Dad Academy

Chapter 80 Differential Treatment

In the next week, Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun traveled to many places and relied on many connections. Finally, they found all the young actors, and Gao Xiaolan also applied for funds.

Filming of this "little drama" is about to begin.

The script was polished and polished again and again by Zhang Tan, and it was like a cocoon.

As his first movie in this world, there is no room for carelessness. For a newcomer like him who has no background or connections, an opportunity can make his future smooth, or it can make him unable to recover and end his career.

Zhang Tongshun is also very cautious. The first drama after his comeback is of great importance.

The filming location was chosen at Pujiang Cinema City.

As the largest movie city in the south, Pujiang Movie City is always full, with projects starting to be filmed here every day, 365 days a year.

After discussions between Zhang Tan and the three of them, the crew finally chose September 3 as the day to start filming. It was an auspicious day, and the factory was notified and the factory leaders were invited to take the time to support.

"However, our project cannot be compared with other projects in terms of publicity." Gao Xiaolan said.

"What?" Zhang Tongshun asked.

"First, the project is small, second, given the nature of our drama, less publicity is the best option at this stage, and third, to avoid putting too much pressure on the young actors..."

Both Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun agreed with Gao Xiaolan's words.

Although Pujiang Film Studio mainly produces cartoons, the project budget for cartoons is also very high. In comparison, "Little Actor" can indeed be regarded as a small project. At least, it cannot be compared with the "Chief Jin" next door. , the budget was reduced by more than half.

Secondly, there has never been a drama with young actors taking the leading roles before. I have no idea how the market will react and how public opinion will react, but I can imagine that once the news comes out, it will definitely cause a big discussion, and anything can be said.

The last thing is to create a relaxed environment for the young actors to avoid being overly focused.

The three of them had just finished discussing this. Not long after, Zhang Tongshun came to Zhang Tan's office angrily and pushed the door open with a clang.

"What's wrong? Who made you so angry?" Zhang Tan asked doubtfully.

Zhang Tongshun's face turned dark. He slapped his face on his desk and said with a bang, "That's too much! "Chief Kim" is also set to start filming on September 3rd!"

Zhang Tan was stunned, his expression was not so good, and he asked: "What do they mean?"

Zhang Tongshun looked at him and said, "What else do you mean? You just deliberately disgust me!"

Although Zhang Tan didn't say his name, "Wang Yifan" immediately came up.

Sure enough, Wang Yifan and Zhang Tongshun were in love. The last time they met in the elevator, he guessed that the two had fallen out. At that time, the two of them seemed to be doing fine and said hello, but there was no other communication throughout the whole process.

Unexpectedly, this Wang Yifan was waiting for them here.

"Are you all here?" Gao Xiaolan also came, obviously getting the news as well.

"It was just confirmed that "Chief Kim" was indeed selected on September 3rd. It was decided today. As for whether they come first or us first, what they said is that they come first. These are not the key. The key is The only thing is that they have already announced it to the public and there is news on the Internet, so it is impossible to change the time. We are given only two choices, one is to proceed as usual, and the other is to change the date."

Zhang Tongshun immediately said: "If they want to change it, we will never change it!"

Gao Xiaolan knew his temper, she could guess it without telling him.

She looked at Zhang Tan, who said: "Although we have not announced the shooting start time, it must have spread in the factory. If we change the time, it will appear that we are giving way to "Chief Jin", so I agree with Director Zhang's opinion , we won’t change the time.”

Yesterday, the news spread in the factory that "Little Actor" would start filming on September 3. Zhang Tan received a call from Jiang Rong about this, and she knew about it. Therefore, "Chief Jin" said that they had confirmed the filming date for September 3 earlier. On the 3rd day of the month, they are just making excuses. Even if they have confirmed the time privately but have not announced it, then to outsiders, "Xiao Xigu" will come first and they will come last. Now the first one will have to give way. It would be too pitiful to tell it. Well, who is not a child in the factory, how can he become a stepmother?

Zhang Tongshun looked at Zhang Tan gratefully. He knew that for Zhang Tan, whether to change the time or not was not a big deal. The most important thing was him! He couldn't bear to lose face when the time was changed. Wang Yifan was obviously targeting him. He had just kicked him out of "Chief Jin" and then forced him to give up the time. It was too much of a lie.

Gao Xiaolan smiled helplessly: "I knew you wouldn't agree."

Zhang Tongshun: "Do you agree?"

Gao Xiaolan: "How could it be possible? People compete for one breath to receive a stick of incense. You must not give in to this kind of thing. If you give in, you will be taken advantage of."

Zhang Tongshun said with a smile: "We have the same internal opinion."

This made him very happy.

Gao Xiaolan said: "The leader just talked to me. He didn't say it clearly, but he wanted us to change the time. I didn't agree."

This makes people angry. The leader's intention is very obvious, and he values ​​"Chief Jin" more. To be honest, I can't blame him. After all, "Chief Jin" is the hottest drama in the studio right now, and "Little Actor"...

At noon, Gao Xiaolan received news that the factory leaders would attend the filming opening ceremony of "Chief Jin" on September 3.

This is really bad news, but there is also good news, that is, the factory leaders will attend the filming opening ceremony of "Little Actor".

Zhang Tan comforted the aggrieved Zhang Tongshun: "Director Zhang, think about it, they invited many media reporters and made it so loud. The leaders must have wanted to support us. Instead, we started filming silently. The leaders didn't Haven’t you forgotten either?”

When they got off work, Jiang Rong and Xu Jian were waiting for Zhang Tan under the building. Jiang Rong's first words when they met were: "I heard that you and "Chief Jin" were in trouble?"

Zhang Tan smiled bitterly: "You all know?"

Jiang Rong said excitedly: "It's all spread. Everyone is gossiping and can't stop talking."

Xu Jian then asked: "What is the specific situation? Are those people so strong?"

Jiang Rong said: "Zhang Tan, let's eat together and talk while eating."

Zhang Tan waved his hand: "If you don't want to eat, you won't eat. I'm so angry that I'm already full."

Immediately, Jiang Rong grabbed her arm and walked out: "Let's go, let's be more open-minded. We'll finish filming the show and I hope you slap me in the face."

September 3, Pujiang Cinema City, the crew of "Little Actor".

At 8:30, Zhang Tan drove to the set. As soon as he got off the car, he was stopped.

"Teacher Zhang, Teacher Zhang, wait a moment."

Zhang Tan looked sideways and saw that the person calling him was the coordinator of the production crew.

The coordinator is equivalent to a housekeeper, responsible for the operation of the entire crew.

"Teacher Zhang, let's go over the script for the next few days tomorrow."

Zhang Tan looked at the neighbor next door, but did not reply to him, but said: "The next door is really lively~"

The coordinating teacher said with envy: "Who knew that "Chief Jin" is also here. Many media reporters are here, and Director Lin will also come there."

"Director Lin?"

Immediately, Zhang Tan realized that it was Lin Hongyi, the director of the studio.

He knew that there was a studio leader attending the opening ceremony of the film project, but he didn't know that it was the top boss of the studio. From this, he could see the factory's expectations for "Chief Kim" and the decline of the studio's live-action films.

"Then the one who will come to our place later is also Director Lin?" Zhang Tan asked. Logically speaking, the leaders should have arrived at the door, and within two steps they would be the crew of "Little Actor". It is impossible to pass through the door without entering, right? It's too discriminatory.

Unexpectedly, the coordinator told him that Director Lin would not come to the set, but a deputy director.

Seeing that Zhang Tan looked unhappy, the coordinator was not happy, but he still explained: "The factory director has not participated in the opening ceremony for a long time. I don't know how "Chief Jin" invited him this time."

"I'll go over and take a look. I'll come find you later."

After saying that, Zhang Tan strolled next door to watch the fun.

Thank you Dynasty Warriors for the 1,000-coin reward, thank you Bookworm Xian for the 200-coin reward, thank you Little Magnesium Aluminum, Little Flying Cat 001, Book Friends 20170517171309937, Zhan Boyue, and Book Friends 20200315151932674 for the 100-coin reward.

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