise he wouldn't care about this.

He talked a lot, detailing his parenting experience, like an educator, but finally said: "She is most afraid of her aunt. There must be someone who can control her, otherwise she will have a wild temper..."

Zhang Tan understood instantly that in fact, most of Xiaobai's education was done by Malanhua. Bai Jianping was even inferior to him and could not control Xiaobai. Only Malanhua could suppress the little monkey.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan has Teacher Jiang here now, and Xiaobai doesn't dare not listen to Teacher Jiang's words.

While the two of them were chatting, people kept coming up to talk to him, bringing him food, drinks, and fruits... Zhang Tan didn't even realize that he was so popular, just like Wang Xiaoyu. Before he came to Little Red Horse, he I never expected that I would be so popular with children, especially little girls.

When Zhang Tan left, he only had a bottle of water in his hand, which was given to him by the little sister.

After dinner, he quickly resumed filming. Zhang Tan stayed for a while, talked to Hu Shizhen for a while, and left without anything else.

In the yard of the little red horse, as soon as I got close, I heard a child shouting loudly, "Hurry up and catch Shi Baobao, don't leave Shi Baobao!"

It sounds like a beeping sound, some of it sounds like a dunk, and some sounds like a novice's.

A group of girlfriends who "just want to play and don't want to work" are collectively catching Shi Baobao. Shi Baobao runs away like crazy, followed by a group of little girls, laughing and joking.

Shi Baobao has undoubtedly reached the peak of his life. In the corridor, boys such as Ding Xiaohai and Luo Zikang can only look on with envy and hatred.

Dudu ran the fastest, so the little guy raised the difficulty level by turning around half a circle and chasing Shi Baobao, but Shi Baobao could never escape her capture.

Little Zheng Zhengdu was among the chasing crowd, pretending to be the best, and followed the girls with a silly smile. However, he was soon pushed to the back and got together with Liuliu.

"Hiahiah, Boss Zhang is back~~" Xi'er laughed and ran past Zhang Tan. It was important to hunt down Shi Baobao.

"I'll chat when I'm back~" Xiaobai whizzed over and ran over, leaving a greeting.

Silly boy, it's obviously you who's back.

With a whoosh, a tornado blew past. Zhang Tan couldn't see who it was, but he didn't need to look, it must be Dudu. At this speed, it must be her.

Cheng Cheng jumped up and down with Xiaomi and trotted over leisurely.

Finally, there was the panting Liuliu. When passing by Zhang Tan, he whimsically asked if he could carry her on his back to chase Shi Baobao.

Zhang Tan asked her to crawl away.

Liuliu snorted dissatisfied and left proudly.

After the durian, there was a scared little Zheng Zheng, who ran past Zhang Tan without squinting, as if he might be eaten by him just by looking at him! This was the big devil who chased her home to find her father. She was timid and scared.

Teacher Xiaoliu came out of the classroom, protected Shi Baobao, and stopped the little girls, "Don't run, don't run, you will sweat all over and stink. If you want to sing, sing."

Dudu and Liuliu ran over at the same time, each holding a microphone and refusing to give in to each other.

Liuliu threatened Dudu, pinched her cheeks, and threatened to eat her! Dudu was so aggrieved that he wanted to cry and appealed to Xiaobai and Xiaomi.

Liuliu was immediately chased away by Xiaobai and Xiaomi. The microphone was held by Xiaobai, and she played her famous song "Ma Lanhua".

Underneath, Liliu came close to Dudu, apologized slyly, and slapped Xiaobai together. The two soon shouldered each other and became good friends who had never known each other before.

Shi Baobao, who was being chased just now, was suddenly given up and stayed beside Zhang Tan just panting.

Zhang Tan asked him tentatively who among these little girls he liked the most.

Shi Baobao pointed in the direction of Liuliu without hesitation. Zhang Tan was shocked that he actually liked Fatty Liliu.

"Is it a pomegranate?"

Shi Baobao shook his head and pointed again, still in the direction of Luliu.

"Is it Dudu?"

Dudu is cute and lively, and is also a good athlete. He is one of the few girls who can catch him. If you don't know him until he fights, you may like Dudu because of this.

But Shi Baobao still shook his head and pointed in the direction of Luliu. Zhang Tan now noticed the little Cheng Cheng behind Liliu.

They are both 5 years old, but Cheng Cheng is one size smaller than Liliu, so he is mostly blocked behind her.

"Cheng Cheng?"

Shi Baobao nodded this time, waved to Cheng Cheng, and jumped up and down to play with her.

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