Dad Academy

Chapter 693 Revenge Does Not Overnight (2/2)

Chapter 693 Revenge does not last overnight (22)

Although Xiaobai pushed Zhang Tan away many times, he was still forced into his arms in the end.

The igloo was shrouded in faint starlight, and Xiaobai was still shivering while lying in Zhang Tan's arms. She buried her head in silence, neither answering Zhang Tan's words nor uttering a word.

Time passed very slowly like this, I don’t know how long it had passed, I don’t know what time it was at night, the surroundings were silent, Xiaobai finally calmed down, and fell asleep deeply in Zhang Tan’s arms.

He lowered his head and looked at her quietly. He could only see the outline of her face and heard her breathing slightly.

Zhang Tan couldn't sleep, he couldn't help but think about it.

He thought of the first time he saw Xiaobai when he came to Little Red Horse. At that time, she ran past him in a panic, going to chase Xiaomi back after being taken away by the police. Losing a friend, to her, is like losing a close relative.

Thinking of Xiaobai always fighting with Luo Zikang, no matter whether she won or lost, it was always miserable in the end, but she always stubbornly held on not to cry, even if tears welled up in her eyes, she could endure it. .

Thinking of Xiaobai biting him and coming to apologize, he was afraid of being scolded or even beaten, but they quickly reconciled. Xiaobai no longer called him black shit, and started calling him an uncle. Later, he found out his name. , so he changed it to Boss Zhang.

I thought of Xiaobai standing under the balcony and looking up at him, asking him if he had eaten tonight. At his invitation, he came to his home to visit, but he didn't dare to enter the house because his feet were dirty. He finally convinced her that it was okay, but then he saw her. With her little socks showing her toes, she giggled and innocently said it was because her feet wanted some air.

Thinking of the time Xiaobai came to see him but couldn't find him, so she sat alone on the steps waiting for him to come back, holding a fish maw glass bottle with cooked peanuts in it. This turned out to be her dinner! Because her aunt and uncle had a quarrel, she went to West Chang'an Street to shine shoes for someone without cooking dinner.

Thinking of the first time she took Xiaobai to participate in a charity donation event, she lay in front of the car window and curiously looked at the passing scenery along the street. That was the first time she walked out of Huangjia Village and saw how majestic the world outside was. , I can’t help but be speechless.

He thought of having lunch one afternoon in Huangjiacun and wandering around to eat. He unexpectedly met Xiaobai lying at the window and greeting him deep in the alley. That was the first time he knew Xiaobai's family. It was also at that time that he got to know Xiaobaibai. Tian was locked up at home alone.

Thinking of the night when Xiaobai ran barefoot to the academy to look for him, it was the first time he saw Xiaobai letting her tears fly. The reason turned out to be that Ma Lanhua planned not to let her go to Little Red Horse Academy again.

There are too many, these memories that I usually can't think of seem to be stirred up from the lake of my heart at this moment, and they appear in my mind one after another, as clear as yesterday.

He looked down at Xiaobai in his sleep, and a voice in his heart kept telling him that this was his child! How much she suffered.

Fate is so wonderful, it seems that there is an arrangement somewhere. In the sea of ​​people, he unexpectedly met Xiaobai!

Although he didn't know that he had a child, Xiaobai, before that, he had paid close attention to Xiaobai. He saw in Xiaobai a strong optimism and maturity that was completely inconsistent with that of a child. He saw a child carrying too much weight that he shouldn't bear. He saw how a child climbed up despite falling and setbacks. She got up to hold back from crying, and even pretended to be ferocious to scare others, just because others didn't dare to bully her anymore...

To be honest, Zhang Tan didn't have much feelings or memories about Bai Xinyu, as if he was a character that only existed in memory and imagination. He knew that he had separated himself from "Zhang Tan", and Bai Xinyu belonged to That Zhang Tan doesn't belong to him.

But facing Xiaobai, he couldn't take it out, couldn't let himself stay out of it.

Who knows how surprised he was and the sense of absurdity that followed when he first learned that Xiaobai was his child!

He is not a saint, let alone a wooden person. It is impossible for him to automatically accept everything from body to soul just because a DNA test report appears in front of him!

Who knows when he recalled every bit of contact with Xiaobai, how he unknowingly fell in love with this child and accepted her from the bottom of his heart! From the bottom of my heart, I want to take care of her, give her a sense of security, and give her everything.

In terms of blood, he had no room for bargaining, and Xiaobai was his child.

But emotionally, he needs a step-by-step process, and so does Xiaobai.

He believed that he had gone through the process of self-awareness and was ready.

Today, facing the sudden truth, Xiaobai was shocked, confused, panicked, and evasive... Zhang Tan could understand all these expressions and emotions. Xiaobai also needs a process of acceptance. During this period, the only thing he can do is to show his sincerity, remain patient, give her warmth and give her a sense of security.

Safety is the most important thing.

Xiaobai is obviously insecure.

Faced with such a huge change in her life, she will feel at a loss and will subconsciously choose to escape.

After thinking about it for some time, Zhang Tan felt someone getting up from the bed and making a rustling sound.

He knew this should be Xiaobai. Just as he was about to open his eyes and take a look, he suddenly felt a small hand touch his forehead. He thought, could Xiaobai be sizing him up? Suddenly I felt a pain in my scalp and my hair was being pulled.


Xiaobai pulled his hair several times while he was sleeping, and he grinned in pain.

He wanted to open his eyes and scare the children away, but after thinking about it, forget it, Xiaobai probably had some resentment in his heart that he couldn't swallow, so he let her vent her anger.

Soon, Zhang Tan regretted this decision.

Because Xiaobai wasn't satisfied with pulling his hair, he pulled his ears and pulled them out.

This is not over yet.


Got a slap in the face!

Then another slap!

Then he scratched, pulled, pinched, scratched, pressed, and pulled on his face, muttering something.


What a cruel little girl, beating her old man in her sleep!

It's true that he is a black-blooded person. He doesn't have a grudge overnight, and he is not a good man even if he stays overnight.

Will opening her eyes now make her stop? Zhang Tan thought to himself, and finally endured it, Xiaobai's tone was a bit loud, let her finish. After all, she had already received a lot of the most severe beatings, and she gave up halfway. Then let Xiaobai sneak attack again next time.

I just pray that Xiaobai's shoes won't do anything more cruel, such as buttoning his eyes.

Xiaobai didn't pinch his eyes, but pinched his nose! He couldn't breathe.


Zhang Tan was speechless. Is Xiaobai stupid? Pinching his nose to prevent him from breathing is forcing him to wake up and fight with her, right?

If you want to take revenge, retaliate secretly. Don't smash up someone's shop and post a note on the wall: Anyone who smashes a shop is a novice.

Fortunately, Xiaobai pinched Zhang Tan's nose for a while and then released it, but after a few seconds he started pinching again.

This little guy is smart and knows how to pinch and release for a while to let him catch his breath.

After repeated attempts, Xiaobai finally stopped making any move, but Zhang Tan was not happy at all, because he had a gut feeling that Xiaobai would not let him go just like that, there must be a follow-up, but he didn't know what it was, maybe it would be more cruel.

This made him anxious. The unknown was the scariest thing. Many good men survived the torture, but often collapsed on the eve of execution.

Just when Zhang Tan was about to open his eyes and take a look, he suddenly felt a stick on his forehead.

Are you going to hit me on the forehead with a stick?

Smash it to death?

Zhang Tan was about to open his eyes to stop such a human tragedy when he suddenly heard Xiaobai making a biubiubiu sound, and the stick stuck on his forehead kept sticking.

This is? Shooting him? Execution by shooting?

After Zhang Tan was "shot", Xiaobai finally gave up. The rustling sound sounded again, and the little guy crawled back into bed and continued to sleep.

Zhang Tan opened his eyes and glanced at Xiaobai beside him in the darkness. She smacked her mouth, turned over, and fell into a deep sleep. It sounded much sweeter than the sleep she had before.

Zhang Tan waited for a while, and after making sure that Xiaobai was asleep, he reached out from the bed and touched his face, ears, nose, and hair. They were so miserable. They all suffered and were beaten inexplicably.

He emphatically soothed his ear, his left ear to be exact, which was probably red. Who let the left ear be close to Xiaobai, so it was given special care. Although the right ear was far away, with a head in the middle, it still couldn't escape, and was grabbed by Xiaobai's little melon boy.

This is a ruthless person.

His hands were groping under the quilt, trying to find the murder weapon that killed him, and he found it under Xiaobai's pillow. It seemed to be a gun, a small water gun? ? I couldn't take it out, and Xiaobai was holding it down, so I had to wait until dawn to get up and look for a chance to take a look.

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai who was sleeping soundly in the moonlight. How could this little guy sleep so soundly? You just did something bad, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by the victim?

Zhang Tan thought about it and suddenly laughed.

Sighing, he covered Xiaobai with the quilt and lay back down again. Although he was beaten without any warning, he felt a lot more comfortable. He was indeed a Bai Chunhua kid. He dared to compete with someone older than her. The ruthless character Luo Zikang fought with was a young man who dared to chase him, the school boss, who had been scolding him for several days. He was a domineering and cute boss who wouldn't wipe his nosebleed and even beat him with bloodstains on his face. So, what happened just now Once it comes out, it fits her style.

But, I guess I have to be careful in the future. We are under the same roof, we can see each other without looking up, and we may sleep in the same bed at night. But we must not offend this doll, otherwise who knows what she can do, how dangerous it is. .

In the future, there should be no need to worry about unplugging the oxygen tank, Zhang Tan thought to himself, and fell asleep in a daze.

At dawn the next day, Zhang Tan was woken up by a deafening singing voice:

Malan flower ~ Malan flower ~ seven melons on one vine!

Zhang Tan opened his eyes and saw Xiaobai singing. When he turned his head and looked around, he saw that this guy was lying on the bed obediently, but his mouth was restless. He was singing very energetically. When he heard the movement, he saw that he had woken up. He ignored it and continued to stare at the glass dome and sing his own song.

"Good morning, Xiaobai, you are in such good spirits." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai looked over and stared at him with burning eyes.

Zhang Tan said to himself that this was a good thing. Xiaobai was not like the cold-blooded man who ignored him last night.

Who knows...

"Ha, I want you to take care of it!"

Immediately, he put his little hand under the pillow and took out a small water gun. He pointed it at Zhang Tan and fired with his mouth, biubiubiu~~

He was shot and "killed" last night, and his body was whipped this morning.


Zhang Tan was asking for trouble, but he wasn't unhappy at all, at least he couldn't show it.

He sat up and leaned on the bedside. He picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was only 5:30 in the morning! The moon can still be seen on the glass dome, but the morning light has spread, and the sky and the earth are about to light up.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Zhang Tan asked. With so much energy, he must be feeling weak and needs to replenish his energy.

"Ha, I want you to take care of it!"

Xiaobai said this again.

Zhang Tan chuckled and looked for a thermos. Inside was last night's fish soup, which was still warm.

He unscrewed the lid, and a strong smell of fish wafted out. Xiaobai couldn't help sniffing, took a quick glance, hummed, turned his head, and continued singing loudly.

"Come and have some. We won't brush our teeth and just eat like this. Do you want to come?"

Xiaobai looked over in surprise and said subconsciously: "If you don't brush your teeth, bugs will grow."

Zhang Tan poured fish soup and fish meat into two small bowls, "It will grow as long as it does. I don't want to brush my teeth right now. I just want to eat. Do you want to eat? Grandma can't care about it, and neither can your aunt and uncle." , but you don’t dare, right?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaobai said harshly: "Shovel! Give it to me, I'm so hungry."

Gulu gulu~~ The little belly cooperates tacitly and beats the drum in time.

Today I have completed more than 8,000 words. Please vote for me. In addition, there will be no more nights, sleep, and go to work tomorrow

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