Dad Academy

Chapter 676 New Story (1/2)

Chapter 676 New Story (12)

"Dudu~ Go and catch Boss Zhang and tell us a story!"

Xiaobai winked and asked Liuliu to pull Zhang Tan back, and Liuliu ordered Dudu to go.

Dudu is easily slapped and has a tiger-like head. There is nothing that she is particularly afraid of, so it stands to reason that Boss Zhang is even less likely to scare her.

She immediately stood up, pulled up her pants, shouted "Get on the duck", chased after him, opened her hands, and blocked Zhang Tan's path.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Tan asked helplessly.

“*\u0026%……¥% # %¥……”

"Can't understand."

"It's not interesting."

After Dudu finished speaking, he rushed forward and hugged Zhang Tan's thigh, refusing to let him go, hanging on it like a sloth.

Zhang Tan had no choice but to turn back after being tricked by Dudu, thinking about what story to tell the children. Suddenly he saw that his little chair was missing and asked: "Where is my chair?"

"666, you stand and talk nonsense, hahahaha~~" Liuliu, the bad guy, was so rampant.

Zhang Tan: "If you want me to tell a story but you won't sit down, then I'd better go back."

"No, no, no~ Boss Zhang, you sit on the Dudu chair."

Dudu seemed to really want to continue listening to the story, and took the initiative to give up his little stool to Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan looked at it and refused to sit down. It was too small and hurt his butt.

Dudu saw this and quickly ran to bring a chair over. The chair was really heavy. She huffed and puffed, moved it for a while, and dragged it back. She was panting and her face was red, but her eyes were bright, and she was tired and happy.

This kind of fun is really difficult for normal people to experience.

Zhang Tan sat down and faced 12 big eyes. Oh no, 10 big eyes and 2 small eyes. Little Pomegranate is a girl with small eyes.

What to talk about?

He thought for a while and said, "Have you heard the story of "City in the Sky"?"

The three pairs of children were all dumbfounded and didn't understand. They didn't even understand their names.

Zhang Tan explained: "It's a castle floating in the sky. Have you heard of it?"

The children all said in unison that they had never heard of it and wanted to hear it.

Zhang Tan specifically reminded that after telling this story, whether he liked it or not, it was gone and he had to go back and lie down to recuperate.

Hearing this, Dudu expressed regret and disgust at the same time. A person of Boss Zhang's age knew how to lie down and not work, unlike her, a restless baby who would move things when she had nothing to do and take the children's chairs out of the way. Move the east to the west, move from the west to the south, move from the south to the north, and move from the north to the east. This cycle is a bit annoying, so just move it counterclockwise a few times, or to find some excitement, go to Li Play around.

Or...she recently found a new way to play, which is to carry Xi'er or Cheng Cheng, carrying them in the classroom and spinning around in the yard.

In terms of diligence, Dudu is the number one among her best friends.

But why does she still exist in the group of best friends who "just want to play and don't want to work"? Because if she is asked to work, she is unwilling. She is only so diligent when she is playing and playing house.

"Castle in the Sky" is very good, especially the protagonists are two children. The group of girlfriends listened with gusto. At the end, they all asked to listen to it again.

Zhang Tan felt resentful in his heart, saying that he would never tell you stories again next time. He broke his word again and again!

He had no choice but to tell the story again and sent the children away.

Xiaobai fell at the end and asked if he could tell her another story. If she didn't go to the classroom, she would stay at Boss Zhang's house.

Zhang Tan said to himself, please spare me, "Oh, the story just now was just told to you. Isn't that enough for you?"

"Claws? All the children listened."

"I don't care about the other kids. Anyway, I'm telling it specifically to you, the kid."

Xiaobai pursed his lips and kept a straight face, trying to hold back the irritation in his heart, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he couldn't control himself. He said happily: "Okay, bye Boss Zhang, I'll go play with my little friends." ~"

She jumped up and down, like a deer in a good mood, jumping up and down.

"Be careful going down the stairs and don't jump."

"Hoohoho~~This is my strength."

In the corridor, the children have not left and are still playing here.

Dudu was carrying Xi'er up the stairs, not because he was being bullied, but because... it was fun.

After carrying Xi'er, she huffed and ran diligently to carry Cheng Cheng on her back.

Liuliu was eager to try, waiting for Dudu to run down, hug her, and push her down, shouting excitedly: "Carry me, carry me, I am a little sister, I am a baby, Dudu carries me."

Dudu lay on the ground, stretched out his little hand miserably towards Xiaobai and shouted: "Help duck, save my life duck Xiaobai - I don't want to carry the durian on my back, wuwuwuwu~~┭┮﹏┭┮"

When Xiaobai, who was in a good mood, saw this, he was furious. He grabbed Liuliu's ears and said, "Guawazi~~ Get up quickly!! Dudu is going to die."

In the evening, Tan Jin'er came to take Xi'er home. Originally, she had to work the night shift until 11 o'clock in the night this month, but because she fell ill a few days ago, she and her colleagues switched shifts. This month, she only has to work until 9 o'clock, and she will switch back next month.

"Xi'er, let's go home."

"Sister, Boss Zhang is telling me a story, it's really nice."

Xi'er Balabala shared the story she heard today with Tan Jin'er, but after only telling a little bit, she forgot and couldn't tell it.

She scratched her cheeks and ears, unable to think of anything, and suddenly said dejectedly: "Xi'er is a stupid baby."

Cheng Cheng also told them about "Castle in the Sky" just now. Cheng Cheng is so amazing. Compared with Cheng Cheng, her baby is just a little fool.

Indeed, compared to Cheng Cheng, other children are far inferior in storytelling and memory!

"Don't talk about yourself like that, don't say depressing words." Tan Jin'er encouraged.

Xi'er only felt sad for a moment, and soon smiled. A smile spread across her face. She saw her own strengths and boasted that Xi'er was so good.

Zhang Tan and Lao Li were making tea and drinking tea in the yard. Tan Jin'er greeted them, hesitated, and said to Zhang Tan: "Boss Zhang, will you be home at noon tomorrow? I'll make lunch for you."

Zhang Tan: "emmm, no need, it's too much trouble for you."

Tan Jin'er: "Speaking of trouble, I am the one who troubles you. If you hadn't taken care of me, I wouldn't have known what to do when I was sick."

"It's not me who takes care of it, it's everyone. I didn't do anything."

At this time, Xi'er, who was standing at Tan Jin'er's feet, suddenly said: "Sister, Boss Zhang must not like the food you cook. Isn't it delicious? Xi'er likes it so much."

Zhang Tan said quickly: "Xi'er, don't talk nonsense. Your sister's cooking is delicious. I didn't say it wasn't delicious."

Xi'er made a sound, acted as a transmitter, and told her sister with a high face: "Sister, hiahia, Boss Zhang said he really likes the food you cook, please cook some for him."

Immediately, this little guy told Tan Jiner in a sly manner to give all the three bowls of rice she owed to Boss Zhang, hiahiahia~~~

look! How could this be a little fool? He was very clever.

PS: The operation team has racked their brains to carry out Xi'er's birthday celebration activities. In the comment area, you only need to post a message to participate. There is no fan limit. The title of the post must contain the keyword "Happy Birthday to Xi'er". The reward is a title and Count coins. Notice! Not replying under the event, stupid.

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