Dad Academy

Chapter 730 Shibo (2/4)

Chapter 730 Shibo (24)

PS: Additional update for the 45th cute protagonist Zhenxia Qiyuan.

Xiaobai took the initiative to hold Zhang Tan's hand, stood beside him, and looked at the three people who had just entered with a raised face.

Zhang Qingqing's son Wang Xiaoyu said in surprise, "There is a child."

On the way here before he came, his parents had introduced him and said that his little sister would be coming with him.

Just after the car broke down, they took Zhang Tan's car. Wang Xiaoyu couldn't wait to ask Zhang Tan about Xiao Bai. Now he was still surprised and shy when he saw the real person. His mother asked him to come up and say hello to Xiao Bai. He was shy and unwilling Sorry.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Xiaobai went to say hello to brother Xiaoyu."

Xiao Bai was a little timid, mainly because he was not familiar with Zhang Qingqing and Wang Zhong and had just met them for the first time, but after all, he was very brave. With Zhang Tan by his side, he dared to yell at Zhang Mingxue, let alone say hello to a child! In Little Red Horse, she is like a big sister.

Xiaobai broke away Zhang Tan's hand, took a few steps forward, came to Wang Xiaoyu and said, "Touch a claw."

Stretched out her little paw.

Wang Xiaoyu looked confused, and his mother reminded him that it should be a handshake.

In fact, Zhang Qingqing didn't understand it very well, but seeing that he stretched out his little hand, it should be a handshake.

Wang Xiaoyu timidly stretched out his little hand, wanting to shake Xiaobai's hand, but Xiaobai just bumped his fists with him.

Wang Xiaoyu: "..."

Zhang Qingqing smiled and picked out one of the gifts he brought, greeted Xiaobai and said it was for her.

This is a leather coat worn by children. It is very warm in winter. She had asked Zhang Tan about Xiaobai's height and weight before.

Xiaobai did not answer immediately, but looked at Zhang Tan.

"Take it, thank you, aunt." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai caught it with both hands and said crisply, "Thank you, aunt."

Zhang Qingqing smiled and said, "Let's try the clothes to see if they fit."

I complimented you by the way, "Your little vest is so pretty."

While taking out the new clothes, she took the opportunity to look at Xiaobai up close, and met a pair of big bright eyes that were also looking at her, full of curiosity.

Zhang Qingqing smiled and said, "Who did your braids for you? They're so cute."

Xiaobai's hairstyle is mainly watermelon, with a small braid hanging on both sides, hanging next to her ears. Malanhua combed it for her.

"My aunt combed it."

"Your aunt is so amazing."

Zhang Mingxue felt a little dissatisfied when she saw Xiaobai chatting obediently with Zhang Qingqing. This little kid was always rude to her.

Qin Huifang came out of the kitchen to entertain everyone. When the timid Wang Xiaoyu saw her grandmother, she finally jumped to life, as if Zhang Mingxue's pressure disappeared instantly.

"Doesn't it look good~" Zhang Qingqing held Xiaobai's hand and asked everyone. The child was wearing a long coat, a very elegant piece of clothing, but because she was short of breath, she looked like a fool.

Xiaobai couldn't help but feel short of breath. Being led in and scrutinized by so many strangers made her instantly frightened, and her eyes searched for Zhang Tan.

Lovely Lovely.

Everyone said she was cute and let her go.

After taking off his clothes, Xiaobai breathed a deep sigh of relief and was taken to whisper again by Zhang Qingqing.

Her son Wang Xiaoyu acted coquettishly in front of his grandma for a while, and unknowingly leaned over and looked at her curiously. Xiaobai glared at her several times. When Zhang Qingqing found out, he smiled and introduced them again.

Child Wang Xiaoyu took out his toys, shared them with Xiaobai, and asked Xiaobai what his favorite game was.

Xiaobai said that she likes digging sand the most.

Wang Xiaoyu was amazed. He had never dug sand, but he liked to watch excavators at work. The community next to his home was under construction, and he could often see bulldozers and excavators working. He could lie down at the window and watch all the time.

He asked what he was digging the sand for.

Xiaobai said, plant a little pot friend.

As he said that, he looked at Wang Xiaoyu secretly.

The two children chatted and watched a cartoon together. The cartoon was the original "Tom and Jerry" and Xiaobai didn't finish it.

I watched and ran to the yard to see the little duck.

"Is Dad back?" Zhang Qingqing noticed that there was someone in the study.

"We are discussing things in the study." Zhang Mingxue responded.

The morning sun gradually rose from the east to the top of the head. The clock on the wall showed that it was almost 12 o'clock. Qin Huifang had been busy all morning and finally finished cooking, leaving only the last dish of Bang Bang Chicken.

Zhang Tan called Xiaobai, who was feeding the ducks in the yard, and asked her to teach her grandma how to make Bang Bang Chicken.

"Bangbang chicken is your strong point. Please give grandma some advice."

Zhang Tan led her to the kitchen, and Qin Huifang warmly welcomed the little expert. Xiaobai looked at her pretendingly and said that she needed more pepper and more salt.

Ask her, she only knows these two tricks, she can't do more, and she doesn't care if it's spicy or salty, she's a child and she doesn't understand these.

Lunch was ready, but the people in the study were still talking about things and did not come out. During this period, only Xiao Guo came out once, took a laptop power cord and went in again.

"What are you talking about? You are so busy at home even on Sunday." Qin Huifang said dissatisfied that the whole family was just waiting for him.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, Minister Qin, we've finished talking, I'll leave now."

The door to the study room opened, and the uncle Liu mentioned by Zhang Mingxue came out first, apologizing to Qin Huifang with a smile.

Qin Huifang said: "Old Zhang is good at tormenting people. I will also call you here on Sunday to talk about things all morning. Lunch is ready and waiting for you."

The other party smiled and declined, and wanted to go back. Qin Huifang couldn't keep her, and she didn't force her to stay.

When the other party passed by the living room, he smiled and nodded to Zhang Mingxue, Zhang Qingqing and Wang Zhong. His eyes finally fell on Zhang Tan, with joy shining in his eyes. He stopped and said, "Zhang Tan~ I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhang Tan stood up and called Uncle Liu.

"Come to my place and let your Aunt Fang cook pork head meat for you."

"I'll go see her in a few days."

"Hey Zhang Tan, I have something to ask you. I heard that you wrote the script for the TV series "In the Name of the People"? What do you think of those characters?"

"Ah? Which characters?" Zhang Tan didn't expect that he would suddenly talk about this TV series.

"That's Qi Tongwei."

Zhang Tan understood it as soon as he heard it, and said with a smile: "It has absolutely nothing to do with you."

The other party's name is Colonel Liu, the official police chief, and Zhang Tan's uncle Zhang Hui is the secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of discipline inspection and supervision (I can't type those four words, I understand it myself). The two have been friends for many years.

Principal Liu accidentally read the script of the play "In the Name of the People" and found it a bit strange. Why did he and Zhang Hui look so alike?

"It's okay if I don't. I thought you made me look like Qi Tongwei at the end of his rope." Liu Zheng said with a smile.

"No, no, how can it be? It's completely an artistic creation. Qi Tongwei's age and qualifications are about the same as being your son."

"Being a son will make me angry to death."

"As your grandson."

"Hahaha, come to my house for a visit if you have nothing to do. You're not an outsider."

Mr. Liu chatted with Zhang Tan for a few words. When he left, he saw Wang Xiaoyu in the yard. He touched his little head and said "little guy". He looked at Xiaobai again and didn't recognize who it was. He didn't ask. Just left.

When Liu Zheng was in college, he was a student of Zhang Tan's grandfather. He knew Zhang Tan's parents very early and almost watched Zhang Tan grow up. He was Shibo.

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