Dad Academy

Chapter 712 Love Story (1/2)

Chapter 712 Love Story (12)

Xiao Yingzi walked quietly without disturbing any children.

After she left Zhang Tan's house, before the children returned to the dormitory, she rolled up her quilt and carried it on her back to leave.

At this time, the sound of children talking came from the stairs. She heard the voices of Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi. In order to prevent them from finding out, she moved to the second floor and hid in the corridor. She waited until the children were driven into the dormitory by the teacher before she turned around. He came out, looked up at the stairs, his eyes were nostalgic but firm, and quietly went down the corridor to the first floor.

The lights were still on in the classroom on the first floor, but there were no children there.

She walked deeper into the classroom and came to the reading area. The lights were on, but there were no children. She remembered that Xiaobai didn't sleep in the past and always sat here alone reading picture books. Sometimes she would accompany him, and sometimes Jiang Bin would accompany him. Now that Jiang Bin has left long ago, she will leave too, and Xiaobai is no longer a wild child without a mother and father. She no longer has to hide here alone without sleeping and reading picture books. She must be at Boss Zhang's house.

"Xiaoyingzi~~are you leaving?"

Teacher Xiaoman's voice came from behind.

Teacher Xiao Man was the only one who saw off Xiao Yingzi. She said goodbye. When she arrived in the yard, she saw Li Baibao standing under the shadow of the tree, looking at her and saying goodbye to her.

Xiao Yingzi told him that Boss Zhang told him not to stop her if she came to Little Red Horse again.

Lao Li laughed loudly and patted his chest, promising that not only would he not stop her, but he would also give her a warm welcome.

Xiao Yingzi smiled and wanted to cry. She sniffed and looked up at the starry night sky. "Oh, I have to leave. It's already so dark."

It's already dark, it's already ten o'clock in the evening.

"Go ahead and come back often."

Lao Li stretched out his hand to touch her head, but stopped. Xiao Yingzi is an older child. No more Dudu than Xiao Bai Xier. Older children already have their own strong self-esteem and may not like adults touching their heads. .

"Oh, Li Penbai, you can touch me if you want. I've known you since I was very young. My mother said that she has known you since she was very young. You are like my grandpa. Touch your head. It’s nothing.”

Lao Li smiled and touched her head, and told her to come and play often in the future. It was only a few steps from the village to the little red horse.

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving. Goodbye."


"What's wrong?"

"Look back."

Xiao Yingzi turned around and saw a child wearing white pajamas appearing in the originally empty corridor, looking at her.

It's Cheng Cheng.

"Xiao Yingzi, are you leaving?" Cheng Cheng asked in a scared voice.

Lao Li helped Xiao Yingzi hold the quilt. Xiao Yingzi came to Cheng Cheng, squatted and said, 'Oh, how did you know? You are so smart, Cheng Cheng. ’

Cheng Cheng grabbed her clothes and said, "I saw your quilt is missing. Are you leaving? Xiao Yingzi."

Although Xiao Yingzi has a bed and quilt in the dormitory, she often doesn't stay. She can usually go home before ten o'clock in the evening, and her stepfather will come to pick her up.

Cheng Cheng was able to infer that Xiao Yingzi was leaving because of the lack of quilt. It was entirely because she was delicate and sensitive, and she seemed to have a premonition.

"I'm leaving. I can't live with the little red pony anymore."

"...Will you still come to play?"

"Will do."


"Really, I've already made an agreement with Boss Zhang and Li Feibao, and they welcome me."

"Then I won't cry anymore, bye."

Xiao Yingzi told her some things, such as talking to people and not always sitting alone in the corner reading picture books... Cheng Cheng nodded in agreement, saying that he would listen to her words.

Cheng Cheng stood in the corridor and waved goodbye to Xiao Yingzi who left the little red horse.

Zhang Tan stood on the balcony and watched Xiao Yingzi get on Huang Yongshan's electric car, and he drove her away under the street lights of the urban village, disappearing from the light and shadow into the night.

Although Xiaoyingzi left Xiaohongma, it is not difficult to see her again.

In the days to come, Zhang Tan would often meet her in the village in the city. Her seemingly innocent and sensible eyes were always smiling.

She also often comes to Little Red Horse to visit other children. Every time she comes, she brings some delicious food, such as candies and biscuits.

The children liked her very much and always chatted around her. Xiao Yingzi liked to chat with everyone, telling them about the people and things she met, heard and saw outside, as well as her half-baked little principles of life. .

A few times she even called Jiang Bin here, and the two of them visited the little red horse together.

Her family's restaurant is located in a village in the city. Although she can't make a lot of money, her life is sweet. Zhang Tan often brings Xiaobai or Xi'er to visit for dinner.

Later, I heard that Xiao Yingzi's father came back to see them. He drove a luxury car, was well-dressed, and came back with guilt.

Everyone thought they were leaving and leaving poor Huang Yongshan behind.

But the next day, Zhang Tan took Xiaobai to have lunch. When he took the opportunity to check out the situation, he saw Xiaoyingzi walking happily in the store, circling around like a magpie, taking orders for the diners. Her mother called her in the kitchen to come and serve the food. She responded, jokingly scolding the guests at this table for being too slow in ordering, and ran to serve the food.

A year later, Xiaoyingzi's mother gave birth to a half-sister.

Her worries were unnecessary. She did not become a little maid who only worked and was not loved. On the contrary, she liked this little sister very much. She often walked around with her in her arms and couldn't bear to let her go. Her little sister's big eyes flickered, taking the opportunity to look at the world around her curiously.

Of course, these are things for later.

Teacher Jiang set a date for returning home and made it clear to Xiaobai that although Xiaobai was extremely reluctant to leave, what could she do? She could only accept her fate.

Zhang Tan sent Teacher Jiang back to his hometown. Xiaobai lives with Bai Jianping these days and keeps Xi'er company.

Zhang Tan stayed in his hometown in Sichuan for two days and settled in for Teacher Jiang before returning to Pujiang. At the same time, house decoration has also begun, and the construction period is expected to be two months.

He moved upstairs to the comic studio, and wanted to invite Xiaobai to live with him and take the opportunity to develop a relationship, but Xiaobai was angry with him, so he stayed at his uncle's house.

"The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" is now in full swing, and the plots in the show are often hotly searched.

When the 12th episode was broadcast, the Kuxun Video website announced that the total number of broadcasts of this drama exceeded 1 billion, making it the fastest TV series to exceed 1 billion so far.

At the same time, on Lychee TV, the ratings of "Chang'an Twelve Hours" last time exceeded 2%, reaching 2.05%, ranking third in the industry this year.

Two days later, the ratings surpassed the second place’s 2.08%, and are now heading towards the annual highest ratings of 2.11%.

With its popularity, "The Twelve Hours in Chang'an" has attracted some actors, such as Yuan Zai, who plays the opposite role to Xiaobai. He has been in the film and television industry for many years. Before filming "The Twelve Hours in Chang'an", he laughed at himself He is not even as well-known as Xiaobai, but as soon as the TV series was aired, he became famous with his solid acting skills and humble appearance, and he became a new generation of acting talent.

Of course, the most popular one is Yi Siyang, one of the leading actors.

Good looks are really the best medicine for becoming famous in the film and television industry. If coupled with online acting, becoming famous will become a common occurrence.

With this TV series, Yi Siyang became famous and gained a large number of fans. His popularity and influence are almost equal to those of his other two brothers.

The most obvious proof is that on Weibo’s topic list, he has risen from being at the bottom of the list, and is now ranked second, second only to Ma Fangtao, who is first.

Although the overtake has not yet been achieved, the gap is shrinking by minutes.

Zhang Tan received a concert invitation from Yi Siyang.

It was decided at the beginning of the year that he and the other two members would hold a concert together.

Holding concerts is a very effective way to consolidate popularity. They basically hold them at least once a year.

This time it happened to be held in Pujiang, so Yi Siyang sent an invitation letter to Zhang Tan, as well as Xiaobai's.

The invitation letter clearly stated, "Bai Chunhua."

Not only Xiaobai, Xi'er was also invited as a guest actor. By the way, Tan Jin'er was also invited because of Xi'er's favor.

They attended the concert together. The performance was not particularly impressive, but the scene outside the concert made Zhang Tan remember it.

Halfway through the concert, Yi Siyang surpassed Ma Fangtao for the first time on the Weibo topic list.

This news was immediately known to the fans in the audience, causing an uproar. Some fans of Ma Fangtao were dissatisfied, while some of Yi Siyang's fans were overjoyed and divided.

Ma Fangtao learned the news while resting in the audience, and his expression was not good.

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