Dad Academy

Chapter 710 A person is also a human being (2/3)

Chapter 710 A person is also a human (23)

The style of the home designed by the design company is generally modern, but adds some fantasy and fairy tale colors because children like it.

Zhang Tan was very satisfied and asked Xiaobai. Xiaobai glanced at it in his busy schedule, and said perfunctorily that he wanted it, and then said that she was just a doll, how could she know so much.

She was playing pony trot with Xi'er, and the pony was about to be overtaken by a pack of big bad wolves.

After the two of them discussed it, they named the pony Aubama.

Aubama is a dark horse and is not Xiaobai and Xi'er's favorite. Their favorite is a pink horse, so in the second game they changed Aubama's skin color to pink. Now, it's pink. Aobama, how cute it is when it runs, so cute that even the big bad wolf would be reluctant to eat it.

Aubama was attacked by a pack of wolves and was covered in wolves.

Because there was no Liliu around, Aubama did not receive timely treatment and died of excessive bleeding.

Xiaobai finally realized the importance of studying medicine. He kept looking for Liuliu at night and wanted to ask her, a quack doctor, for advice, but he waited around and couldn't find Liliu.

When I asked Teacher Xiaoman, he said that Liuliu had accumulated food again, had a massage, and is now lying down at home.

Xiaobai was thinking about Pang Liuliu and called her. It was a video call.

Luoliu was shirtless and probably wasn't wearing any pants either. She only had a towel covering her buttocks and was lying on the chopping board...on the bed while her mother was giving her a massage.

While she was enjoying it, she was chatting with Xiaobai.

"They're all here, haha. Chubby is here too, Cheng Cheng! Cheng Cheng - quickly tell Little Pomegranate a story, my monk is sick..."

She didn't look like a sick baby at all. She was bouncing around and full of energy. She could hear farts on the other end of the phone. It was very loud and powerful, and it also smelled bad. Her mother pinched her nose and left for a while before coming back.

Liuliu is not ashamed. Although many friends on the other end of the phone are watching her shirtless massage, she is calm and composed, showing off her muscles and comparing them with Dudu, asking whether her muscles are bigger or Dudu's father's muscles. In short, she is special. Talkative, Balabala pesters everyone to chat with her.

She was idle and bored. Her mother was always lecturing her and she couldn't talk.

Her dad? She has no father, and she refuses to chat with ghosts.

No one even bought her a cake.

Shen Limin didn't dare to buy her food in private. This time, the reason why Liuliu was so hungry was because he took her to afternoon tea and two plates of pastries. As a result, Liuliu fell down with a groan and shouted to help her. She can still eat when she gets up.

A bouncing baby who boasted that he could eat a mountain was defeated by two plates of pastries.

Shen Limin was scolded and educated by Zhu Xiaojing and was thinking about his mistakes in the room.

In the evening, Zhang Tan came to Teacher Jiang's room and had an affair with her.

By the way, let’s talk about decoration.

Although the renovation did not involve the room where Teacher Jiang lives now, it would definitely disturb her while she was resting, so Zhang Tan packed up two sets of rooms in another building, one for him and Teacher Jiang, just above the studio. superior.

"No, no, I was just going to tell you that I want to go home."

Teacher Jiang's words shocked Zhang Tan. His first reaction was that he had neglected Teacher Jiang in some way.

Teacher Jiang explained that she had a good life here, but she just missed home.

Although there is no one at home, it is home after all. It is where I was born and raised, where my memories are, and where my feelings are. It is my homeland, and my hometown. Every brick, every plant, every tree is like a relative or friend. , I haven’t seen him for a long time, I am thinking about him and want to go home and see him.

In order to make Zhang Tan understand, she told Zhang Tan calmly.

It was almost the end of December and the Spring Festival was coming soon. She wanted to go home and spend the Spring Festival.

Zhang Tan advised: "Just stay in Pujiang and spend the Spring Festival with us. Xiaobai and I are your relatives, and there is no one at home anymore."

Teacher Jiang's eyes dimmed for a moment, and then a kind smile appeared on his face.

"Although I am the only one left in the family, I still have relatives and friends. Jiang Ping's friends and my students will come to see me every year and festival. If I don't go home, they will only be ignored during the New Year. , This is not good. The family must be somewhat popular, no matter how many people there are, everyone is also a human being."

"Is that okay?" Zhang Tan thought for a moment and said, "You go back first. I agree. When Xiaobai has her winter vacation, she and I will also go back. We will spend the Spring Festival in my hometown. After the Spring Festival, the three of us will We'll come back together. If this doesn't work, then I'll call Xiaobai and ask her to tell you."

Faced with Zhang Tan's rogue behavior, Teacher Jiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could understand his true feelings, hesitated for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

The two agreed not to tell Xiaobai for the time being until a few days later.

Although I didn’t know that grandma was coming home, it was still the season of farewell at Little Red Horse Academy.

At the end of each year, more and more children leave the Little Red Horse Academy. Many of them return to their hometowns and go their separate ways, and will not come back next year.

That night, Xiao Yingzi suddenly came to the third floor and knocked on Zhang Tan's door.

This is truly unprecedented.

Xiao Yingzi came to his house three times in total. Each time he was invited by the children. This was the first time he came alone like this.

Zhang Tan was a little surprised and looked around on both sides of the corridor. He didn't see any other children. It was really just Xiao Yingzi.

"Hehe, Boss Zhang, I'm the only one here." Xiao Yingzi said with a smile.

"Come in quickly, you are a rare guest." Zhang Tan welcomed her in and picked a pair of larger girls' shoes from the shoe rack for her.

Xiao Yingzi's eyes fell on a few pairs of small slippers on the shoe rack, showing envy.

After putting on her shoes, she followed Zhang Tan to the living room and handed Zhang Tan a handbag in her hand.

"For you."

"Did you give it to me? Thank you, what is it?"

"Hehe, see for yourself."

Zhang Tan opened it and found a basket of biscuits, still steaming.

"Did you make it yourself?"

"Well, it tastes pretty good. Do you want to try it?"


Zhang Tan pinched a piece. It was a small biscuit in the shape of a bear. It smelled so good, tasted so crispy and left a mouthful of flavor.

"Is it tasty?"

"It's delicious. You made it yourself? You're so good at it. You can teach me some time. I want to learn it too."

Xiao Yingzi's eyes can smile, and she laughs very easily.

"Are you going to feed Xiaobai?"

"Is it so obvious that you discovered it?"

"Hehe, we all know. You like Xiaobai so much, and Xiaobai likes you so much."

"...Really? Xiaobai likes me?"

"Yes, let me tell you, Xiaobai often whispers to me, and the one he talks to most is you, Boss Zhang."

"Sit down, please sit down and tell me."

Ever since Jiang Bin left, Zhang Tan's eye contact with Little Red Horse has been cut off. He hasn't found a suitable partner yet, they are all a bunch of naive melons.

Xiao Yingzi seemed to have come specially to present his certificate of submission today, and told Zhang Tan a lot of Xiao Bai's private matters.

PS: Please give me monthly tickets. One monthly ticket per person, and we can complete the task of 10,000 monthly tickets.

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