Dad Academy

Chapter 643 Boss Zhang is so handsome and I like him so much (2/2)

Chapter 643 Boss Zhang is so handsome and I like him so much (22)

"Have you sketched out the third episode?"

"Come on, come on, team leader."

"Don't delay the progress."

"I promise not. Ah, these stories are so interesting, team leader."

"Huh? Isn't it obvious?"

"How did Boss Zhang come up with this?"

"Do you think I could know? Even if I knew, do you think I would tell you?"

"Team leader, you can."


"Team leader, you always mean what you say."


"Ah, team leader, I read these stories and discovered an amazing secret."


"Do you think I would tell you?"

"I'm the team leader! And don't interrupt me casually!"

"Don't be angry. I'm telling you, Team Leader Ha, that I found that the protagonist Zhang Yingu looks more and more like Boss Zhang himself."

"That's it?"

"So charming."

"It's not surprising at all. If you don't find anything else, just go to work and don't keep me chatting."

"Team leader, you obviously took the initiative to find me..."

"Go to work."

Liu Xiangsheng watched the painter's little sister leave muttering unconvinced. The little girl is so cute. It's fun to be angry, and it's a great relief.

"The first episode will be serialized tomorrow. There must be a good response. This is the key to my success, Liu Xiangsheng! Let alone Zhang Tan's support!"

During this week, Liu Xiangsheng was the most restless, worrying about gains and losses.

Some comic fans, especially those of Little Red Horse Comics, are eagerly waiting for the latest issue of "Datang Fantasy Night" magazine on Monday.

During this week, a lot of changes have taken place in Little Red Horse Academy. Children come and go, and there is a huge flow. Luo Zikang disappeared for three days and reappeared on the fourth day, which made Liuliu think he had escaped.

The cute little round-headed little friend has been in Xiaohongma for a week. She finally stopped calling 110 and asked the police uncles to send Xiaomi to accompany her. Xiaomi sees Xiaomi every day in Xiaohongma. She quickly got along with the children, but she soon showed that she was different from other children. In addition to being particularly fond of Xiaomi, she actually liked Boss Zhang so much that she inexplicably became his little tail. Whenever she saw him Whenever she appears, she will get up close to her and yell at Boss Zhang, asking questions about this and that, she is a super little fangirl.

One day at dinner, little Yuanyuan suddenly announced to her parents at the dinner table that she liked Boss Zhang so much.

Her parents were surprised and didn't understand why she suddenly said this. Then they heard her say, Boss Zhang is so handsome.

Her father burst into laughter and said to his wife: "This is like you, you like handsome boys."

Yuanyuan's mother touched little Yuanyuan's head and asked her to eat quickly, and said to her husband: "I like her, but what's the use of liking her? In the end, I won't marry my second senior brother."

She took a special look at the top of her husband's head. He was a little bald.

"Where are you looking?"

"Eat, eat, and then work the night shift."

"Don't watch TV shows while eating, you will spoil Yuanyuan."

After dinner, Yuanyuan was sent to Little Red Horse Academy. She greeted Lao Li happily. The first thing she did when she ran into the yard was to ask Xiaobai: Xiaobai, Xiaobai~ Is Boss Zhang back?

Xiaobai put down the shovel digging sand and looked up at the balcony on the third floor, where the lights were on.

"No, no come back."

"Hey~~~ There's a light there, I'll go take a look."

Xiaobai quickly stopped her and told her categorically that Boss Zhang was really not at home.

"Come and dig the sand, Guawazi."

She ordered Yuanyuan to dig sand, but she sneaked back and found Zhang Tan sneakily. She bent down and turned off the lights on the balcony, as if she was afraid that Yuanyuan downstairs would see her, but in fact, The little man is not as tall as the corridor railing.

After returning home with his back bent, Xiaobai told Zhang Tan not to open the door. No one opens the door but her.

"Are you afraid that Fuerhei is coming to arrest you?" Xiaobai told Zhang Tan in a panic that this guy was a bit threatening.

Zhang Tan said in surprise: "Catch me?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded, seriously and seriously. Whether you believe it or not, she believed it first.

"Not arresting you?"

"Catch you."

Xiaobai poked him.

Zhang Tan looked at the door and asked Xiaobai nervously: "Is the door closed tightly?"

Xiaobai nodded: "Yeah."

Zhang Tan saw a small water gun fastened to the elastic band of her pants and asked, "You also prepared a small water gun?"

"I will protect you, don't be afraid."

"Thank you."

"Mo Xie, just call me Lei."


"I want it~"

"Then let's not stand here talking. Be careful that the bad guy behind the door hears it. Come and sit together... Don't sit so far away. Come closer. Come closer. I'm a little scared. Don't you want to protect me? Then come closer. , what’s wrong with sitting in my arms?? This is the correct posture to protect someone. You have to have a better attitude. Do you really want to protect me? Yes? Then don’t hold the small water gun against my waist? Let it go, let it go, and love , want peace..."

The next day, Monday, Liu Xiangsheng woke up early in the morning and couldn't sleep. He was thinking about "The Insect Master" released today. His dreams last night were full of all kinds of insects.

He had a simple breakfast and went to work at Little Red Horse with his bag. When passing by the newsstand, he asked for the latest issue of the magazine as usual.

There were many people at the newsstand today, and many young people gathered around to buy magazines. This was a normal scene every Monday morning. Liu Xiangsheng had seen it a lot and didn't take it seriously.

He stood outside the crowd without squeezing in. He pricked up his ears and listened to everyone's comments.

"I particularly like Xu Qizhe's "Life and Death". When his studio closed, I thought I would never see his works again. I didn't expect to start serializing "Swordsman" so soon. This comic is so cool La!!"

"It's still Xu Qizhe's consistent style, and I also like his painting style very much!"

"No, the plot of this "Swordsman's Life and Death" is more attractive!"

"Produced by Little Red Horse, the plot is very good."

Liu Xiangsheng noticed that these people were holding the magazine "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" in their hands. It seemed that Qizhe's "Swordsman Life and Death" had a good response. He did not rush forward to ask, but stood quietly and listened. People who bought the magazine came and went, and changed it more than a dozen times. The overall evaluation was very good, including of course "The Bug Master" which he wrote!

These people in front of me are talking about "Insect Master".

The first episode of the "Insect Master" comic is called "The Right Hand of God". It tells the story of a little boy with strange abilities who lives in seclusion in the mountains and old forests. His right hand can draw everything in the world, especially "insects".

This episode is a romantic, warm but poignant story. Under the guise of this story, it focuses on popularizing the world view of "Mushishi" to readers.

The so-called insects, also called green matter, are neither animals nor plants, and are different from microorganisms and fungi. They are things closer to the original ecology of life. These are collectively called "insects". Their form and existence are very abstract. When the worlds of humans and insects overlap, strange phenomena that surpass human intelligence will occur. Only then can humans feel their existence.

The insect master is the "warlock" who solves these weird phenomena and deals with insects.

Each episode of this comic is a different story. Basically, except for the protagonist Zhang Yingu, the other characters are different.

"Is it possible that some demonic power is sealed in his right hand?"

"Can you draw a girl?"

"I saw the virus."


"It is said that if you eat mushrooms, you will see little people dancing."

"The painting style is so beautiful, it feels like a dream."

"This is definitely a microorganism, it's a microorganism."

"Cordyceps sinensis."

"It's so pretty."

"E. coli? Streptococcus?"

"It's probably not the same biology I know."

"Access to Science Series."

"I believed your evil."

When everyone dispersed, Liu Xiangsheng still stood still, wanting to see other people's reactions. At this time, the owner of the newsstand greeted him.

"Don't wait, it's gone."

Liu Xiangsheng approached and asked, "What's missing?"

"The magazine "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" has been sold out and is gone."

"Ah?...How do you know that I am paying attention to "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty"."

"You have been standing outside for so long. As long as others talk about "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty", you will be very concerned about it. But when talking about other magazines, you don't care at all, so I guessed it."

"Is it sold out? How many copies were sold?"

"I bought 50 copies and they were all sold out."

"So fast."

"I called and asked them to send some more goods. Here, I'll give you this one."

"Huh? There's another one?"

"I'm keeping it for you. If you don't want it, I'll sell it to someone else."

"I want it, I want it, thank you."

Tomorrow's first chapter will be updated after 0 o'clock. I have a short trip tomorrow, so I have to write at least one chapter and save it tonight, otherwise I may not be able to finish two chapters tomorrow.

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