Dad Academy

Chapter 65 What did Boss Zhang do to you?

"Bye~~~uncle, bye~~~"

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Ma Lanhua dragged her tired body to pick up Xiaobai. The effect of going out for fun was obvious, and Xiaobai came to Zhang Tan to say goodbye.

Sure enough, girls, no matter how big or small, often take them out to eat and drink, in order to get closer to each other.

Xiaomi, too, is finally not so afraid of Zhang Tan. Although he is not as bold as Xiaobai, at least he will not bow his head when seeing him. He is too shy.

Another girl who traveled together, Miss Huang Liangmei, also had a great change in Zhang Tan.

This guy really impressed her throughout the day. Who would have thought that the former gangster Zhang would talk to a child in a soft voice, and even let a child ride on his neck!

She remembered that he had said before that the most annoying thing was children, and she would not want children when she got married in the future.

The street lights turned on in the quiet alley, and Ma Lanhua strode forward. Xiaobai pulled her pants and followed closely with small steps. From time to time, he raised his little head and looked at her aunt, his mouth opened, and he wanted to say but. I held back again.

The journey was quiet. Halfway through the journey, Xiaobai finally couldn't bear it any longer.



"Did you have fun today?"

"What?? Are you having fun? I'm playing with a hammer."


How could Malanhua not know what the child was thinking? She scolded her and asked, "How are you playing? Have you forgotten me?"

"Hohoho, I forgot."

"Claw?? Take your hands away and stop pulling on my trousers, you bastard!"

"Auntie, if you call me a bastard, I won't be angry with you."

"I thank you."

"Which of us is following whom?"

"Guawazi, what did you do? Didn't you go to an event? Did you play with your paws?"

"Hoho~~ This is incredible."

"If you stop being so arrogant, Guawazi, you'll tempt me."

Xiaobai immediately chirped excitedly and recounted today's itinerary.

"Auntie, do you know? Is Suo's second son in the sea? Hey, what's wrong with his claws? I'm so worried about Suo's second son."

This Guawazi is still worried about sea snakes and always thinks he will be drowned.

"There are also bugs in the sea, don't worry, don't worry, they won't die."

"Auntie, do you know so much about claws?" Xiaobai asked curiously.

"There are also slugs in the river at our house. Everyone knows about it, but you don't."

"That's because all of you didn't tell me~hum~"

You think too much, and people all over the world are not playing you.

"What else is there, Sui Sui."

"Hoohoho~~ I saw a super big fish swinging around."

"Super big? How big is super big? Is it as big as your ass?"

Xiaobai touched his butt back, then tilted his head, looked at Malanhua's butt, and said mischievously: "Auntie, your butt is so big, the fish I saw is swinging The swing is bigger than your butt plus mine."

"How big is that?"

Xiaobai opened his little hands and said it was bigger than this, much bigger.

She ran under a streetlight and her reflection on the ground turned her into a giant. She opened her hands and hugged the whole Xiaoxiangzi, saying that the fish was so big.

She was talking about whales.

Malanhua was very happy: "It's so big, it can eat us both."

Little Bai Buling Buling caught up with her, hugged her thighs, wrapped her limbs around her, and shouted: "Auntie, auntie, save me, the fish is trying to eat me, I'm so scared of ducks~~~"

Malanhua almost fell down when she hugged her, and she was so angry that she carried her away.

Can't carry it.

The children seemed to be glued to the 520 glue, and they were laughing and laughing.

She used her hands hard to tear off the 520 elf, threw it on the ground, and cursed: "You little melon, I almost fell down."

Xiaobai patted his butt, got up, and said unhappily: "Did you throw the child on the ground with your paw? Are you a good person? Do you still love me?"

"I'm not a good person, but Boss Zhang is a good person? I took you out to play."

"Boss Zhang is a good man and he will be rewarded well."

"That young lady?"

"Little sister? Xiaomi is not my little sister, she is my dear."


"Hoo ho ho, aunt, are you blowing your nose?"

"Go away~"

"Goose goose~~"

"I'm asking about the young lady who went to play with you with Boss Zhang, is she okay?"

"Oh, it's her, I forgot about her. She's not called little sister, she's called sister. I'm too embarrassed to call her. Her butt is so big, and I'm so small. I have the paw to call her too embarrassed. Sister."

"Then what did you call her?"


"Sister? Your claws look like a gangster?"

"I'm a doll~~ Don't make me angry, auntie, we have to be nice. I've already planned it. I want to treat you well."

Malanhua murmured "Bao Li Bao Qi" again, thinking that Xiao Bai was being stupid again, but she didn't know that Xiao Bai was feeling sorry for her that she couldn't rest when others were resting.

"That young lady is the daughter of your principal's aunt, do you know?"

"What? The director's aunt's daughter?" Xiaobai was startled, "Is there anyone instigating me?"

Xiaobai suddenly became worried when he thought that he had made things difficult for Huang Liangliang and even beat her. If the principal's aunt found out, she would avenge her daughter and spank her.

"I'm sorry to say that you want claws again."

"Oh, I think my sister is a good person."

"You thought she was not a good person before?"

"I used to think her little dick was shit."

"Chicken shit!!! I'm just saying, you are a black ass, you have been a black ass since you were a child."

"Auntie! We have to be nice and don't talk nonsense."

"Boss Zhang? Do you think Boss Zhang is good? Is he also a chicken?"

"Auntie, do I have a pot?"

"Where did you get Guo Guo? No."

"No? Don't lie to me."

"No, no, no, your mother and your old man just gave birth to you."

Xiaobai suddenly said angrily: "Why don't you give Xiaobai a pot? Why?!!!"

Malanhua looked down at her maliciously: "Gua Wazi, don't yell at me, you know my methods."

Xiaobai turned a blind eye and still said angrily: "Auntie, why don't you give me a piece of cake? What are you talking about? I'm so angry that I'm going to be angry."

Malanhua scolded: "You're such a treasure, you idiot, I'm not your mother, why are you yelling at me?"

Xiaobai suddenly froze under the streetlight. The light focused on her figure under her feet, only a handful.

Malanhua walked a few steps and suddenly felt that there were no children at her feet. Only then did she realize that Xiaobai had stopped in place and was in a daze.

"Guawazi~ Let's go."

Xiaobai raised his little head, his big eyes were a little dazed, a little sad, a little aggrieved, he pouted, ran over, grabbed his aunt's pants again, followed with small steps, lowered his head so that no one could see her little face.

"What were you doing just now?" Malanhua asked.

She recalled what she had just said, feeling suspicious but unsure whether she had hurt Xiao Bai unintentionally.

She really wanted to calm down and understand Xiaobai's inner feelings, but there were too many things at hand and too many people, so she was exhausted both physically and mentally.

By the time she finished her work, it was already late at night, and Xiaobai was rolling around on the small bed, laughing and joking, no longer needing her comfort and guidance.

Ta~~Ma Lanhua turned off the light.

There was the sound of a child rolling over on the crib, and a voice sounded: "Why did you turn off the light?"

Malanhua breathed a deep sigh of relief and closed her eyes. Her body felt both more tired and more comfortable than ever before.

“Save power~~”

"My family is so poor."

The dazed Malanhua suddenly woke up: "Claw?! Following Boss Zhang, what a big deal?"


She wanted to chat with Xiaobai, but her body kept telling her to go to sleep quickly.

She said softly: "Sleeping farewell~"

"Auntie, I'm telling you, do you want to hear it?" Xiaobai was very energetic and was recalling the colorful day.

Malanhua asked confusedly: "...paw?"

, Dangdang, listening to the sound, it was Xiaobai turned over from the small bed.

"Boss Zhang held my hand."

Malanhua was agitated and woke up again. She raised her voice and said, "Claws??"

"Boss Zhang held my hand. I didn't let him, but he was so black."

Malanhua understood, she just held her hand, and immediately relaxed: "Are you still here?"

Just after she asked, her eyes couldn't help but close again. She felt like she was floating in the clouds, soft and soft. Her body was relaxed as never before. The wind from the sky blew past her ears, and a familiar little milky voice floated over:

"He even hugged me, hohohoho."

Malanhua felt like she suddenly fell from the clouds, her body lost weight rapidly, and she woke up again.

"Claws? Boss Zhang hugged you?"


She turned on the light, saw Xiao Bai's appearance, and cursed angrily: "Gua Wa Zi! It's so late at night, you are doing a hammer~~~"

Guawazi Xiaobai was leaning against the wall, standing upside down, with his little head on the bed, breathing heavily, laughing and joking when he heard the words, collapsed, fell down, fell on the pillow, rolled over, and got up again , bursting with energy.

"Auntie, am I great?"

"You are so powerful! I'm going to sleep!"

"Then turn on the light for your paws."

"Let me ask you, why does Boss Zhang hug you?"

Xiaobai's big eyes rolled around, and he suddenly pounced on the quilt, covering his head with a pillow, and his exposed little feet fluttered like a giant salamander on the shore, starved of oxygen.

"Where do you live?" Malanhua asked angrily.

"I'm shy~"

"Hey, why is Boss Zhang hugging you?"

"Because, because I'm so good."

"..." Malanhua wanted to hit someone, but resisted the impulse, "You are such a good hammer! Apart from hugging you, does Boss Zhang do anything else?... Guawazi, please take out your stupid brain, okay?" "

Xiaobai crawled out from under the pillow, wheezing again and trying to stand on his head against the wall.


Ma Lanhua got out of bed angrily. Xiaobai was so frightened that she fell to the side. Before she could scream, she was already caught. Piapia~ spanked her twice before she calmed down.


"...What are you instigating?"

"Boss Zhang."

"Boss Zhang is a handsome guy."

"Hey, you are so good at instigating words, you are so stupid."

"Everyone thinks Boss Zhang is a handsome guy, but I don't know what kind of guy he is. Auntie, what kind of guy is he?"

"It's the pot that gets moldy and ashes."

"Goose goose~~~You're laughing so hard."

Take the opportunity to roll around on the bed.

"Don't roll away. If you roll away again, you will roll under the bed and be picked up by the kid."

"You are scaring a ghost, will I be afraid of a kid?"

Malanhua knew that chatting with her could last until dawn, so she asked directly: "Gua Wazi, let me ask you, what did Boss Zhang do to you?"

"I was treated to a lot of quacks, Basi."

"Oh, by the way, the 10 yuan I gave you? Did you give it to Boss Zhang?"

Xiaobai was shocked: "Oh~~"

"Looking at the way you look, you definitely didn't give it to me."

Xiaobai picked up his small schoolbag from the bedside, dug inside, and took out a small round stone.

Malanhua scolded: "You get a hammer, put a stone in your bag, and you eat it as a midnight snack, right?"

Xiaobai chuckled, quickly put the stone back into her schoolbag, dug again and again, and took out a small branch. Before Malanhua scolded her, she quickly stuffed it back. Finally, she took out 10 yuan, which was crumpled. , as if he had been greatly wronged.

Malanhua ridiculed: "Bai Chunhua! You really eat, drink and play for free. You don't give anyone money. What do you think?"

Xiaobai quibbled: "I was deceived."

She said that Boss Zhang did this first, then this, and then again, causing her to forget to pay.

"Tomorrow I will make a Bang Bang Chicken for Boss Zhang. Thank him."

"Bangbang chicken?"

"Bang Bang Chicken."


"What are you doing?"

"Auntie, is the Bangbang Chicken delicious?"

"The bangbang chicken cooked by my aunt is unrivaled in the world."

"You teach me how to fight, and I want to be invincible in the world. I will beat Luo Zikang to tears."

"Baoqi, let me ask you, what else did Boss Zhang do to you?"

"Hug me."

"How many times did I instigate him not to be hugged? You didn't remember, did you?"

"*\u0026...%¥¥ # I think he is a good person."

"Gua Wa Zi, silly, do you have any more?"

"I need to think about it."

"Then think quickly."

"Auntie, tell me a story."

"Go away~"

"Then I can't remember~"

"Bangbang Chicken is not for you to eat tomorrow."

"I remembered, aunt, I am so smart and talkative."

"Quickly instigate."

"I'm riding on Boss Zhang's neck. I'm so high. It's so fun."

"What? Are you riding on Boss Zhang's neck? Boss Zhang asked you to ride?"

You said it is possible to hug the child and let the child ride on the neck, unless the relationship is very close.

Xiaobai laughed loudly: "I also pulled his hair into whiskers on the top of the corn."

"Didn't he kill you with his claws?"

"I shot him."

Malanhua was stunned and asked, "Did you bring a small water gun?"

Seeing Xiaobai nodding, she scolded: "You little melon, how many bad things have you done? Boss Zhang must despise you for being such a troublemaker. How many times have I told you, you must be good and don't make Boss Zhang unhappy. Yes, your paws are used as auntie’s words to make you smell bad, right?”


"Must have."

"I'm a good boy."

"Let me ask you, have you taken a shower today?"

"Rub it."

"You didn't rub it."

"Rub it!"

"I instigated you not to rub, so you didn't rub, and your body stinks. Come on, go take a shower."

"Why? I don't want it, I want to sleep with you."

"Sleeping Hammer, I think you're going to go up the wall."

Malanhua took Xiaobai to the bathroom, closed the door, and said she wanted to take a shower, but Xiaobai's grumpy milky voice kept coming from the crack in the door, and it was obvious that she was not taking a bath.

"Eh? Haha, eh~~ Where do you live? Where do you live? What do you mean, ah~~ Auntie, what do you do?!!! I'm so shy."

"I'm so angry that I'm going to be a will-o'-the-wisp! Where do you live, you bastard black horse orchid!"

"Ma Lanhua, I will fight with you~~~"

"Uncle - don't sleep, come and save your little Bai~~~~~Bai Jianping~~"

A few minutes later, Xiaobai was released miserable, suffering a big loss, muttering and cursing Malanhua.

But Malanhua didn't care so much. She checked Xiaobai's whole body and found no traces. She felt relieved. She lay down on the bed again, turned off the light, and threatened Xiaobai, who was moaning, to shut up, or she would tear her up. Her little mouth.

Xiaobai was too scared to say anything. Compared with the little ghost, she was more worried about Malanhua, who was not afraid of wind and rain.

Malanhua closed her eyes, and soon her body was flying again, flying in the clouds. Xiaobai was running on the grass below the clouds, yelling at aunt and uncle, don't leave me, I'm a little bad guy, I admit my mistake. is it okay.

PS: Two chapters are combined into one, so, oh, oh, no more today.

This day was a magical day for Xiaobai. The outside world opened a window to her, showing her a colorful side. She is too vigilant to the outside world, and she can only say these words to her aunt, so this chapter is almost entirely dialogue.

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