Dad Academy

Chapter 758 The Collapsed Little Pomegranate (1/2)

Chapter 758 The Collapsed Little Pomegranate (12)

It snowed lightly in Pujiang River that day, and the temperature dropped further. Jiang Rong called from Peiping and said that Peiping was too cold, cold and dry. Her skin was suffering, her face was peeling, and she was too embarrassed to see people.

Jiang Rong has lived in Pujiang since she was a child. The winter here is wet and cold, even colder than in Peking. However, the air is rich in moisture. Unlike Peking, the climate is dry and cold. People who have just gone there will indeed be uncomfortable.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the ABCD song was sung in Little Red Horse Academy. The children gathered together and clapped their hands while singing to the five children standing on the other side. The five of them will leave after today. The Spring Festival is approaching, and they will follow If the parents leave, I don’t know if they will come back in the future.

What autonomy do children have? They just go with the flow.

They didn't understand the sadness of separation, and they laughed and sang along. It didn't look like a farewell party, but more like a welcome party.

After singing the ABCD song, the little teachers let everyone move freely. Although it was a separate night, the atmosphere should not be too sad. If you talk too much or point too clearly, the children will cry.

After Zhang Tan came back, he went home and changed into some relaxed clothes, and came to sit in the classroom. As soon as he sat down, little Zheng Zheng appeared shyly in his field of vision. He glanced at him from time to time, but was too embarrassed to come over after thinking about it.

Zhang Tan waved to her, and she jumped over to him.

"Today is even better. He took the initiative to talk to me again." Zhang Tan boasted.

Little Zheng Zheng giggled, took out a small gadget from his pocket, and whispered: "Here you go."

She loosened her fist and revealed her little palm. It was a mini plesiosaur. It was very small. Her little palm could hold five or six of them.

"For me?"

Little Zheng Zheng nodded and looked at him expectantly. When he saw Zhang Tan took it, he jumped up and down happily and smiled so happily.

"I know magic." Zhang Tan said mysteriously.

Little Zheng Zheng's eyes widened, shining with admiration.

She easily believed what Boss Zhang said.

"I can make this little dinosaur bigger, do you want to see it?"

Little Zheng Zheng was amazed, nodded, and stared at the mini plesiosaur in Zhang Tan's hand, wanting to see how the baby dinosaur would grow up.

Zhang Tan pretended to be a ghost, and when he spread his palms again to reveal the mini plesiosaur, he asked little Zheng in surprise if he had grown bigger. The tail was obviously a little bigger than before.

Little Zheng Zheng was a little confused at first, then nodded confusedly, and agreed that he had really grown a little bigger, so awesome, and jumped up and down again, excited.

Zhang Tan smiled and returned the plesiosaur to her and said, "Take it home and let her sleep with you at night. She will protect you and it can grow up again."

Little Zheng Zheng chuckled, it was really easy to deceive.

"Hide it~ don't lose it."

Little Zheng Zheng hurriedly hid the plesiosaur in his trouser pocket, patted it, and babbling at Zhang Tan with a straight face, which meant that she had hidden it.

Zhang Tan saw that little Zheng Zheng was still not leaving, so he asked, "Do you want to hear a story?"

Little Zheng Zheng nodded immediately, ran to fetch a small stool, and sat in front of him, eagerly raising his face, ready to listen to his story.

Xiao Yuanyuan noticed the movement and came too.

The pomegranates were also touched. But for her, listening to the story was secondary. She mainly saw that Boss Zhang had just enlarged the mini plesiosaur and could do magic. She disliked this, so she brought a pack of beef jerky and took out one. Beef, please boss Zhang make it bigger.

Zhang Tan was stunned, unable to laugh or cry, and said mischievously: "Is one stick enough? Why don't you give me this pack, and I'll make them bigger for you."

Liuliu praised: "What a good guy, Boss Zhang, you are such a good guy~~ You are so awesome."

He boasted that he had no burden, but he just refused to give him the whole package. The child Shen Liuliu was very cautious and insisted on asking Boss Zhang to change the size of one. If it really got bigger, she would give him a pack.

Her snacks had been deceived too much by children, and she didn’t want to be fooled by Boss Zhang again. You must not have the intention to harm others, you must have the intention to guard against others, and you must not have the intention to guard against thieves.

"I'm so sad that you don't believe me. Bring it here! I'll show you my real skills!"

Both Liuliu and Xiao Yuanyuan and Xiao Zhengzheng were very energetic. It looked like Boss Zhang was going to have a real duck. Luoliu was cautious and took a few steps back to prevent being hit by magic and falling down. She hadn't eaten her snacks yet. Well, wouldn't it be a shame if he died before finishing the snacks?

Zhang Tan once again played tricks, and when he spread his palms, one beef jerky really turned into two!

Luoliu was shocked when he saw it, then he laughed loudly and happily gave the whole bag to Zhang Tan, letting him change everything.

Zhang Tan poured out the beef jerky from his bag. There were six in total, all of which were the lifeblood of Liuliu.

"Good guy, turn into a duck~~" Luoliu urged, she couldn't wait any longer.

Zhang Tan yelled and ate three sticks. They were so chewy that he would not be able to swallow them for a while.

Liuliu looked dumbfounded, and her heart began to ache, but she still didn't believe that she had been fooled, and reminded: "Hoho hoho, quickly become Boss Ya Zhang, why did you change it into your mouth?"

She didn't want to believe that what she saw must be fake! definitely is!

"Cough cough cough~~ It's too dry. Is there any water?"

The beef jerky didn't look like much, but I didn't expect it to feel like more the more I chewed it.

Xiao Yuanyuan and Xiao Zhengzheng immediately went to get their own water glasses, worried that Boss Zhang would choke to death.

"Become a duck, Boss Zhang." Liuliu was still holding on to the fantasy, as if he had met a scumbag. He rationally told himself that he was a scumbag and should stay away, but he still held unrealistic fantasies in his heart.

Xiao Yuanyuan was a step ahead of Xiao Zheng Zheng, and brought her own water cup first. Zhang Tan took a sip without touching the mouth of the cup. She felt much better, swallowed the beef jerky, and gave the rest to Liuliu.

Liliu saw that three pieces of beef jerky were missing, and asked Zhang Tan in disbelief: "Ho ho ho, you deceived the strong little pomegranate?"

Zhang Tan apologized: "My magic failed and I accidentally ate three of your sticks. I'm sorry, Liuliu."

Pomegranates: o(* ̄) ̄*)o

"Aren't you angry?" Zhang Tan asked.

Liuliu chuckled, obviously trying to force a smile, and put the remaining beef jerky into the bag one by one, packed it up, was reluctant to eat it, and hid it in his pocket.

"No, I'm not angry. Haha, no, it's okay."

As he spoke, Liuliu left in despair. After walking seven or eight steps, he suddenly tilted his shoulders and leaned against the wall. His sadness could no longer be suppressed. He held the wall with one hand, but one leg was weak, but the other leg still wanted to stand up. , staggered for two steps, couldn't hold on any longer, collapsed at the corner of the wall, sat down on the ground, and burst into tears——

She was deceived again~~~

The strong little pomegranate can no longer be strong~~~

Zhang Tan was startled and rushed to help her up, only to feel that what she was holding was not a person, but a puddle of mud. Liuliu had lost her backbone, and the three pieces of beef jerky she lost were her lifeblood.

Zhang Tan helped her up, but she couldn't stand firmly. Her legs seemed to be made of noodles. Her whole body was made of noodles. She was a noodle person.

Wow wow wow~~~~~

Liuliu burst into tears, feeling all the grievances she had suffered during this period! Is it easy for her? Dudu betrayed her, Xiaomi criticized her, Xiaobai reprimanded her and even fed her flowers, Xi'er only played with little Zhengzheng, little Yuanyuan? That silly boy only has boss Zhang in his eyes. She went to play with Boss Zhang, but Boss Zhang lied to her!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Liuliu, don't cry, I was wrong." Zhang Tan was faced with something big, and he didn't expect that the always strong and optimistic Liuliu would suddenly cry.

At this time, the teacher and the children all noticed that he made Liuliu cry, and they all came to watch.

Xiaobai ran away. Without saying a word, he gave Zhang Tan a small punch first and actually bullied Liuliu.

She rescued Liuliu from Boss Zhang and comforted her, and all her girlfriends came to comfort Liuliu.

Zhang Tan felt that he had become the target of public criticism. In order to make up for his mistake, he invited a group of his best friends to his home and treated him to fruits and bear drinks.

PS: Chapter 2 will not be until the early morning, so don’t wait any longer and watch it when you get up tomorrow morning.

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