Dad Academy

Chapter 77 Intensity

After hearing Zhang Tan's plan, He Miao had to admit that it was very interesting, interesting and original.

"Zhang Tan, there is no problem in getting the project approved, but we need a producer to do it."

He thought Zhang Tan was a newcomer and didn't understand the production process of film and television dramas, so he explained it to him. However, Zhang Tan had participated in many large projects in his previous life and was already familiar with this routine. Moreover, he was a student in the directing department of Peking Film Academy. !

"Finding a producer is no longer something I can do. I hope the factory will support me. However, Director Zhang and I will do the project approval report first, and we will do both at the same time without wasting time."

For the play "Little Opera Bones", the script is not the most important, because it is a classic interpretation, such as "A Dream of Red Mansions", the story is ready-made, it only needs to be adapted, and since it is a classic interpretation, of course it cannot be changed significantly, so Adapting the script will be relatively simple.

However, adapting existing novels is not as simple as laymen think.

Once, Zhang Tan joined a film project, which was to adapt a popular tomb-robbing novel. At that time, the author of the novel volunteered to adapt the script. The producer was worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it, so he asked Zhang Tan to help. However, the other person was so enthusiastic that Zhang Tan didn't. What can I say, but after half a month, the adapted script has never been brought over. I called to ask, changed and deleted it, and it still hasn’t been completed yet.

So you see, script writing is still very professional and has its own set of writing processes. It’s not just about changing the mode of the novel.

For Zhang Tan, the most important thing at the moment is the project plan for "Little Opera Bones". To make the factory think that this project is feasible, it will take a lot of effort, especially for such a children's drama, there is nothing to learn from. and reference.

Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun hid in the office and thought about it. It took them two days to get a project approval report. They first gave it to He Miao. After he saw that it was OK, Zhang Tongshun handed it to Zhu Ruopu, the director of the Film and Television Department. Compared with Zhang Sigh, he has more dealings with Zhu Ruopu.

After doing this, Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun got off work. Tomorrow and the next two days are weekends, so they can take a rest. Next week will be a busy week.

The two entered the elevator and met two more people. One of them looked familiar. Zhang Tan quickly remembered, isn't this Wang Yifan, the star of "Chief Jin"? !

He glanced at Zhang Tongshun calmly and saw that his face was normal. He nodded to Wang Yifan with a smile and said he was off work.

The two became enemies because of "Chief Kim" in the third season. Even if their adult status prevented them from becoming enemies, at least they had a grudge.

Wang Yifan also nodded to Zhang Tongshun and said yes without saltiness.

On the other hand, a young man next to Wang Yifan chatted with Zhang Tongshun for a few words, and looked at Zhang Tan with a somewhat thoughtful look.

From these few words, Zhang Tan knew that this young man was the director of the new season of "Chief Jin".

"Teacher Zhang, I heard that you are starting to prepare for another project?" The elevator was going down. Perhaps it was too quiet and a bit awkward, so the young director took the initiative to chat.

Zhang Tongshun said calmly: "Yes, we have just started preparations and the project has not been approved yet."

This man and Wang Yifan were standing on the left side of the elevator, while Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun were standing on the right side of the elevator. The two sides were unconsciously distinct.

When Wang Yifan heard Zhang Tongshun's words, he wanted to look over, but he returned to his original state halfway and didn't ask or say anything.

"I heard it's a play about children acting?" The young director seemed very interested and asked one more question.

Zhang Tongshun said: "I want to try something new."

The young director flattered him, and when the elevator arrived, Wang Yifan went out first, almost squeezing Zhang Tan. The young director looked at Zhang Tan apologetically, smiled, and followed him out.

Zhang Tongshun and Zhang Tan looked at each other and said with a smile: "We are riding a tiger now, otherwise we will become a joke."

Zhang Tan corrected him: "This doesn't mean riding a tiger but it's hard to get off. It means the starting gun has been fired and we have to run hard."

At the same time, Wang Yifan and the young director got into the car and got into the car. Wang Yifan asked: "What is the situation of the play you asked about just now?"

He didn't say Zhang Tongshun, but everyone knew he was asking about Zhang Tongshun's drama.

The young director immediately introduced what he knew to Wang Yifan. After hearing this, Wang Yifan said half-jokingly: "Children play house."

"It's quite casual."

The young director answered without saying anything more. After all, it was Wang Yifan who had a falling out with Zhang Tongshun, not him. There was no need for him to choose a side for himself.

As soon as they got to work on Monday, Zhu Ruopu, the director of the film and television department, summoned Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun for a meeting. The theme was "Little Actor".

Over the past two days over the weekend, he carefully read the project proposal report. It was quite interesting, but also risky. There had never been a drama of this type before. If it could be filmed, it would be a first.

The project proposal report focused on the market prospects of this drama, which made him quite excited. After thinking about it, he realized that the benefits were more substantial than the potential risks, and it was worth giving it a try.

After a long discussion at the meeting, Zhu Ruopu invited a middle-aged woman, who was the producer of his favorite project.

"The three of you should discuss this project carefully and come to me if you have any questions." Zhu Ruopu said. After setting up the main management structure of the project, he would leave everything to them and he would no longer interfere with everything.

The producer's name is Gao Xiaolan, and she knows Zhang Tongshun, but because Zhang Tan is a newcomer, he still specially introduced himself.

Zhang Tan warned worriedly: "Although it is a small drama, and the actors who appear on the scene are all children, we cannot relax the quality of the film because of this. The makeup, scenery, everything must be produced according to the standard it should be."

Zhang Tongshun asked: "What level should it be?"

Zhang Tan said firmly: "It's a serious drama."

Zhang Tongshun glanced at Gao Xiaolan, nodded and said: "Of course, since we are going to do it, we are not here to play."

The three of them held a meeting all morning, and after the meeting ended, they went their separate ways.

The producer needs to apply for project funding, etc., Zhang Tongshun needs to start building a filming crew and looking for young actors, while Zhang Tan needs to write biographies, episode outlines, and scripts.

Gao Xiaolan was worried that he would be too busy alone and asked if he could find a helper.

If Zhang Tan is really a newcomer, he will be really busy. You must know that the project has been started and all work is advancing rapidly. The script must be released first, and there is not much time left for him.

But Zhang Tan was a senior screenwriter in his previous life. Let alone projects like "Little Opera", he has been involved in projects that are more complicated and more time-sensitive than this. Compared with these, "Little Opera" is like a training work.

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I can hand over the script when I go to work, so I don't have to find anyone for the time being."

Gao Xiaolan didn't know if he was trying to be brave or if he was really capable. She smiled and said nothing. It was a good thing for young people to be motivated and they dared to fight. She couldn't dampen their enthusiasm. More importantly, she had just joined this project.

"A script is a play, so we are waiting for your good news."

After they were busy separately, Zhang Tan locked himself in the office and concentrated on writing scripts.

The first season of "Little Opera" is about the scene of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden in "A Dream of Red Mansions". The content before and after must be extended. Zhang Tan's plan is to divide it into 9 episodes, each episode is 25 minutes.

Thank you Dynasty Warriors for the 1,000-coin reward, thank you Koh Samui Feng and O丶O Ale for the 500-coin reward, thank you Bookworm Xian and da ma for the 200-coin reward, thank you Wakakao, £魑魔魍魉№, Zhan Boyue, Tang Tang’s weibei33, I who knew I was a guest in my dream, 100-coin reward from book friend 20171224005644288.

It’s already 200,000 words. I really hope my collection can reach 200,000~~~(╥╯^╰╥)

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