Dad Academy

Chapter 767 Shi Baobao’s Pocket Pocket

The cuckoo's cry of "cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo" echoed in the room.

"8 o'clock chat~"

Xiaobai looked at the clock hanging on the wall, put down his tablet, and ran to the balcony.

"Don't go outside, it's too cold." Zhang Tan warned.

But Xiaobai didn't listen. He opened the balcony door, leaned on the railing and looked outside. In the classroom in Building 1, Xiaomi was standing in front of the window waving to her. Cheng Cheng also appeared, standing next to Xiaomi. Look here curiously.

Xiaomi was pointing it out to her.

Xiaobai jumped up and down, waved to them, then turned around and ran into the house, shouting: "I'm so cold~~~"

"Come here and sit down. Don't run outside. It's so cold." Zhang Tan said.

"I'm going to play. Say goodbye to Boss Zhang."

The children hurried to the entrance, changed their shoes, and went out to play with their friends.

Zhang Tan came to the balcony and watched the children run out of the building, quickly crossed the yard, and ran into the classroom, laughing and joking with his little girlfriends.

It's very cold outside, maybe a few degrees below zero, and it will freeze at night.

Zhang Tan returned home shivering, and the cell phone he had casually placed on the sofa rang. It was Zhang Yuyan.

On the phone, Zhang Yuyan said that he had an event and happened to be staying in Pujiang, and asked Zhang Tan if he had time now so that he could come and visit.

Zhang Tan originally wanted to make an appointment at a coffee shop on West Chang'an Street, but then he thought that Zhang Yuyan was not an outsider and they had a good relationship, so he asked him to come directly to his home, and he received him in the office of his studio.

He now lives on the third floor of Building 2, while the first and second floors are used by comic studios and film and television studios.

Although there are only two floors, the area on each floor is large, enough for use, and there is still room for spare. Zhang Tan has his own office on the second floor.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Zhang Tan went downstairs to the guard box, drank tea and chatted with Lao Li, waiting for Zhang Yuyan's arrival.

People arrived soon after, and the manager and he carried a lot of things in large and small bags.

It was the first time for Zhang Yuyan to come to Little Red Horse. He thought he had gone to the wrong place, or Zhang Tan had misplaced his location. Unexpectedly, it was actually here. The faint sounds of children's laughter and voices could be heard from the brightly lit classroom next to him.

Seeing his curiosity, Zhang Tan took the initiative to introduce him: "This is a late-night academy..."

I gave him a brief explanation and led him into Building 2 and into the office.

Zhang Yuyan stood in the corridor on the second floor, staring at the plaque of "Little Red Horse Film and Television Studio", thoughtfully.

The air conditioner in the office was turned on for a while, and it was so warm inside. The three of them took off their coats. Zhang Tan greeted them and sat down, making tea for them both.

Zhang Yuyan was in Guangdong recently and was going back to Peking. He stopped in Pujiang on the way because he had something to do. He only had one night, so he came to visit Zhang Tan.

He was grateful to Zhang Tan. Although he was busy with work, he would call or send text messages to greet him during holidays. If he came here for activities, he would invite him to dinner and tea.

"It just so happens that I have something to talk to you about. Please take a look." Zhang Tan handed Zhang Yuyan the script of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" that he had just printed out last night to read.

Zhang Yuyan's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to pick it up and read it, "Is it a new script?"

His manager's eyes were burning.

"It was just modified tonight, and the project hasn't been approved yet. You can take it back and look at it on the plane."

Zhang Yuyan nodded and put it away solemnly.

His manager laughed and said: "I'm afraid he can't help but watch secretly at night, maybe he can watch it all night long."

Zhang Tan smiled and answered: "I was just thinking that you are very suitable for the male lead in this drama. By the way, do you have any plans for activities after the new year?"

Zhang Yuyan suppressed the excitement in his heart and said no.

He will also be excluded.

Zhang Tan said: "Then you read the script first, and then we will discuss it in detail."

The three chatted for more than an hour. It was getting late. Zhang Yuyan said goodbye and left. Before leaving, he suddenly said that his agency contract was about to expire.

After seeing them off, Zhang Tan turned around and went to the classroom. There was a lot of chatter inside, and the children were really energetic.

The "girlfriends who just want to play and don't want to work" are collectively attacking Ding Xiaohai because Ding Xiaohai made a little girl in the school cry.

"Luo Zikang, you have to think carefully! You little scoundrel, you bully your little friend, you are not a human duck~~~~" Luoliu not only crusaded against Ding Xiaohai, but also secretly expanded the scope of the crusade. Luo Zikang was unlucky to be targeted by her .

Luo Zikang: "..."

Ding Xiaohai sat on the stool, his head lowered, dejected, and quite depressed. He didn't know whether it was because of the guilt in his heart of being punished by his little girlfriends, or because he was afraid of the upcoming education from the principal's aunt.

"Xiaohai! Ding Xiaohai—hurry up and call Ding Xiaohai over~~~"

The shouts of the principal's aunt came from the distance.

Liuliu approached Ding Xiaohai with gloating, and laughed loudly: "6666~~~The principal's aunt is calling you, little Ding Ding, hahaha, you are screwed, the principal's aunt will scold you, and she will also pull your butt. Ears, haha, go and duck."

Ding Xiaohai was already scared, but when Liuliu said this, he became even more panicked and glared at her fiercely.

Ding Xiaohai is an older brother-like figure in the academy, but he is still a child after all, and he is naturally in awe of teachers.

He left dejectedly.

Liuliu immediately encouraged Luo Zikang to go to the principal's aunt for re-education.

"Go away! Fat Liuliu! I didn't do anything bad, why should I go!" Luo Zikang rolled his eyes at Liuliu and waved her to get out. He was in no mood to deal with this troublemaker.

Liuliu immediately said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, look at Luo Zikang, he asked us to go away. This is the classroom, it belongs to us. Why should we go away? If I don't go away, I won't go." Open! Hum!"

A tough-looking little boy came over and echoed Liliu's words in a serious manner, jumping up and down and shouting, "Don't go away, we won't go away!" We are brave little friends, fighting with the big bad guys!

Immediately, he was stared at by Luo Zikang with unkind eyes, and he felt the fear of being dominated. He was so frightened that he ran away. Before running, he did not forget to cheer up Liuliu:

"Miss Liuliu~~Don't go away! Don't be afraid of Luo Zikang! I will help you!"

Even though he had run away, he was still talking loudly.

Liuliu's eyes had been shining since he appeared, staring at his trouser pockets, like a hungry tiger, ready to pounce on food.

But I didn't expect this kid to come and escape as fast as he did. He yelled a few words, gave him a small punch, and ran away.

She didn't even have time to pounce on him!

Liuliu shouted: "Shi Baobao - come back soon~~~ Why did you run away, you little melon, coward! Did you take the strip with you? Did you take it with you? -"

Dudu also caught up and shouted: "*\u0026%%¥% # ¥Don't leave Yashi Baobao——"

Shi Baobao didn't listen to their words and ran away without a trace.

Liliu and Dudu looked for it but couldn't find it. They didn't know where it was hidden!

Search again, inch by inch, plow three feet!

I couldn't find it! Maybe he escaped.

I obviously came to the academy, I saw everything just now.

The two communicated in baby talk, chattering, and no one else could understand it, but when translated, the general meaning is as follows:

"The duck's history is running away!"

“*\u0026*%……¥% # ¥% # %¥”

"Is he a ghost duck? Isn't Shi Baobao a human being?"

"*...%...%¥¥%...¥% # ¥ is scary."

"Did he poop?"

“*\u0026¥% # ¥ @¥ # ”

"He can't afford to play like a duck. Where are his spicy strips? Hey hey hey~"

"Latiao! Let's get rough! Huh!!"

"Pangdudu, go and see if Shi Baobao is having sex."


Madoka-sensei stopped them from entering the boys' bathroom.

So the two of them stayed outside and waited.

Teacher Xiao Yuan was worried and stood by to prevent them from escaping in.

This kid Shi Baobao bucked the trend. As the Spring Festival was approaching, many children had left the kindergarten, but he came.

This kid has a sweet mouth and can talk. He calls everyone "sister" and "brother" to everyone he meets. He is cute and lovable, and he is also very good at entertaining. The next day, he gave Liuliu Dudu a pack of spicy strips.

This pack of spicy strips almost killed Liuliu and Dudu!

The spicy strips are so delicious! ! ! !

The two greedy cats hid in the corner and finished eating secretly. Their mouths were bright red after eating, and they kept gasping for air. They were so happy that they wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. It was just like Zhang Tan eating Bang Bang Chicken for the first time.

They have never eaten this kind of snack, and their parents would never give it to them!

After eating it, I discovered that the ocean of snacks is so vast. There are not only beef jerky, beef cubes, bear drinks, but also magical snacks like spicy strips!

They are just two little fish babies in this ocean, and the world they see is not the same.

For Dudu, the magical place is no longer just the bottom of Liuliu's pillow, but now there is the addition of Shi Baobao's trouser pocket.

In that magical place, there is a magical snack called spicy strips! She wants to catch Shi Baobao! Search his pockets! Let him hand over the spicy strips!

PS: Please vote for me.

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