Dad Academy

Chapter 700 Big Explosion (3/4)

Chapter 700 Big Explosion (34)

PS: Adding updates for the 43rd cute protagonist in the scorching winter weather.

"Little, little friends! Little friends~~ Listen to me duck, listen to me duck, don't come over duck, I'll sing a song for you, ah~ don't come over duck~ watch my performance and eat one in three bites Pot cake, oooh~~~~oooooooooo~”

The durian performance failed, mainly because she couldn't bear to eat it like this. She hadn't tasted it carefully.

However, the melons in front of me couldn’t afford to play, so they all came to snatch her cake and eat it. They couldn’t run away, and they were blocked in the corner. What should I do...

Liuliu broke down and cried.

I have never seen such a bad little friend.

Grandma Jiang brought justice to her, taught Xiaobai a lesson, and took away the collapsed Liuliu.

Liuliu was brought home by Grandma Jiang. While crying, she hugged her cake tightly and said in tears that she couldn't bear to eat it in big bites. Could you let her eat it bit by bit?

"It's okay, you eat slowly. No one will rush you here, and no one will snatch your food. You can eat whatever you want."

Liuliu thanked her with tears: "Thank you, Grandma Jiang, your little white is a melon boy."

Guawazi Xiaobai brought his friends to apologize to Pomegranate, but they did not expect that the strong little Pomegranate would break down and cry. This was something they did not expect.

"Eat it for you, Liuliu."

Xi'er got a piece of cake that she had never eaten from somewhere and gave it to Liuliu to compensate for the bite she took.

Cheng Cheng silently gave her the small piece he had not finished eating.

Xiaobai consoled him: "We won't eat from you, Liuliu, don't be afraid, please stop crying."

Liuliu sniffed and said, "Thank you little friends, thank you."

She took them one by one in her hand, and there was never too much cake for her.

Dudu sat next to her and asked: "Does it taste good?"

Liliu nodded, dug out a piece and fed it to her. Dudu took it with his mouth and praised that it was delicious.

Grandma Jiang said with a smile: "This is right. We should understand each other, help each other, be friendly, and learn to share."


"Chang'an Twelve Hours" starts tonight.

At the beginning of the lanterns, Pujiang City was bustling with traffic, and tens of millions of people poured into the streets, and people started on their way home one after another.

Lychee TV, the screening room, the staff cheered up, because the leaders are here tonight.

The TV series I bought at a huge price will be broadcast tonight. I have high expectations and huge pressure.

At the same time, fans of Yi Siyang took to the Internet one after another, calling on everyone to not only watch TV at night, but also open online videos and contribute clicks.

Zhang Tan was also watching at home, and Xiaobai was walking around the living room holding the doll, unable to stay any longer.

"Xiao Bai, if you can't sit still, go down and play with the children. You don't have to stay with me here."

When Xiaobai heard this, he ran away immediately without any hesitation. He was really disrespectful. Is it so difficult to watch TV with him?

Although Xiaobai is participating in the performance, he will not appear tonight.

Wang Zhen was also watching it on time at home. After watching it for less than 20 minutes, she was sure that this was a masterpiece and the quality was no less than the previous two. It was a pity that she failed to win it.

After watching the first episode, she judged that the ratings of this one might be higher than that of "The Silent Truth" because this one had a wider audience and was no more niche than "The Silent Truth".

"Chang'an Twelve Hours" airs two episodes a day.

After watching the first episode and starting the second episode, Lychee TV Station was nervously calculating the ratings.

TV station ratings are calculated by a third-party organization, but it usually takes two hours for the data to be released. However, Lychee TV couldn't wait and was eager to know the ratings, so it could only roughly calculate it by itself.

"Are you out?" asked a man wearing a black old man's jacket and gold-rimmed glasses. Although he pretended to be calm, there was still a trace of nervousness in his voice.

"Right away." The staff was making predictions, "It's coming out, Deputy Director Chang, the ratings are preliminary, emmm~~~preliminary..."

Deputy Director Chang asked impatiently: "Preliminary what?! Can't read or something??"

His heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling. Could it be that the ratings were terrible?

"The preliminary calculation of the ratings is 1.8%!" After the staff finished speaking, he was worried about being scolded and immediately said: "We will re-calculate it again, there may be some deviations."

This data is too high to be believed.


Deputy Director Chang was pleasantly surprised and said, "Go and take the test again."

He suppressed the joy in his heart and asked the staff to take the test again. The second time the data was 1.81%, which was almost the same as the first time!

"Okay." Deputy Director Chang said happily, but immediately put away the joy on his face. This data was only measured by themselves, and it is definitely not accurate. The authoritative data will have to wait until the third-party statistical agency comes tomorrow.

Unlike TV stations that have to wait for ratings, the number of clicks on TV series is more intuitive. On the Kuxun video website, after the first episode of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" was released, the number of clicks exceeded 20 million in just one hour! This data is top-notch among online platforms.

Unlike the tension and excitement of these two major broadcast platforms, Zhang Tan was not stressed. He turned off the TV after watching two episodes. It was still early, less than 10 o'clock, and sat down at the desk, turned on the computer, and checked the information on house design. , and then walked around the house and looked around.

When he returned from Peiping last year, Aunt Huang simply helped decorate his room. It was originally two rooms, but they were merged together after being opened, with an area of ​​about 90 square meters.

The area is not small, but the design is a bit problematic. It only has one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

Zhang Tan felt that he had to think about the future, so he planned to renovate the room. But once the construction starts, we will not simply decorate on this basis, but plan to go bigger, open up a few more rooms, and decorate a 200-square-meter house.

This building was originally used as a kindergarten. Before the kindergarten, it was an office space. Zhang Tan's parents opened a company here, so it has a large area, with a floor area of ​​1,000 square meters.

Today, the first floor is the activity venue of Little Red Horse Academy, and the second floor is the dormitories of the children and the dormitories of the teachers. There are also some empty rooms used as utility rooms.

Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang live on the third floor. Teacher Jiang's room is about 50 square meters, and Zhang Tan's room is 90 square meters. The total is only 140 square meters, and more than half of it is vacant.

Zhang Tan checked it carefully, listed the key points of decoration, and planned to find a design company the next day.

Early the next morning, he got up and went for a run downstairs. After returning from the run, he took a shower and had breakfast before having time to check his phone.

There are unread text messages.

It was Chen Bin who sent it to him, saying that the television ratings of "Chang'an Twelve Hours" yesterday reached 1.65%, and the number of clicks on the video website has exceeded 50 million.

These are all explosive data, which is great news for Lizhi TV and Kuxun Video.

It's miserable, please vote.

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