Dad Academy

Chapter 778 Enlightenment (1/2)

Chapter 778 Enlightenment (12)

Bai Jianping was miserable. He had just shown off the big red envelope he had received, but in the blink of an eye he was asked by Lao Ma to check it in. He had to listen.

But he held back and only paid half of it in. He kept half of it, plausibly saying it was the cost of raising Xiaobai. Who allows Lao Ma to stay in Qicheng all year round? Is it free to leave the grandfather and granddaughter in Pujiang to be fed?

Malanhua is high in the sky and the emperor is far away, so it is impossible for her to really treat him like an arm and a leg. It would be nice if she could be more obedient. It is impossible to expect to be 100% obedient. This is her way of being a husband, and it is very effective. It will be in the future. I want to pass it on to Xiaobai and Xiaobai.

People are so strange. When he first received this big red envelope, Bai Jianping was so happy that he forgot about everything and ran to the high-end women's clothing store on West Chang'an Street to buy a dress for Malanhua. He found out that the beggar had contracted the garbage of a street. Bucket is still a beggar, he comes out dejectedly, sighing, the big red envelope is no longer fragrant, it was not big in the first place.

When I got home, I showed off to Malanhua. Half of it was blackmailed, but I kept half of it.

His wealth had shrunk by half, but Bai Jianping felt very happy and satisfied. The idea that he was a poor man disappeared. He felt that he was actually very rich, and half of it was enough to make him happy.

People are just so weird.

If you only keep the money in your own pocket, you will not only be unhappy, but also dissatisfied and a little unhappy.

Bai Jianping lay in the rocking chair at night and swayed. The rocking chair made a squeaking noise, and the chickens were clucking in the corner. He was playing around, and gradually realized that, in fact, there is no limit to how much you can earn, ten thousand too much? In the eyes of some people, it is a lot, but in the eyes of others, it is too little. Even if it is the same person, if he is satisfied today, he may feel that it is not enough tomorrow.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that the owners of boutique clothing stores should give some of their money to the poor, so that they can have a sense of happiness. This is what is often said in the news network, the progression from socialism to communism.

The root of happiness does not lie in making more or less, but in making money that satisfies and makes the people you care about happy, shelters them from wind and rain, and makes the family happy. This family will have a happy future.

This family is still growing well under his protection, and is thriving and prosperous. Everything is developing in a good direction.

Alas, he sighed contentedly, feeling that it was really not easy for him, no! It can't be described as "difficult". This word is not worthy of him. How amazing he is.

He couldn't help but recall the years he spent wandering in the Pujiang River. His footsteps followed a curve, with bitterness and sweetness, struggle and sadness, noisyness and happiness, peaks and troughs... But overall, he was moving towards happiness.

This is Pujiang. He came here with his wife and children to earn food. He was poor and knew nothing. Many people who were more capable than him came and went and were eliminated by the current of society. But they not only took root, but also lived a good life. Things are getting better and better.

He further thought about what was the biggest difference between him and others, or why could he stay in Pujiang? In fashionable terms, where is his core competitiveness.

He thought about it over and over again, and it seemed that everything started to change when he met Zhang Tan.

So, his core competitiveness is Zhang Tan?

There is no doubt that Zhang Tan is the noble person in his life. He and Ma Lanhua have discussed this issue before, and Zhang Tan is the noble person in their lives.

In a person's life, he will always meet one or two such noble people.

In the past, Ma Lanhua always said that Bai Jianping was the reincarnation of a bad ghost. A person could live half his life without any luck. His luck was so bad.

But now, Lao Ma never says these words.

However, Bai Jianping thought about it further and felt that their core competitiveness was not Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan is of course very important, but meeting Zhang Tan is like a qualitative change. Before the qualitative change, there is endless accumulation of quantity.

The accumulation of these amounts is the silent struggle between him and Malanhua in Pujiang. No, not just in Pujiang, but in all the places they have been to in the past half of their lives, they have been laughed at, driven away, despised, spurned, and disdained by people all over the world...

No, not only them, but also Xiaobai. This little baby was taken around by them and suffered a lot.

It is these experiences that have given them a strong heart. Hardships and hardships can easily defeat them, but never try to convince them.

Bai Jianping was very happy that his ideological realm had greatly improved. It turned out that he was not that poor, and he was actually very rich. Sure enough, the news network is not for nothing, his level has reached the fifth floor!

If Zhang Tan asks him to meet Qin Huifang for dinner at this time, he may not refuse, but agree immediately, and look forward to making some insightful remarks when the time comes, telling Qin Huifang seriously that the level of status cannot represent a person's status. level.

When Bai Jianping was enlightening at home, his next door neighbor, the Tan sisters, were making a shopping list. Tan Jin'er was walking around the house and thinking about it. Whatever came to mind, she told Xi'er who was lying in front of the dining table. Xi'er was writing it down on paper at her desk.

"My aunt is getting older, so I want to buy her a down jacket. It's very cold at home in the winter, and she doesn't have air conditioning at home. She used to get chilblains on her hands in the winter. She likes red. I remember when she was a child, her headscarf was always red, and it was tied in Above the head, it looks really festive, like a red cloud, bringing laughter wherever it goes.”

Tan Jin'er said while thinking about it, and after finishing speaking, he asked Xi'er, who was sitting at the desk and writing quickly: "Have you written it down?"

Xi'er smiled with her little chin raised and her nostrils turned upward. She looked extremely proud, but what she said was the opposite. She was embarrassed to say that she didn't remember it because her sister talked too much. She asked her sister to speak less and raised her finger, saying that she was still a baby and could only write a few words.

Tan Jin'er took a closer look at her "calligraphy treasure". There were no words, only paintings. Children only knew a few words, so they used paintings instead.

"You don't have to remember everything my sister said, you just need to remember the key points."

Xi'er was confused and didn't understand what the key point was. She stretched out a finger and poked her sister's belly. Hiahia smiled and asked if it was this.

Tan Jin'er: "..."

She told Xi'er that the key point in the sentence just now was the aunt's red down jacket.

"Okay~~Sister, you told me earlier." Xi'er was drawing at the desk and quickly drew a portrait of an old woman wearing red clothes.

Tan Jin'er nodded with satisfaction and started wandering around again, thinking: "My uncle from the same clan was also very kind to us. He took the lead in organizing my father's funeral. Let's go home and buy him a pair of shoes this time. It's winter." Please note the warm shoes you are wearing, Xi’er.”

Xi'er eagerly asked, what is the key point, and whether it is his father.

"It's not dad, it's old uncle, shoes." Tan Jin'er said.

Xi'er was busy writing at the desk, and Tan Jin'er leaned over to read it, nodding with satisfaction. The painting was good. She would add text later, and it would be both pictures and text.

"Xi'er is really amazing, her paintings are very good."

"hiahia, sister, please praise me."

"Didn't I just praise you?"

"Keep boasting."

Tan Jin'er praised her a few more times, and Xi'er asked what her father's funeral was. She just heard Dad and remembered it, but she didn't understand what it meant.

Tan Jin'er said, just play the trumpet.

Hiahia laughed and said that dad actually likes to play the trumpet. He is so cute.

Tan Jin'er didn't want to talk about this topic anymore and continued to think about new year's goods.

PS: I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.

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