Dad Academy

Chapter 597 Xiaoyingzi’s mother

Liuliu pulled out Dudu in the blink of an eye. She asked the air, is there a baby? Dudu stupidly replied yes.

If you don't catch a stupid baby like her, who else can you catch?

The poor Dudu was weak and was no match for Liuliu. Although he struggled in every possible way, he was still grabbed and taken to the doctor.

"8\u0026%¥¥% # ¥ # ¥" Dudu was so frightened that he uttered baby words and panicked.

Luliu coaxed her not to be afraid, to be brave, and it wouldn't hurt at all. She turned around and raised her finger towards Zhang Tan, "It's a bottle of Little Bear."

Zhang Tan said: "No problem, a bottle of bears, you go find other children, I will take care of them here."

"Fat Liuli——" Dudu was angry and scared.

Luliu patted Dudu's little face: "Pang Dudu, be brave, don't cry, we are little girls."

After saying that, she carried the medical first-aid kit and went to find the children again, leaving Dudu crying with a sad face. She was really about to cry. Zhang Tan quickly coaxed her and asked her what story she planned to tell her parents when she went home tonight. As they chatted, It was over in a short while.

"*%...%¥##¥ # ¥" Dudu looked at his little arms in surprise, then touched his little face, laughing.

Dudu finished the injection, but Liuliu hadn't come out yet. Zhang Tan went to look for her and saw poor Liuliu tied to a chair in the classroom with a cloth stuffed in her mouth. When he appeared, she struggled fiercely, woo woo woo. Call.

"What happened to you? Who kidnapped you?"

Zhang Tan untied Liuliu, and Liuliu said angrily that it was Xiaobai and Xiaomi who did it, and the two Guawazi bullied her! He immediately complained to Zhang Tan, saying that he was the person sent by Boss Zhang. Xiaobai and Xiaomi were so bold that they couldn't bear it.

"I can't bear it. Let's go. You lead the way and we'll catch them out."

Liliu acted as a guide and found Xi'er and Cheng Cheng huddled together in a small utility room! !

"66666~~~We caught Xi'er and Cheng Cheng."

Luoliu caught the two of them and went out for injections.

Cheng Cheng looked cute and said he didn't want to go.

Xi'er then smiled, "I haven't hidden it yet, Luoliu, let me hide it again~~"

She also thought that Luoliu was playing hide-and-seek with her.

Luoliu was selfless and grabbed them and brought them to the doctor, "Uncle and auntie, give them injections quickly."

Xi'er hiahia said she was scared.

Cheng Cheng was confused and whispered to himself: "The little crocodile doesn't want injections. She just wants to eat meat. She found Uncle Hippo. Uncle Hippo has such a big mouth and he doesn't even brush his teeth..."

In Cheng Cheng's story, the two of them had the injection, as if they were unaware of it, and it really didn't hurt!

Compared with the feelings of his two friends, Liuliu was more concerned about earning two more bottles of Little Bear! He was even more motivated, and without Zhang Tan having to say anything, he had already vowed to take Dudu to catch Xiaomi and Xiaobai, and then they had an encounter and almost died on the spot.

When Zhang Tan rushed there, he only heard Liuliu's voice echoing in the corridor:

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~I'm sorry~~I didn't mean it, I didn't come to catch you, ah~~Don't kill me duck~~~I'm a good baby, I'm just too good, I don't listen to Boss Zhang So~~~~~Dudu, Dudu, save me~~~"

Xiaobai was too difficult to catch. After a fierce fight, Liuliu was almost deflowered, and they were captured with Zhang Tan's force support.

Although Xiaobai was caught, the intimidation was so great that Luoliu didn't dare to catch her, but she dared to catch Xiaomi. She cut Xiaomi's hands behind her back, feeling so proud that the serf turned over and started singing. In the past, Xiaomi had to cut her hands behind her back to catch her and send her to jail, but now she finally stood up, stood up! I caught a little policeman, ho ho ho~

At this moment of triumph, taking a photo together and leaving some thoughts, Luoliu once again asked Boss Zhang to come forward and take a picture of her current heroic appearance, and also made Xiaomi feel a little sad and look a little aggrieved, so as to show how powerful she is.

"Haha what are you doing?"

Xiaoyingzi came and saw Xiaobai shouting "No, no, no, no."

Dudu told her that they were giving injections and she had just finished the injection. She was very brave and did not cry at all. She was amazing.

Liuliu saw Xiaobai and Xiaomi having their sleeves rolled up, revealing their white and tender little arms. She looked at them carefully and said, "You have furry hands. Xiaobai, you and Xiaomi have furry hands! Are you little monkeys?"

Now she is proud of the spring breeze and is singing:

"Everyone has hair on their bodies. Let me sing about hair for you. What kind of hairs do we have on our bodies? Let me sing for you!"

Xiaobai was so angry that Xiaoyingzi comforted her and Xiaomi, saying that the injection wouldn't hurt and it would be over in a while.

Indeed, it passed in a while. As soon as Xiaobai was let go by the nurse, he ran away, chasing after Liuliu.

"Don't run away, you damn boy~~~I'll give you two earwax~"

Xiaobai threatened to open up Liliu's butt, and called on his friends to catch this black butt.

She will never let go of Liliu, who has tricked all of them. This cheater even sang "Maomao"!

Liuliu was surrounded by everyone and panicked. While running away frantically, she shouted to Boss Zhang to help her and save her life.

Because she felt cheated, Xiaobai ignored Zhang Tan that night, Xierdudu Xiaomi Chengcheng also ignored her, and even the durian on a rope ignored him, because in the end Boss Zhang didn't save her.

Zhang Tan spent the night alone, chatting with Xiao Yingzi, and drinking tea with Lao Li in the yard.

It's early September now, and the weather is getting cooler. The moon hangs brightly in the night sky, and it's almost Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Zhang Tan~~~"

Feng Huanlun came to the door, but Lao Li didn't give him a good look. He returned to his post and didn't want to stay with him any longer.

"Old Li still has such a bad temper, haha~~" Feng Huanlun said with a smile, he never feels embarrassed, "Have you read the script?"

Zhang Tan: "I'm too busy during this period, I'm afraid I don't have time to read it."

"Oh, why don't you take some time? It won't take you long. I'll treat you to dinner later."

"I don't have to eat. I really don't have time now. Let's talk about it later when I have time."

Zhang Tan is speechless for this kind of person. One of his scripts on the market now costs hundreds of thousands or even millions. When he comes to him, he just wants to promise a meal. If he wants to modify the script, he has to be sincere. If he plans to have sex for free, Something is wrong.

"You sit down for a while, I'll leave for a while if I have something to do."

Zhang Tan turned around and entered the woods. He heard a sound just now and suspected that it was Xiaobai sneaking up to climb the tree again.

It's a cat.

Seeing him, he jumped on the wall and ran away.

When he came back, he saw someone coming to the place where he was sitting, and Feng Huanlun was talking to him.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. Is your little Yingzi also sent here? Oh, Yuanyuan, I told you a long time ago. Come with me. I promise to help you pay off your debts and let you start again. Live a happy life.”

The other person lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but stop and stand in the darkness in the woods. For some reason, a voice in his subconscious told him not to make any noise.

Feng Huanlun is talking.

"How is your waist? Does it still hurt? You need to see a doctor, otherwise it will be even worse. You can't do this job anymore. Your waist can't bear it if you stand all day long. Come with me."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The voice was very familiar, and combined with the mention of Xiao Yingzi, Zhang Tan quickly recognized that this was Xiao Yingzi's mother!

"I'm not talking nonsense. Yuanyuan, we were neighbors when we were children, and I have liked you very much. You are seven or eight years older than me, but I like you, a mature, gentle and caring woman. When I was young, I didn't know how good my sister was, and I mistakenly treated a girl like you. Treat it as a treasure. In the past, you married into a wealthy family. You had luxury cars, a full-time driver, and a nanny. You kept your hands clean and lived a life like a young mistress. I sincerely wish you the best.

But your husband ran away, leaving you and Xiao Yingzi behind. Life is too difficult. I just can't understand what's wrong with me. You don't follow me, but you follow a country bumpkin who runs a fly shop. You can't do this to yourself. Who are you? You are a noble white swan. You cannot underestimate yourself.

Can you pay back the money you owe? Relying on opening a restaurant? You're jumping from one fire pit to another. Live with me, I have money..."

"Don't say it. I have a family, and it's a bit hard, but Lao Liu is very kind to me, and I'm very grateful to him. As for money, I don't make much, and I can't compare with you, but living in Pujiang It's enough. The money I owe has been paid off. Old Liu helped me pay it back. I will be grateful to him and repay him all my life. You don't have to worry about it. Thank you. Don't say such things to me again in the future. I will tell Old Liu. "

Xiao Yingzi’s mother Liang Yuanyuan turned around and went to the classroom.

Feng Huanlun said excitedly: "You don't love him at all! You just want to repay your kindness! What's the point of living like this!"

Liang Yuanyuan did not stay and left.

Feng Huanlun seemed to want to follow. At this time, there was a sound in the woods. Zhang Tan walked out, pretending not to hear it, and said, "There are more and more wild cats in the village. One just ran in."

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