Dad Academy

Chapter 793 We can never go back (1/2)

Chapter 793 We can never go back (12)

Tan Jin'er was greatly disappointed when she went home for the New Year.

It turns out that the beauty of the past can only exist in memory, and people cannot go back to the past.

Once upon a time, the memories of her hometown left in her mind were bittersweet and colorful. After wandering around for many years, every time I think back, I think mostly of the good things. Even those bitter memories have a different flavor due to the passage of time, making her always want to go back to the past.

Furthermore, when she returned home this time, she wanted Xi'er to have a deeper concept and impression of her hometown.

Xi'er left her hometown with her when she was two years old and has been wandering for many years. She has no idea of ​​her hometown in her little memory. The rental house is the home in her imagination.

Xi'er's only impression of her family was her father's experience of riding a big horse with her during his lifetime.

Apart from this, she has no memory of home, not even her mother, and can't remember anything.

They went home full of hope and prepared gifts for everyone they knew and didn't know. Gifts are not expensive, but friendship and affection are better than friendship. However, she did not expect that this Spring Festival would disappoint her.

The once poor but warm home was no longer what it was. The once friendly uncle passed away due to illness, and the aunt who loved to laugh and wear a red flower in her hair was hit by the years and was suffering from a heavy illness... all the little good things that remained in Tan Jin'er's memory seemed to have disappeared. No more, the ones left behind are all strangers to her.

After dealing with the matters at the old house, Tan Jin'er decided to take Xi'er back to Pujiang.

In the past, she always had something to rely on deep in her heart. She felt that if she struggled outside, she could go home if she couldn't survive. But this time when she left, she knew she had no way out. She could only move forward, not back, because there was no way out.

Tan Jin'er rejected Zhang Tan's proposal to go back to Baijia Village, Sichuan. Early in the morning on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, she took Xi'er and Zhang Tan away from the town. They arrived at the airport, one flew to Chengdu, and the other two Fly to Pujiang.

Zhang Tan's plane went first, and Tan Jin'er held Xi'er's hand to see him off. Xi'er smiled and cried, wiping her tears while wishing him a happy New Year.

"Why are you crying? We will meet again soon. I will go find Xiaobai first. If I find Xiaobai, I will bring Xiaobai back."

Xi'er wiped away her tears and asked hopefully: "Will you come back to Little Red Horse?"

Zhang Tan: "Of course I'm going back to Little Red Horse, can you be more at ease?"

Xi'er nodded with tears in her eyes and said yes obediently.

Before returning to her hometown, her sister told her that home was a better place than Little Red Horse, but when she came back she found that home was not good at all. Little Red Horse was better, and the small home she and her sister had was better.

Zhang Tan knelt down, held the crying Xi'er in his arms and coaxed her softly.

At the airport, scenes of farewell abound. There are couples hugging each other for a long time, old people watching their children go away, mothers and daughters bidding farewell to their husbands for a long journey...

Seeing this, Xi'er nervously asked Zhang Tan if Xiaobai would return to Little Red Horse.

Zhang Tan comforted him: "Didn't I just say that Xiaobai will definitely return to Xiaohongma."

Xi'er asked where little Zheng Zheng was.

Zhang Tan said he would come back, and Xi'er asked Liliu, Dudu, Cheng Cheng, Xiaomi and others that she was worried about gains and losses now and was particularly fragile and needed a hug.

"Where's my little turtle? It's gone. Is it lost?"

"It is also going through the procedures for taking a flight. It will fly with you when the time comes. You go to the Little Red Horse together. When you arrive, it will also arrive. You can see it then."

Xi'er missed the little turtle in the old house and pestered Tan Zhongxiang with innocent questions, which made Tan Zhongxiang irritated. He originally didn't want to deal with Zhang Tan, but this little guy always came to see the little turtle and asked him many questions that he couldn't answer. As long as he could get rid of this hundred thousand reasons as soon as possible, he generously gave her the little turtle in the patio.

So Xi'er happily took the little turtle with her and wanted to take it to Pujiang to raise it. They had just checked in the little turtle and should have arrived in the cargo hold of the plane by now.

"Okay, Xi'er, come down quickly, Boss Zhang is leaving." Tan Jin'er said. Xi'er stayed in Zhang Tan's arms, delaying him from getting on the plane.

Xi'er came down reluctantly and said goodbye to Zhang Tan with Tan Jin'er before boarding the plane. She turned around and told Tan Jin'er that Boss Zhang didn't like her.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tan Jin'er looked in the direction where Zhang Tan was going, but he had disappeared.

"Boss Zhang hugged Xi'er but not his sister. He definitely doesn't like her."

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Tan Jin'er turned and left, heading to their boarding gate.

Xi'er followed behind Balabala and said that Boss Zhang definitely didn't like her sister anymore because she was so cruel and made her eat so much food that she almost exploded like a balloon.

Tan Jin'er walked in front, stopped, waved and said, "Come here quickly."

Holding Xi'er's little hand and walking together, "Don't eat anymore if you can't bear it anymore. Sister won't force you to eat."

Xi'er hiahia smiled and asked tentatively if she still wanted to pay back the three bowls of rice she still owed?

Tan Jin'er said that of course he would pay it back, and Xi'er suddenly became dejected and unhappy.

Soon the two of them also boarded the plane. Tan Jin'er asked Xi'er to sit by the window. They looked out the window and saw the plane slowly starting from the airport and rising into the sky. Xinzhou was gradually disappearing under their feet. Tan Jin'er suddenly felt... It is a huge sadness that her hometown is far away from her. She can still come back every year, but she knows that the beautiful hometown in her heart can no longer go back.

She was so sad that she just wanted to tell Xi'er that we would never go back.

At this time, Xi'er didn't know what she was thinking of. She suddenly muttered that there was no fun at home, and then continued to watch cartoons on her tablet.

Tan Jin'er looked at Xi'er for a long time. Yes, Tanjiacun was just her home, not Xi'er's.

Maybe, Xi'er's concept of this home is just the white walls in the hotel, the musty smell, and the TV without cartoons...

I want to give Xi'er a home, Tan Jin'er thought to herself.

Although it is said that wherever people go, there is home, but that is just a free and easy way of saying it. Chinese people attach great importance to the culture of family. If you wander around, you will not have a home in your heart, and you will not have a sense of belonging.

Her spiritual home is in Xinzhou, in Tanjia Village, because she spent her childhood and adolescence there.

But Xi'er left her hometown too early and she has no spiritual home. As her sister, Tan Jin'er has the responsibility to give this little one a home.

But how? Tan Jin'er doesn't know either.

Zhang Tan returned to Baijia Village again at around three o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining in the yard, and he happened to catch Xiaobai and Dunzi setting off firecrackers in the yard.

Dunzi stood watching with his hands covering his ears, while Xiaobai squatted on the ground and slyly connected the wires.

"Okay, you guys are secretly playing firecrackers again, aren't you afraid?"

"Dunzi, run quickly~~"

Xiaobai said hello and swooped out of the yard, faster than a rabbit.

It seemed that Xiaobai had a very comfortable life during the past few days when he was away.

Teacher Jiang heard the sound, came out of the room, stood leaning against the door, looked at him and smiled: "It's Zhang Tan who's back~~"

Zhang Tan felt warm in his heart and asked: "Is the air conditioner installed in the house? I just passed by the county and went to see that store. I said I came here on the afternoon of the third day of the lunar new year..."

A thousand words can't be as heart-warming as one or two trivial family matters.

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