Dad Academy

Chapter 673 Pink Helmet (2/2)

Chapter 673 Pink Helmet (22)

Tan Jin'er declined Xi'er's proposal to invite Liliu to see a doctor. This was a dangerous proposal.

Xi'er returned to the living room with an empty cup. Her sister said she was going to bed and asked her to play in the living room by herself.

But Xi'er was absent-minded, and from time to time she secretly opened the bedroom door and peeked in.

After another visit, she walked around the living room twice, ran out the door, ran across the corridor, and knocked on Xiaobai's door, intending to ask Xiaobai for help.

But there was no one at Xiaobai's house, and the door didn't open even after knocking for a long time.

Xi'er wandered in the corridor unwillingly, returned to the house, and saw the pink helmet used for riding a small electric donkey hanging on the back of the door, her eyes wandered.

Not long after, a little boy wearing a motorcycle helmet went out. He first walked back and forth along the corridor twice to gain courage, and then tried to go down the stairs. He went out to the eaves of the first floor and looked up at the gloomy sky. It's raining lightly.

She stretched out her small palm to catch a few drops of light rain, praying that the light rain would not make her sick. Then she bravely took the first step, walking through the narrow alleys in the continuous light rain, and came to the alley of the urban village, next to There are various small shops along the way, some selling liquor, some selling groceries, some selling hardware, some selling steamed buns and steamed buns, and some small restaurants for eating... This place is very busy on weekdays, but today it may be because of the rain. , deserted.

Xi'er wore a helmet and glanced left and right as she rushed towards the little red horse. When she passed a corner, she took a few steps forward and then quickly stepped back.

There are dogs!

One small one, many big ones.

She likes small ones and is afraid of big ones.

So, don't be brave and run away.

She panicked and entered the alley next to her. She walked in a hurry with her short legs and walked through the breeze and drizzle. The drizzle drizzled on her pink helmet, her little clothes, and her little shoes.

A pedestrian passing by found her. Although he didn't recognize her, he still kindly asked her what she was doing and where her parents were.

"I'm a parent. My sister is sick and I'm going to see a doctor." Xi'er told the truth truthfully when she met someone.

As she walked, she found that she was lost. She didn't know how to get to the Little Red Horse.

This made her distressed, squatting in the corner with a frown on her face.

"Kid, what are you doing here?"

A voice sounded behind her. Xi'er looked back and felt familiar, but she couldn't remember which uncle it was.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with messy hair, holding a broken umbrella. He had dark circles under his eyes and heavy bags under his eyes. He was yawning and looked tired, as if he had worked hard all night.

He lived in the building opposite Xi'er's house, that haunted house.

Yesterday he saw Xi'er and Tan Jin'er. Xi'er was wearing a pink helmet like this and stepped out to make way for him when crossing the narrow alley.

"My, my name is Xi'er."

Xi'er was unprepared and introduced herself first, telling her name, age and where she went to kindergarten. Then she told the other party that her sister was sick and she was going to see Boss Zhang from Xiaohongmali for help.

"Uncle, do you know where the little red horse is?"

The other party thought for a while and said, "Little red horse? Never heard of it."

Xi'er immediately drooped her head. She was wearing a helmet, which made her already appear to have a big head and a small body. Now it looked like her thin neck couldn't support her big head and it was crooked.

The middle-aged man let out another long yawn. He originally wanted to leave and hurried home to sleep, but he saw the little one in front of him with his head drooped. Although he couldn't see his expression, he must be very disappointed.

He moved forward the broken umbrella he held above his head to help shield Xi'er from the wind and rain.

Although it is broken, it can at least block it a little.

"Don't you take an umbrella with you when you go out?"


"Take your umbrella and wait for me here."

After saying that, he handed the broken umbrella to Xi'er and turned around to go to a small shop selling noodle soup in the distance. He quickly turned back and said, "I asked where the Little Red Horse Academy is. How about I take you there?"

Xi'er said happily: "Okay."

She didn't have any precautions at all, she believed the person in front of her very easily, and just followed them, following their steps, like a homeless little dog.

Not only that, she kept talking about everything along the way, and she told all her old stories. Not only did she tell all her old stories, but she also almost revealed all of Xiaobai's.

Fortunately, we arrived at Little Red Horse, otherwise the group of best friends would have to confess that they "just want to play and don't want to work."

Seeing the familiar little red horse, Xi'er put her hands on her hips and laughed: "hiahiahia~~~Thank you, uncle~"

The other party smiled and said: "You're welcome, then I'll send you here. Come in quickly. Also, when you meet strangers in the future, don't tell everything, learn to keep it secret, you know? If you meet someone, What to do if you see bad people."

"hiahia, Xi'er has never seen any bad people."

"That's just your luck. Let's go, bye."

Xi'er waved to others and didn't turn around and enter the little red horse until they were far away, but! She discovered a problem. The retractable door of the little red horse was closed, leaving only a small gap.

"Li Baibao~~Li Baibao——"

Xi'er stood at the door and shouted into the guard box, hoping to call Lao Li, but there was no response for a long time and Lao Li was not there.

She was wandering around outside the gate, shouting inside until her voice became hoarse. Not only did Lao Li not respond, neither did Xiao Bai, nor did Boss Zhang.

She came to the crack in the door again, stretched her little feet in, and thought she could squeeze through. She squeezed in, but her head was too big and got stuck!

The retractable door flapped and flapped for a while, and a child stumbled into the little red horse. She touched her hands and butt, cried out in pain while laughing, and then stared at her pink helmet in a daze.

Her helmet got stuck in the crack of the door and she couldn't get through.

She just took off her helmet and squeezed over.

Her helmet was too big.

Although she was thinking about her cute helmet, she was more concerned about her sister's condition now. She turned around and ran into the classroom, climbed to the third floor, and knocked on Boss Zhang's door.

What worried her still happened. Boss Zhang didn't seem to be at home, and the door never opened.

She muttered at the door unwillingly for a while, and was about to go back dejectedly. Her sister could not live without her. Suddenly, the sound of the door opening was heard from the other end of the corridor, and a figure appeared in the corridor.


It’s Grandma Jiang!

Xi'er was saved from a desperate situation and ran to fetch the rescuers. He held Grandma Jiang's hand tightly and said with a smile on his face: "hiahia, I found Grandma Jiang~ Grandma Jiang, Grandma Jiang, my sister monk She's sick, her face is so hot, I'm so scared, can you help me, save my sister? Please, please..."

As he spoke, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by anxiety and hope.

Before, I had always forced a smile on my face, laughing and joking in front of strangers, as if I was heartless, but until I met a familiar person and had a little support, I suddenly couldn't stand it anymore, my eyes were watering, and I was about to cry.

"Don't be impatient yet. Tell me slowly. Why are your clothes wet? You may get sick. Come in quickly."

Teacher Jiang led Xi'er into the room, changed her into dry clothes first, listened to her explain the matter clearly, and took Xi'er out with an umbrella.

When he came to the yard, he saw Lao Li wandering at the gate, staring curiously at the pink helmet stuck in the crack of the door. He just went to the toilet, so why was there a cute pink helmet on the door?

When Xi'er saw him, she waved and shouted: "hiahia, Li Baibao~~~~ That's my boss, don't lose my boss."

Putting on her pink helmet, she was not afraid of anything and dared to wander around the maze-like alley alone.

Lao Li heard that Tan Jin'er was sick and lying at home, so he went with them to help. When they were about to get home, the three of them unexpectedly met Zhang Tan, who was walking in a hurry. Zhang Tan didn't notice them, but stood in front of a small drink shop and asked what he was talking about. The shop owner pointed to the right, and Zhang Tan hurried in the direction. go.

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