Dad Academy

Chapter 747 Return Gift (2/2)

Chapter 747 Return Gift (22)

Tan Jin'er and Xi'er had lunch in the park. Seeing that it was getting late, they packed up and went home. Tan Jin'er had to go to work in the afternoon.

When passing by the Little Red Horse Academy, Xi'er's eyes were sharp and she saw Xiaobai playing football in the yard. He was like Nezha playing Hot Wheels. When he caught up with her, he just kicked her and said, "I don't care. Li was originally basking in the sun and drinking tea in the yard. He was afraid of being accidentally injured, so he quickly packed up and went back.

"Xiao Bai——" Xi'er waved happily and asked her sister to stop the car. She wanted to go and play with Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai kicked the football away, ran to the door, and called Xi'er to get out of the car and play.

"No, you have to go to work with your sister." Tan Jin'er said.

Xi'er pouted. At this time, Zhang Tan came out. Hearing this, he said that he would take care of Xi'er here and let her play with Xiaobai. He would just take care of her. Tan Jin'er then agreed. After thanking Zhang Tan, he rode I got in the car and went home first. After riding for a while, I remembered that I had forgotten to give Zhang Tan his tie.

In fact, just turn around and go back immediately, but Tan Jin'er can just make excuses for herself and give them to her when she comes back later.

She felt a little guilty and embarrassed, fearing that Zhang Tan would misunderstand. After all, why would she give him a tie if she had nothing to do?

"So we must explain the reasons clearly to avoid misunderstandings."

She returned home, changed her clothes, prepared some snacks for Xi'er and Xiaobai, put them in a small box, and took them to Little Red Horse later.

Before leaving the house, she thought about it, combed her hair again, and washed her face.

In the Little Red Horse Academy, Xiaobai and Xi'er were playing football, chasing each other, and Xi'er's hiaha sounds could be heard from far away.

"Come after me, Xiaobai, come after me, Xiaobai~"

"Why should I chase you? Baoli Baoqi, let's chase the ball."

Tan Jin'er rode to the door of Little Red Horse and shouted to Xi'er inside the iron gate: "Xi'er~~~Xi'er - come here quickly, sister."

Xi'er stopped, looked over, and asked Xiaobai not to chase her. She went to her sister's place and came back as soon as she went. Then she imagined herself as a pony and ran away.

Xiaobai glanced outside the iron gate and continued to play football. Xi'er, a melon boy, always thought he was chasing her, but in fact she was just chasing the ball.

"Take this. If you are hungry in the afternoon, eat some and share it with Xiaobai. It belongs to the two of you." Tan Jin'er hung the food box around Xi'er's neck and told her to share it with Xiaobai.

Xi'er nodded and said crisply: "Share~"

"Where's Boss Zhang?" Tan Jin'er looked inside the academy twice without looking into it carefully. If he didn't see it, it meant he wasn't here.

"He went to shit." Xi'er said.

Tan Jin'er: "..."

"Do you want Xi'er to call him?"

After saying that, the enthusiastic child Xi'er was about to call out to Boss Zhang who was shitting. Tan Jin'er quickly stopped her and said no, then handed the gift box containing the tie to Xi'er and asked her to wait for a while. Give it to Boss Zhang when you see him.

Xi'er took it in her hand and responded with a crisp voice: "Okay, give it to Boss Zhang, saying that my sister gave it to him."

Tan Jin'er taught her how to speak, "It's not that my sister gave it to him. You have to say, I broke your tie last time, so I bought a new one for you. I hope you will like it. Remember?"

Xi'er: "Remember."

"Then say it again."

"Boss Zhang, my sister broke your tie last time, so I bought a new one for you. I hope you like it. Do you remember?"

"..." Tan Jin'er was speechless, "That's it?"

"..." Xi'er thought for a while, Bingo! I thought, "And hiahiahiahia~~~~"

Tan Jin'er covered her face and said angrily: "It was you who broke the tie, not me. It was me who bought the tie, not you! You did the bad things, and I did the good things. Don't do it backwards."

"...It turns out that I am really a little bad guy, eh eh eh."

"Stop yelling, repeat what my sister said quickly."

"It's you who broke the tie, not me. It's me who bought the tie, not you! You did the bad things, and I did the good things. Don't do it backwards. Hiahahia~~"

Tan Jin'er was speechless, "Stop teasing my sister and be serious, okay? My sister has to go to work in a hurry."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, sister."

"It's not hard, just remember what my sister said."

"Look, sister, Boss Zhang is here."

Xi'er pointed at Zhang Tan on the steps in front of the classroom. Tan Jin'er looked over and saw Zhang Tan talking to another man wearing a safety helmet and didn't pay attention.

"Remember what my sister said. My sister is going to work first. Bye."

Tan Jin'er rode on the electric donkey and swooped away, leaving Xi'er holding the tie and muttering, thinking about it, she just said too much to her sister, and she forgot what to say.

"Xi'er~~~ Kick the ball back quickly."

Xiaobai shouted in the distance, the football was bouncing towards Xi'er. Xi'er laughed hiahialy and kicked after him without stopping. He ran towards Zhang Tan and stood at his feet to watch him and others. say.

Zhang Tan looked down at her and asked, "Xier, are you okay?"

He is communicating with the construction leader about the decoration materials in the house.

"Here you go~"

"What's this?"

"My sister gave it to you. She said she hoped you would like it."

He handed it to Zhang Tan, turned around and ran away to play football with Xiaobai, babbling excitedly.

Zhang Tan took the gift box but didn't open it. He didn't know what was inside for the time being. He continued to talk to the person in charge. After the discussion, he opened the gift box and saw a medium blue men's tie inside.

"Jin'er gave it to me?"

Zhang Tan was a little surprised and didn't understand why he was sent away.

"Ask her later."

This tie looks good, and the price should not be cheap. To Zhang Tan, a tie of this grade is nothing, but to the Tan sisters, it is a bit of luxury and a valuable item.

So Zhang Tan planned to go back and ask Jin'er why he gave him such an expensive tie. But there were too many things to do and I forgot about it. When I remembered it, a week had passed. It would be bad to ask Tan Jin'er again. After such a long time, people must have thought that he had accepted it, let alone returned it.

As courtesy was reciprocated, he wanted to return the favor and chose a winter scarf for Tan Jin'er. After buying it, he returned home and looked at the scarf, only to realize that it was inappropriate.

Because the price of this scarf is a bit high, nearly five thousand yuan.

For Zhang Tan, this price is suitable, but for ordinary workers, this price is a bit high.

Especially for Tan Jin'er, she is simply dressed, and if she is asked to wear a scarf worth RMB 5,000, she may not be willing.

And more importantly, she is unlikely to accept it.

So Zhang Tan picked another one, which was the same brand, but the price was the lowest, costing only one thousand.

When Tan Jin'er received the scarf from Zhang Tan, everyone was a little stupid.

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