Dad Academy

Chapter 69 Zhang Tan’s Hymn

Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai were nestled on the sofa, almost falling asleep, until Teacher Xiao Liu knocked on the door, looking for Gua Wa Zi, and her aunt arrived.

Xiaobai quickly wiped his mouth with his small hands and ran out in a hurry.

After leaving the Little Red Horse Academy, Ma Lanhua immediately gave her a slap on the back of the head and cursed: "Xiao Xiaobai, how many times has aunt instigated you not to always go to Boss Zhang's house? Your claws don't listen to me, right?"

Xiaobai said angrily: "Why do you beat the children???"

"Answer my question first, are you at Boss Zhang's house?"

"Is it acridine claw?"

"Did I instigate you? Don't always run to Boss Zhang's house. You are a girl and he is a boy. Where do you want to live?"

"I'll deliver the bangbang chicken."

"Have you given it away?"

"Give it away."

"If I asked you to instigate it, did you instigate it?"


"What did you instigate? You instigated me to listen."

"Thank you, Boss Zhang, for taking me out to play. Although my aunt is a melon, I am a good person. The Bangbang Chicken I made is super good. I'll give it to you. If you like it, please give it a thumbs up. Remember Is it over?"

After saying that, he found that Ma Lanhua was standing still, looking at her expressionlessly, looking so scary.

"Stay, where are you staying, aunt? Have you met the kid?"

Malanhua said grimly: "You precious little melon, I can teach you how powerful I am. Come over here and get beaten!"

Just as Xiaobai was about to run away, Ma Lanhua predicted her prediction. He caught her, picked her up, and spanked her. The child was so beaten that he screamed. The sound of dog barking immediately sounded in the alley, and there were more and more barks. , connected into a piece, like a big thief.

"Doggie, save me, save me, hurry up and bite Malanhua, Malanhua's fart is black~~~"

I walked and beat all the way, and I didn't let the children go until I got home.

The child sat miserably on the stool, in a daze. She still couldn't figure out why Malanhua beat her. She was so good.

My aunt is indeed a black-blooded person.

While his aunt entered the bathroom, Xiaobai shook his uncle awake.


no response.

Xiaobai said angrily: "Bai Jianping! Your paw is sleeping again??"

Uncle Bai Jianping finally stopped snoring and woke up. Seeing it was Xiaobai, he asked in a daze: "Xiaobai, where do you live?"

"My aunt beat me."

"Call back."

"I want to bite her, but I can't beat her."

"Then you deserve it."

"Shovel!" Xiaobai said angrily, his uncle didn't work and there was no hope.

The bathroom door opened, and Ma Lanhua appeared, staring at Xiaobai maliciously: "Where do you live?"

"I, I'm counting the stars."

"My paw heard you scolding me?"

"It's nothing special, you must have bugs in your ears."

"Don't scold me behind my back."

"I'm a good doll."

"You are a good baby, so why are you holding on to your uncle's hair?"

When Xiaobai saw it, he was really grabbing his uncle's hair, ho ho ho~

The uncle was lying on the bed, staring at her silently.

Huh? Didn't you just close your eyes and fall asleep?

Xiaobai smiled awkwardly, covered his uncle's face with his little hands, made a gesture of sleeping, and said: "Uncle, please close your eyes quickly, sleep well, be good."

Bai Jianping closed his eyes, but his mouth was talking.

"Xiaobai, you are a melon kid. If you can't beat your aunt, why are you here to bully me?"

"Huh? Uncle, how can you still talk while sleeping with your paws? Are you talking in your sleep? You are so powerful."

"I'm very good with a hammer. If you grab my hair, it hurts me so much that I wake up from the pain."

"Hohoho~~~Auntie, oh, Boss Zhang gave you a thumbs up."

Malanhua's attention was diverted and she asked: "Is it delicious if he instigates it?"

"Bang-bang-bang-bang, he said."

"Is it spicy?"

"It's not spicy, that's his strength."

"That's good, give him more next time."

"...Boss Zhang even wrote shit to you."



"What the hell?"

"It's just shit."

"Hammer, didn't he instigate me to make the Bangbang Chicken shit? Did he instigate it with his claws?"

"That's what he instigated."

Xiaobai read out the poem written by Zhang Tan:

"Ma Lanhua, the bangbang chicken you made

no doubt

It’s the whole world

The most delicious bangbang chicken. "

Malanhua laughed and scolded: "Little Douding, you are so stupid. This is poetry, not shit. Are you stupid for inciting me?"

At the same time, she curled her lips. This boss Zhang looks like a human being. Is this a poem written with his claws? Even her elementary school education knows how bad this is.

Xiao Bai left, and it was already late at night, but the Little Red Horse Academy became lively. The lights at the entrance of the courtyard were turned on. Old Li moved out a chair, sat in the yard to enjoy the cool air, and greeted the parents who came to pick up the children.

Zhang Tan took a shower, sat down at his desk, turned on his computer, and searched for news about "Tomorrow's You" online.

In just over an hour, many comment articles have been published.

"A well-made youth romance film"

"\u003cTomorrow's You\u003e: I once thought about it, until I met the warm you"

Zhang Tan flipped through a few articles and felt that these people were really weak in combat, so he stayed put for now. The next video will be "Tomorrow's You", an in-depth deconstruction of this youth love movie.

He also saw a lot of news mentioning Su Lan who attended the premiere.

In the class WeChat group, there are constant new messages. Everyone is chatting about Su Lan's participation in "Tomorrow's You". Someone posted a number of photos, which were immediately posted online by the news media.

Su Lan was also in the group, occasionally chatting with everyone, and countless people answered.

Su Lan and Zhang Tan are classmates. She majored in directing, but by chance, she became an actor in her sophomore year. She soon became famous with a costume fairy tale drama and entered the entertainment industry.

Su Lan spends a lot of time filming and working outside, and doesn't have much time for classes. Originally, the two of them shouldn't have much in common, but who knows that Zhang Tan's predecessor was Neptune.

He can be called the King of the Sea, no matter what his reputation is, one thing is for sure, that is, he is really good at flirting with girls.

Su Lan was born with beauty, so Zhang Tan certainly wouldn't turn a blind eye. She was a classmate of such a beautiful woman, and he started to pursue her crazily during his freshman year.

Although they didn't catch up, the relationship between the two was closer than ordinary people. It wasn't until Zhang Tan became the King of the Sea that Su Lan stayed away from him and became ordinary friends.

Zhang Tan didn't expect to meet Su Lan today, let alone find her in the crowd. I wonder if she recognized her.

He put his cell phone on the bedside table and went to the living room to pour a glass of warm water. He ate Bangbang Chicken at night, which was too spicy and made him always thirsty.

After taking a few sips, I put half a glass of water on the bedside table, turned on the desk lamp, turned off the chandelier, and lay on the bed. The room was very quiet, the crickets were chirping, and the clock on the wall made a clicking sound.

"If everyone has no other opinions, then the script discussion will end here and let's adjourn."

"Congratulations to Zhang Tan and your screenwriting team for completing a big project."

"The script of "The Unlucky Bear" is of high quality, full of jokes, and it's clear that a lot of thought was put into it."

"Congratulations, Zhang Tan."

This morning, the studio held a script discussion meeting for "Unlucky Bear" to collectively review the first season script that Zhang Tan and others had just finished writing.

In fact, the script has been sent to the screenwriters present one day in advance. Everyone has read it, and all the comments that should be raised were raised before the meeting. The script submitted to the meeting now is a revised version based on the revision comments.

Attending the meeting were Yang Senlin, director of the animation business department, Li Liang, the director of the project team, Lao Liu, the leader of the script review team, Feng Dong, the leader of the screenwriting team three, and the leaders of the other three teams. There are several senior screenwriters, such as Luo Ming.

This kind of script review meeting cannot be said to be formalistic, but the form is indeed greater than the actual effect, a bit similar to a tea party.

Zhang Tan had a very upright posture. Everyone present was a leader or senior. He held a small notebook throughout the meeting, wrote and drew, and wrote down everyone's suggestions. After one meeting, he took down 5 pages of notes, together with the drawings. A portrait of a little boy wearing white shoes.

Most of the people were encouraging and said they were very optimistic about Zhang Tan. Young people have potential. This time, the studio knew that there was a young screenwriter like Zhang Tan.

Young guys who have just graduated are not afraid of not having talent, but they are afraid of not being able to stand out. Especially in the screenwriting industry, they need to be able to write and speak, and their emotional intelligence must not be low. They are almost omnipotent. Any one of them can defeat most people and leave them behind. The only ones that fell were a few single seedlings.

After responding to everyone one by one, Zhang Tan put away his notebook and returned to the office.

Jiang Rong had been waiting anxiously. When she saw him coming back, she immediately asked: "Boss, how are you?"

Zhang Tan didn't give in and said directly: "Passed successfully."

"That's great~~~" Jiang Rong, Xu Jian and others were filled with excitement. At the same time, they were glad that they did not encounter the evil Party A this time.

Seeing Jiang Rong acting like a child, Xu Jian smiled and said, "I've told you before that the script discussion meeting is actually a tea party, and it usually goes well. You see, you are so nervous that you are scaring yourself."

Jiang Rong said: "That's what I say, but who knows, what if the leaders and seniors see that Zhang Tan is young and has no qualifications, and they embarrass him."

This is the first script she has participated in, and the first time always has special meaning.

Xu Jian was stunned for a moment, this was true. He once participated in a review meeting, and a new screenwriter was criticized and his face turned red. Although he passed in the end, the process was tortuous.

Zhang Tan said: "Okay, okay, don't think too much. Everyone is very talkative and has given us a lot of useful suggestions. Jiang Rong, I'll give you the notebook and sort it out for everyone to see."

Jiang Rong took the notebook and flipped through it until she found Xiao Bai's profile picture and asked, "Boss, who did you draw this for?"

Zhang Tan quickly put the notebook away: "I'll sort it out."

Thank you to Lao Wang next door to the thatched cottage on the mountainside for the 3,000-coin reward, thank you to Blue Nebula for the 1,000-coin reward, thank you Bookworm Xian for the 400-coin reward, thank you Liu Jihua 0429 and Yiyishan for the 200-coin reward, thank you Yisi Seventy-nine, happy and selfless, a 100-coin reward from Brother Junyi, Zhan Boyue, and His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven.

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