Dad Academy

Chapter 71 Poaching

Lao Li kept sending Jiang Rong out of the academy. On the way, Jiang Rong asked him curiously: "Uncle, is this a kindergarten?"

When she went downstairs, she saw many children, about the same age as Xiaobai. It was like a kindergarten. But how could the kindergarten be open at night? Don't these children go home?

Lao Li replied: "This is called Little Red Horse Academy, also called Midnight Academy. It is only open at night."

“Only open at night??”

This is the first time Jiang Rong has heard of such an academy.

Lao Li said with a smile: "Yes, it is only open at night. Look at West Chang'an Street across the way. There are so many people working. Who will take care of their children?"

Jiang Rong: "So they take care of the children here?"

Lao Li nodded and said, "That's right."

“Is this profitable?”

"It's run with money."

Jiang Rong looked up at West Chang'an Street outside the yard. It was bustling with traffic. It was really a good location. It covers such a large area and is worth at least hundreds of millions. It would be such a waste to open a late-night academy. It can't be done well, even if it doesn't do anything well. If you don’t do anything, you can still make a lot of money every day by just collecting rent.

"Then still do it?"

Lao Li looked at her thoughtfully: "But it's very meaningful, isn't it?"

Jiang Rong was stunned for a few seconds, then quickly followed Lao Li and continued to ask: "Why does Zhang Tan live here? In addition to taking care of children, does this place also take care of adults?"

Lao Li chuckled and said: "Of course we don't take care of it. We are not a hotel. The novice just now is our service target."

"Who is that Zhang Tan?"

As a screenwriter, she is used to making up and telling stories. In just a short time, she has made up several desolate life experiences for Zhang Tan, one of which is particularly true.

Zhang Tan must be an orphan. He grew up in Little Red Horse Academy. He didn't leave when he grew up. He lived here and supported Little Red Horse Academy while working. Otherwise, the place would have closed down.

Because of his life experience as an orphan, Zhang Tan was so arrogant that he kept people away from him thousands of miles away.

The more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed that Xiaobai had also been arranged by her to become Zhang Tan's younger sister, or perhaps bolder, an illegitimate daughter?

Lao Li's words shattered her illusions mercilessly.

"Zhang Tan is the boss of the academy."

boss? Jiang Rong was astonished. Even though she loved fantasy and aspired to become the number one Chinese screenwriter in the future, she never expected that Zhang Tan would be the boss here. She usually didn't know that he was a rich man.

"Didn't he grow up here?"

Old Li said strangely: "I grew up here, and this academy is his family's property."

It turns out that she is the second generation of rich people. Jiang Rong thought to herself, it just so happens that she is also the second generation of rich people, so it is a good match.

She felt that she knew Zhang Tan better, and the more she learned about him, the more she admired him. Such a large courtyard in a prime location was not used for commercial profit, but was used to take care of a group of children who had no one to take care of them. , what kind of mind is this!

Such a man is particularly responsible and makes people feel at ease. No wonder he almost fell asleep leaning on Zhang Tan when he came here just now.

When she was having wild thoughts, she had already followed Old Li to the gate of the academy. Old Li said, "Thank you for sending Zhang Tan back. Be careful on the road and go home early."

Jiang Rong turned around and looked at Little Red Horse Academy. The courtyard was dark, but the building was brightly lit. A row of little heads were lying on the windows on the first floor, chattering and looking at her and talking about her.

The sound of little breasts drifted over with the evening breeze, and she heard a few words, such as "It's boss Zhang's wife", "It's the fat girl~", "My wife~", "Blue fat friend~"...

Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, she said to herself, looking up to the third floor, where was Zhang Tan's bedroom, which was completely dark.

"Is that Xiaobai just now Zhang Tan's sister?" Jiang Rong asked.

Zhang Tan guessed wrong about his life experience, so Xiaobai shouldn't have guessed wrong. Otherwise, why would Zhang Tan draw Xiaobai in his notebook?

"Xiao Bai is a kid from the academy and likes to play with Zhang Tan."

Lao Li's words once again shattered her illusions.

She felt that there were many mysteries in Zhang Tan, a mysterious man.

Zhang Tan slept soundly that night. When he woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning, he was thirsty and his throat was hoarse and a little sore.

When he was looking for water to drink, he saw a blue children's sippy cup with water in it next to the bed.

There is one cup for Xiaobai and one for Xiaomi. Thinking of Xiaobai's visit last night, I knew without guessing that it was Xiaobai who put it here.

What a heart-warming kid, Zhang Tan picked up the sippy cup, unscrewed the lid instead of using a straw, and drank all the water in one breath.


The chirping of crickets came from under the bed, and Zhang Tan had given up looking for them. They were so good at hiding that they couldn't be found.

He got up and went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face. He also washed Xiaobai's sippy cup. He went to the refrigerator and took three bottles of Bear drinks, filled them up, and put the sippy cup in the refrigerator. When he came back in the evening, Xiaobai would have iced drinks. Drink the bear drink.

He came to the yard for a jog. The sun had not risen yet, but its light had already illuminated half of the sky, and there was a patch of rose red on the horizon.

The noisy Pujiang City was very quiet at the moment. There was no traffic on the road, and the street lights were still on.

When Zhang Tan came to the company, he was the only one on the entire ninth floor.

Open the windows, boil water, water the flowers, it’s still early, and meditate on work.

"Unlucky Bear" is basically over. He has nothing to do with the follow-up work. What's the next step? He had to think about it.

It has been nearly two months since he came to this world. He first participated in "Under Tianyu Mountain", then adapted "Lampburner", and then edited "Unlucky Bear", all of which are animations.

Making animation is not his original intention. What he wants to do more is live-action film and television, which is what he is best at.

The core business of Pujiang Film Studio is animation, which is definitely the best in the country, but live-action film and television is far behind, and its annual turnover is less than one-tenth of animation.

Two live-action movies were launched last year, with investments of 100 million and 50 million respectively. The former was a hit and lost money to my grandma's family, while the latter made a slight profit and gained a reputation.

In terms of TV series, there are many TV series released, but most of them are lukewarm. The one with the highest ratings is probably "Chief Kim" which is in its third season.

"Chief Kim" is an online drama with one season per year. It has been broadcast for two seasons. The third season is scheduled to be released this year. This drama is somewhat popular, but it is not a traditional TV drama, but a sitcom. Each episode It lasts about 15 minutes, and there is no plot connection between each episode. It relies on jokes and jokes to support it.

The first two seasons were somewhat popular, but in fact, by the second half of the second season, the ratings had dropped seriously. If there is no revision, the third season will undoubtedly have to fail.

Perhaps it is for this reason that there has been no news about the third season of "Chief Kim". The directors of the first two seasons have been fired and need to be replaced.


Zhang Tan was deep in thought when suddenly the office door was pushed open and Jiang Rong walked in. She was stunned for a moment when she saw him there.

"Boss? You came so early."

Zhang Tan shook off the thoughts in his head and said, "I went to bed early last night. Thank you for yesterday."

"You're welcome. Speaking of which, the place you live in is so special."

"Being with children every day can keep your childlike innocence, which is very helpful for writing scripts."


"I'm an example."

"Hey~~~Boss, I didn't realize that you are quite stinky."

Zhang Tan stood up and stretched.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm going out for a walk."

Liu Dawen had just arrived and was sitting at his seat eating breakfast. His "Sister Feng" was placed on the table. He was eating and admiring it, indulging in it.

Zhang Tan remembered the last time he said he wanted to write a biography for Sister Feng. He didn't know if he had written it yet, so he asked him. Liu Dawen bit the bun, took out a notebook from his bag, opened one of the pages, and pointed it to Zhang Tan. There is handwriting on it.

Identity: Queen of the Ancient Phoenix Kingdom

Just looking at this identity, Zhang Tan felt a chill and wanted to turn around and leave, or close his eyes to prevent contamination, but Liu Dawen looked at him eagerly.

He really regretted that he shouldn't have asked more.

After enduring the cold and reading Sister Feng's biography, Zhang Tan didn't have anything to say, except that he had a bad life experience and left in a hurry.

"Zhang Tan, help Sister Feng make up a story when you have time." Liu Dawen shouted after him.

Zhang Tan waved his hand and said nothing. He didn't dare to say anything.

After the script for the "Unlucky Bear" project was completed, the screenwriting team was no longer needed, so it was announced that day that it would be disbanded, leaving only Zhang Tan and Jiang Rong.

Zhang Tan had to work with the team to deal with temporary matters for the "Unlucky Bear" project, while Jiang Rong had no place to go.

She originally came out of the screenwriter evaluation group, so she can't go back. Isn't that a step back? People who don't understand think she made a mistake and was relegated to the sidelines.

So he let her continue to follow.

At the same time, the live-action film and television department of Pujiang Film Studio is holding a regular department meeting. Compared with the animation department, there are much fewer people here, and the whole place seems deserted.

Everyone has just finished discussing the third season of "Chief Jin". Director Zhu Ruopu can't help but have a headache. Now the script cannot be released. Starring Wang Yifan and the new director have almost overturned the original script and rewritten it. But rewriting is not that easy. .

The top priority of the business department at the moment is to start the third season project of "Chief Kim" as soon as possible, and we can't afford any delay.

In order to make a good script, almost all efforts were made to select several senior screenwriters, set up a screenwriting team, and conceive of the plot day and night.

"If you don't have anything else to do, let's get going." Zhu Ruopu said, his head buzzing as he watched everyone pack their things and leave. He is also an old man in the studio. He has worked in the film and television department for almost 10 years. He was ambitious at the beginning, but looking back, he did not achieve much.

"He Miao? What?"

He Miao, the director of the screenwriting department, stood aside and did not leave, waiting for him.

"Minister, our department now has a serious problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible." He Miao said.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Ruopu raised his head and glanced at him, feeling a little irritated. He picked up the tea cup on his desk and took a few sips. The tea cup was old and covered with a thick layer of tea dirt. for more than three years.

He Miao also knew that the minister was currently having a big problem with "Chief Jin". The project could not be completed, and the superiors were asking tight questions. It was understandable that he was under a lot of pressure, but his problems could not be dealt with anymore and they had to be solved.

"Yesterday, Lao Liu was transferred to the screenwriter team of "Chief Kim". I don't have many screenwriters here. I counted them today, and I was shocked. Adding the two who were just recruited during the summer vacation, there are four people. , Minister, the screenwriting department is short of people."

"Only 4 people left?" Zhu Ruopu was obviously surprised. In such a department, there are only 4 working screenwriters left?

"There are only 4 left." He Miao said with certainty and reported the names of all 4 people. "The others have all joined the project team of "Chief Jin"."

Zhu Ruopu said: "Don't think I don't know. There are only five screenwriters in the "Chief Jin" project team. Where are the others?"

He Miao said: "Three people have resigned this month, and two others have volunteered to be transferred to the animation department. We only have nine people left. Minister, we need to recruit people."

Zhu Ruopu took a long time before saying, "What suggestions do you have?"

He Miao said: "I think we have to start from two aspects. On the one hand, we recruit people from outside, but we don't recruit new people. We have to have experience. We don't have time to train people. On the other hand, I suggest that we go to the animation department and recruit a few people." .”

Zhu Ruopu said: "You want people? I'm afraid it's not that easy. Yang Senlin is very strong. He recently won a big project from Pujiang TV Station and is in the spotlight. Do you want his people?"

Then he asked again: "Do you have someone you want?"

There were only Zhu Ruopu and He Miao in the conference room, so there was no need for He Miao to hide and tuck him in. He said directly: "Minister Yang is indeed very powerful, and I'm afraid he won't let people go so easily, so one can't ask for more, and two You can't ask for a backbone. You just said that a big project of Pujiang TV Station was taken over by the animation department. I noticed the new screenwriter Zhang Tan, and I want this person."

"Zhang Tan?" Zhu Ruopu said, "I know this person is quite capable, but can Yang Senlin be released?"

He Miao spread his hands and said: "If Zhang Tan refuses to give it, then what are we going to do with the other newcomers? Our business department wants plug-and-play people. We don't have the time or platform to train newcomers. If Minister Yang refuses to let go, People, I think, just report it directly to the leadership, do the two brother departments need to be so clearly divided? They have 4 screenwriter groups, and we only have 1!..."

Zhu Ruopu thought this was a good point, nodded and said, "Then you have to communicate with Zhang Tan first. Only if he has this wish can we recruit people."

He Miao said happily: "That's right. I'll go find him later. However, Minister, if you want to recruit someone, I'm afraid the salary will have to be improved."

"Within a reasonable range, it's up to you."

Thank you to book friend 20180106041243316 for the 5,000-coin reward, thank you SlowlyC for the 2,300-coin reward, thank you Samui Feng for the 2,000-coin reward, thank you Dynasty Warriors and An Xiaoqing for the 1,000-coin reward, thank you Shuchixian and Geng Xuefeng Thank you for the 700-coin reward for never reading novels again. Thank you for the 300-coin reward for the cat who can catch whales. Thank you for the 200-coin reward for His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. Thank you for Tang Tang’s weibei33, yuan_jin. Son, I am a three-legged cat with good luck, fayiod, a thief turned regular, and a lover of learning. I am a 100-coin reward from Zhan Boyue. This chapter is nearly 4,000 words long.

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