Dad Academy

Chapter 806 The galloping Dudu (2/2)

Chapter 806 The galloping Dudu (22)

Although Qin Huifang deliberately lowered her voice when talking about Bai Jianping, Xiaobai still heard it. She glanced here, then pretended not to see or hear, and continued to deal with Wang Xiaoyu, whispering: "Hello, my uncle. Miserable."

"Xiaobai, what are you talking about?" Wang Xiaoyu asked. He didn't hear clearly, and even if he heard clearly, he couldn't quite understand.

Xiaobai chuckled: "I love you so much."

Wang Xiaoyu was so amused by her that he regarded her as his best friend in his life and wanted to share his toys with her. When Zhang Tan was about to leave with Xiaobai, he cried and shouted for her to leave. Go with him, he can no longer leave Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan saw that he was so affectionate and was not allowed to leave because his pants were pulled down, so he suggested to Qin Huifang, "Why don't you let Xiaoyu stay with me for a few days?"

When Wang Xiaoyu heard this, he was even more surprised. He shouted that he wanted to go with his uncle and play with Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan asked him: "Do you want to go?"

"I want to go, uncle, I really want to go."

"Then let go first, you will pull my pants down."

"You'll run away if I let you go, right?"

"I really want to run, and it's no use even if you pull my pants down."

"Do you want to run without wearing pants? 嘤嘤嘤~~~"


Zhang Tan was speechless and ignored him. He could grab his pants if he wanted. He asked Qin Huifang if it was okay. Qin Huifang asked him to ask Wang Xiaoyu's mother, Zhang Qingqing.

Zhang Tan immediately called Zhang Qingqing. Zhang Qingqing was about to come to take Wang Xiaoyu home, so he agreed upon hearing this.

Wang Xiaoyu burst into tears on the phone, which made her feel that it would be unreasonable to disagree.

Wang Xiaoyu, who had been crying just now, ran happily to pack his toys and snacks, and followed Xiaobai enthusiastically, looking forward to the beautiful life ahead.

Zhang Tan felt that he could be asked to act in the next small drama.

Children are all born actors.

I heard that the next part of "Little Opera" will excerpt excerpts from Dream of Red Mansions. Zhang Tan thought that Wang Xiaoyu could play Jia Baoyu.

Although he didn't have much contact with his nephew, he had heard many rumors about him. These rumors all pointed in one direction, that is, this little guy was a trouble.

Zhang Mingxue complained to him no less than ten times, saying that her sister was too pampered by Wang Xiaoyu. This boy had a lot of dandy air about him, and she would teach him a lesson every time he saw him!

His mother couldn't control it herself, but she was willing to cooperate. She would send him to his grandmother's house every now and then, in name only to play at her grandmother's house.

"Have everything been packed?" Zhang Tan asked him.

"Okay, uncle~" Wang Xiaoyu, who was carrying a schoolbag and carrying large and small bags in his hands, was in high spirits, as if he was going on a trip.

This reminded Zhang Tan of when he was a child, staying with relatives for a few days during the summer vacation was no worse than traveling now. In fact, the experience was even better, and he was more happy than the holidays.

"Then let's go, Xiaobai, help Xiaoyu get something."

Xiaobai offered to help, but Wang Xiaoyu refused to let him go, saying that it would tire Xiaobai out and he could do it by himself. Then he carried it with a sigh of relief, and reluctantly followed behind Xiaobai.

When Qin Huifang saw this, she lamented that her grandson had grown up instantly and looked like a little man. She had never seen him so obedient.

She told Wang Xiaoyu that there were many children in her uncle's house and they had to be obedient there and not bully other children.

Although the child Wang Xiaoyu appears cute and naive in several appearances, he is actually not a good person. He is considered the number one person at home and in the kindergarten and is quite arrogant.

At home, his mother and father can't control him, and he is just like a little ancestor.

When he came to his grandma's house, he felt much more restrained, because he was afraid of two of the three people in the house, and only Qin Huifang made him feel friendly.

Needless to say, Zhang Hui was very majestic. When Wang Xiaoyu saw him, he was like a mouse seeing a big tiger. He immediately wanted to run away.

As for Zhang Mingxue, he used to not be afraid, but after being hanged and beaten again and again, he no longer dared to behave in front of her.

Qin Huifang was worried that Wang Xiaoyu would cause a lot of trouble in Little Red Horse Academy, just like he did in kindergarten.

She repeatedly told Zhang Tan that if she couldn't control it, she would call Qingqing and ask her to pick him up.

"I will be obedient, grandma, I am obedient." Wang Xiaoyu said vowedly, ensuring that he would not bully the children, "Xiaobai, right? Hahaha~~~"

Xiaobai glanced at him and laughed.

Qin Huifang was very pleased with Wang Xiaoyu's attitude and warned him repeatedly.

"Why did you bring so many toys?"

Wang Xiaoyu laughed loudly and said he wanted to play and share it with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai didn't answer and laughed secretly.

Qin Huifang asked Wang Xiaoyu to bring more snacks and help Xiaobai get some.

Xiaobai said she didn't want it, and Wang Xiaoyu said he had enough. He had brought so much, so it must be enough. He and Xiaobai could eat for a long time.

Finally getting in the car, Wang Xiaoyu was so excited. He kept talking while sitting in the car, and once again assured Zhang Tan that he would be obedient.

Zhang Tan expressed that he believed him. Wang Xiaoyu happily found some snacks and asked Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, do you want to eat this? Bear jelly."

When Xiaobai heard about the little bear, he was instantly excited. When he heard it was jelly, which he had never eaten before, he became energetic and wanted to talk to Wang Xiaoyu.

The two of them ate together and got the little red horse.

When getting off the bus, Zhang Tan wanted to help Wang Xiaoyu pick up things. The child had a heavy burden with large bags.

"I'm a man." Wang Xiaoyu said swornly, resolutely refusing Zhang Tan's help, and when Xiaobai didn't express his desire to help, he took the initiative to say that he didn't want Xiaobai's help as he could do it alone because he was a strong man. .

"We have to walk for a while, it's a bit far, you will be tired." Zhang Tan said.

Wang Xiaoyu jumped up and said he would not be tired.

Well, children all have this kind of virtue, they are self-righteous.

"Okay, let's go."

They walked all the way back to Xiaohongma from the open-air parking lot in Huangjiacun, walking through streets and alleys. During the ten-minute journey, Wang Xiaoyu looked excitedly from left to right at first, and Barabala asked Xiaobai questions.

After walking for five or six minutes, he spoke significantly less and began to barely breathe.

After walking for another five or six minutes, Wang Xiaoyu started singing and called his mother to come and help him. It turned out that his mother could not appear out of thin air, so he had to ask his uncle for help.

"Uncle, please help me~~"

Wang Xiaoyu finally couldn't bear it anymore and not only asked Zhang Tan to help him get things, but also didn't want to walk anymore and wanted to be hugged. But Xiaobai didn't allow it. She disagreed ten thousand times and said she would give it a hammer.

Zhang Tan encouraged: "We'll be there soon. Look at the gate in front of you. It's right there. You've made it this far. You can't fall short. Come on, come on. Xiaobai, come on for Xiaoyu."

Xiaobai said nonchalantly: "Wang Xiaoyu, come on~~"

Wang Xiaoyu instantly received a shot of chicken blood and decided to persevere to the end. He asked Zhang Tan to take a photo of him and send it to his mother as if he understood.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Have children nowadays started writing diaries every day?

Finally, when they reached the little red horse, child Wang Xiaoyu looked at everything in front of him excitedly. There were so many children. He seemed to have forgotten his fatigue and ran in excitedly.

"Hey hey hey~~~"

Lao Li greeted the kid who was running away. He immediately saw Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai and learned that they were Zhang Tan's nephews.

In the yard, Dudu and Xiao Zhengzheng happened to pass by one after another.

As Dudu walked, he tilted his head and stared at Wang Xiaoyu's bundle of snacks and toys. He couldn't take his eyes away. "Good guy, I'm just a good guy~~"

Zhang Tan understood her and guessed that she might be thinking, where did this big business come from? ?

"Kid, do you want to eat bear jelly?" Wang Xiaoyu greeted little Zheng Zheng warmly, seeing that little Zheng Zheng looked cute and weak, like a little sister.

Little Zheng Zheng stopped, she was so cute, Wang Xiaoyu gave her a bear jelly, and saw Dudu standing there with a hopeful look on her face. She was also a cute little sister, but a little fatter, and couldn't help but laugh. Laughing loudly, I also gave one to Dudu, which gave me a sense of accomplishment.

Dudu took it in his hand and looked closely at the snacks he brought. There were so many~~ and asked: "Are they all little bears?"

Wang Xiaoyu said that he loved eating bears the most, and pointed them out to Dudu and Xiao Zhengzheng, telling them what delicious food this was and what delicious food that was. He saw that little Zheng Zheng paid more attention to his toys and even introduced them to him.

Dudu listened, his heart beat wildly, he moved quickly, turned around and ran to the classroom as fast as he could, crossing the courtyard in less than five seconds! Break your own record! Today, after gaining a lot of weight just after the New Year, she can still break the record, which shows how rare it is and how excited she is.

As she ran, she shouted: "Pang Liuliu~~Pang Liuliu, come on~~~~~"

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