Dad Academy

Chapter 60 Smelly Doll

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"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai, come here!" Lao Li shouted from the guard box.

"Where do you live?"

"Remember to take these snacks of yours."


"Your snacks were given to you by Miss Li Jia just now."

"Are they all Xiaobai's?"

"It's all yours. Do you want to take it yourself or do you want my help?"

"Xiaomi, Xiaomi~~~" Xiaobai called Xiaomi to come over and help.

Li Jia gave her some snacks, dried fruits, fruits and so on.

The two children carried away the snacks and came to the classroom. Not many children have come yet, but Luo Zikang is here.

Xiaobai waved and shouted: "Guawazi, do you want to eat? Come over here."

Luo Zikang is fat, and you can tell he is a delicious person at a glance. Hearing this, he really wanted to go there, but he was a little... embarrassed~

Zhang Tan didn't know how Xiaobai would tease Luo Zikang, so he went to find Teacher Xiaoliu, told her the matter, and asked her if she was free tomorrow.

Teacher Xiaoliu was a little embarrassed when she heard this. Just as Xiaobai said, she was playing tricks on her friends and had already planned the weekend.

Zhang Tan said: "It doesn't matter. If you have something to do, just go and do it yourself. I'll find someone else."

After thinking about it, he found that the only girls he knew were Huang Liangliang and Jiang Rong. However, their relationship with Jiang Rong was only at work and they had no intersection in life. But Huang Liangliang was different. At least, they grew up together and lived together. They understand each other fairly well.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately called Huang Berry.

Huang Liangliang was shocked when he heard that he would take Xiaobai and Xiaomi to participate in a fund-raising event tomorrow.

Has Zhang Tan really changed his gender? Are you really starting to take care of kids? Or is Xiaobai his illegitimate daughter? ?

Not long ago, she first saw Zhang Tan buying socks for children, and then saw Zhang Tan buying a box of bear drinks, both for children.

Don’t like red clothes but love children’s clothes?

Combined with Zhang Tan's past life style, this style of painting has changed so much that Huang Liangliang almost reached her waist.

"Are you going to help or not?" Zhang Tan saw her trembling, as if she was fighting for air. As soon as her thoughts went away, they immediately ran out of ideas.

"Help, help, I have to take responsibility for the children."

Huang Liangliang decided to participate. Zhang Tan had never seen a child with a child. In the past, he could not even enter the Little Red Horse Academy. Now he would actively invite the children to play and have a puppy with the puppy. Egg-like, making people extremely curious.

She came uninvited and said she wanted to establish a good relationship with Xiaobai Xiaomi first.

She found Xiaobai who was listening to a child telling a story and harassed him.

It's a pity that Xiaobai didn't want to pay attention to her enthusiasm at all. He was so aroused that he was so angry that he said angrily: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

Huang Liangliang introduced herself awkwardly: "I am the young lady who will accompany you to play tomorrow."

Xiaobai finally looked at her and said, "Crawl away! Don't make me go into flames."

Where does she have time to talk to Huang Liangberry now? The children around her are queuing up to tell her stories. The highlight moment of the week is tonight. It would be strange to be able to talk to Huang Liangliang.

Yo yo yo is so vicious. It was the first time for Huang Liangmei to meet such a vicious child, and she was a little confused.

She didn't quite understand Xiaobai's words, but she could guess by looking at his expression and body movements that this little guy was trying to hurt her.

Zhang Tan translated for her on the spot, laughing and gloating about her misfortune, she deserved it! You have to let Xiaobai treat it like this.

Do you think young people are so easy to talk to? Do you think that children can be less aloof at a young age? Do you think that Xiaobai has no personality? Do you think you are really friendly?

Yellowberry was hit hard.

Seeing that she was pitiful, Zhang Tan introduced Xiaobai's character to her, warned her not to annoy the young lady who was dating tomorrow, and finally invited her to sit in the house.

Huang Liangliang came to Zhang Tan's house and looked around. This was the first time she was a guest at his house.

"What's this?"

On the bedside table, there are two figures, the two given by Liu Dawen, one with three heads and six arms and a ferocious face, and the other with a hot figure and a beautiful face.

Huang Liangliang stared at the hot female figure and sighed: "Pervert!"

"..." Zhang Tan said, "You entered a man's bedroom without permission and you peeped! You are the pervert!"

The two bickered, and Huang Liangliang was angry and left. Before leaving, she said the following sentence:

"I will definitely come on time tomorrow! Otherwise, I won't worry."

In the evening, Malanhua came to pick up Xiaobai. Zhang Tan had been waiting for her and told her that Teacher Xiaoliu couldn't go tomorrow and another girl would be replaced. Xiaomi would also go at the same time.

Malanhua trusts Teacher Xiaoliu more, but Xiaobai has already said that Teacher Xiaoliu wants to be friends, so Malanhua can understand that she can't go.

It was just a different person. Since he had already agreed, he didn’t say anything.

Besides, Xiaomi can go there, and the backstage of Xiaomi is the police station! Zhang Tan dares to act recklessly? Zhang Tan dares to climb the mountain?

With the endorsement from the police station, she felt more at ease.

After discussing the details of tomorrow's trip with Zhang Tan, Ma Lanhua took Xiaobai away, making an appointment to leave from Little Red Horse Academy at 8 o'clock tomorrow, with Zhang Tan driving.

On the way home.

"Auntie, are you tired today?"

"Where do I live? Don't ask me if I'm tired, okay? I'm very thoughtful."

"Why? I care about you."

"You care about me? You have something you want me to do."

"does not exist."

"That's the kind of doll you are."

"...I'm so angry that I'm going to have a will-o'-the-wisp."

"You scared the living daylights out of me."


"Is your butt itchy?"

"Oh, aunt, Xiaobai is leaving tomorrow, you have to take good care of yourself, oh oh~~"

"Where are you going? You don't plan to come back, do you? Ghostly Sun Eye."

"Boss Zhang and I are going to play."

"Is Guawazi coming back?"

"Come back."

"I thought you were going to fly away."

"Auntie, you have to take care of yourself."

"I know, I know, melon Xixi."

"What did you say!!!"

"You said you were so good."

"Huh~ Auntie, look at the clothes I'm holding. This is the little sister who picked it up and gave it to me. How do I dress it up?"

"What's going on?"

"How do you fit these clothes?"

"You just keep the clothes they gave you and wear them."

"This is not good~~~~"

"If not, then you leave it to me and I'll give it to someone else."

"What's wrong with the claws? I'm just kidding you. Really, you're not loving at all."

"Melon seeds, ghostly sun eyes, treasures and treasures."

"Why do you call me Gua Wa Zi? And you call me Baoli Baoqi!"

"Guawazi, Baolibaoqi."

"Scoop! I'm furious!"

"Guawazi, treasure!"



"My ass is black! Auntie, you are my ass."

"You idiot! Don't run away, I'll give you some earwax."

After returning home, Xiaobai rushed into the bathroom angrily.

Malanhua followed behind and asked, "Gua Wazi, what are you doing?"

"I want to take a bath."

Malanhua said: "Take a bath? Give it a hammer! Haven't you had a bath?"

"You're so angry that I'm going to be a ghost. I want to take another bath."

Malanhua warned: "Don't play with water! Otherwise I won't let you go."

"Tang Monk is riding a horse, dong that dong, followed by Sun Wukong~~~"

Xiaobai didn't dare to play with water and came out right after taking a bath. Her aunt was not a vegetarian, so when she spanked her, it really hurt and made a bang.

After washing up, Malanhua saw Xiaobai making trouble on the small bed and refused to sleep.

"Gua Wazi, what are you doing if you're not sleeping?"

"Look at my new clothes before you sleep."

"Two-faced! The baby with the bigger butt is the most beautiful!"

"I'm so good-looking. Auntie, you can't compare to me."

"Oh, you look so charming. You turn heads so much when you walk on the street."

"You still have to say this."

Oh, Ma Lanhua turned off the light, and Xiaobai shouted: "Turn off the light for the paw?? I'm still looking at my new clothes."

"Sleeping farewell."

"I want to see some new clothes."

"You are the head of Mouth with a flashlight, you can shine a light on shit."

"What?? I'm so fierce, don't mess with me."

"It's true that you don't mess with me."


"Gua Wa Zi! I'm so angry that I'm going to be a ghost. Don't run away~"

Thank you for the 2,000-coin reward from Winter Heat, thank you for the 1,000-coin reward from Samui Feng, thank you from Dynasty Warriors for the 1,000-coin reward, thank you for the 999-coin reward from Fairy Tale Before the Eighteenth, thank you for the 500-coin reward from Little Flying Cat 001 For the reward, thank you Bookworm Xian for the 300-coin reward, thank Xian Xiyuan for the 200-coin reward, thank Zhan Boyue, Tang Tang’s weibei33, and Shuyou20171224005644288.

Special thanks to Lao Wang next door to the thatched cottage on the mountainside for the reward yesterday. Sorry, I wrote your name wrong and missed Lao Wang. Lao Wang thanks you.

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