Dad Academy

Chapter 581 Parents’ Meeting

Zhang Tan picked up Xiaobai. Xiaobai raised her head and looked straight at him, asking her what she was doing. She didn't say anything, but Bai Jianping told him the reason. The child was shy.

"I have no idea!" Xiaobai said loudly.

Bai Jianping told Zhang Tan with his eyes, look, what I said is right.

Classmate Xiaobai was already very familiar with Zhang Tan, but now that Zhang Tan was going to attend her parent-teacher meeting, she was actually very embarrassed.

Xiaobai asked Bai Jianping countless times last night why Boss Zhang went to the parent-teacher meeting, why Zi, why Zi, and finally came to the conclusion that she was done nagging, she must be done nagging, she must have been sold to Boss Zhang by her uncle She was so stupid. She stole Bai Jianping's cell phone and called her aunt who was far away. She had only one purpose, to file a complaint.

Right now, she has a small water gun hidden in her schoolbag. She plans to draw it out as soon as something goes wrong and start a fight with Boss Zhang!

She even thought sentimentally that she should have a mobile phone. If she was in danger, she could call Sister Xiao Min. Sister Xiao Min was a police officer and could catch bad guys. She immediately became upset. She forgot to ask her aunt for money to buy a phone last night, so she asked her uncle to advance the payment in the morning. He didn't tell her that she didn't have the money, and even called her a prodigal. She was so angry that she had a big fight and didn't even eat breakfast. .

"Are you hungry? Eat something."

Zhang Tan handed Xiaobai the breakfast that Bai Jianping gave him, and he continued to drive to the kindergarten.

Xiaobai snorted arrogantly, raised her head, and turned to the other side. The other side happened to be a food street. There were many stalls selling breakfast on the street. She even saw many people eating noodles, and she also saw baskets of noodles. The meat buns were steaming, and my empty belly rumbled a few times, unable to hold it any longer.

Zhang Tan seemed not to have heard and continued to look at him intently: "Eat when you are hungry. Don't worry, I won't tell your uncle. He is not here and doesn't know you ate. I will tell you what I ate later, okay?" "

Xiaobai turned around, looked at Zhang Tan, and said sincerely: "Boss Zhang, are you better than my uncle?"

If Bai Jianping were here, he would definitely burst into tears. He made the breakfast and entrusted it to Zhang Tan for fear that Xiaobai would be hungry. It was also he who repeatedly told Zhang Tan to persuade Xiaobai to eat. Zhang Tan just said that A few words are better than Bai Jianping who works hard.

"Ho ho ho, we are good friends, right?" Zhang Tan said with a smile.

Xiao Bai nodded, took out a bun, and took a big bite. "My belly says I want to eat it. If I don't, it will make me angry."

"Understood." Zhang Tan said, "Not only for yourself, but also for your stomach. Are the buns cold? Don't eat them if they are cold."

"Nothing's wrong."

Zhang Tan reached out and touched her breakfast. The steamed buns, milk and eggs were all cold. He parked the car on the side of the road without hesitation and took Xiaobai to a breakfast shop to have breakfast. Do not eat cold breakfast.

Half an hour later, Zhang Tan sat in the kindergarten classroom. The small chair was a bit too small and he couldn't straighten his legs, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Next to him sat Ding Jiamin, who was also attending a parent-teacher conference for the first time.

Ding Jiamin was very surprised to see Zhang Tan appear, but she never asked more questions, so she just kept her doubts in her heart and chatted with Zhang Tan, waiting for the head teacher to arrive.

"Dear parents, good morning, everyone. I am Xia Baohua, the head teacher of Class 3 of Xiaohongqi Kindergarten..."

After her simple opening remarks, she began to introduce the basic situation of the kindergarten and the growth of the children in the class in the past semester. She made a ppt with pictures and texts. Each child had a short story, which the parents below watched with relish.

At this moment, children were playing outside the classroom. Xiaobai and Xiaomi were looking in the corridor outside the classroom. Suddenly, hiahiahia next to them burst out laughing. It was Xi'er running over. Xiaobai was startled and quickly covered her little head. His mouth and smile made all the parents in the classroom look over.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi took Xi'er away from a distance before letting go of Xi'er's little mouth.

"Are you here?" Xiaobai asked.

Xi'er hiahia smiled: "Xiaobai, my sister is here for the parent-teacher meeting. Do you want me to be your parent?"

Little White Tiger asked with a face: "What kind of parent do you want to be?"

Xi'er said seriously: "I am your sister~~~"

Xiaobai: "Shovel!"

Xi'er: "Then I will be your mother."

"Gua Wa Zi, I'll give you two earwax~~ Don't run away!"

"hiahiahiahia~~~~~" Xi'er and Liuliu have been playing together for a long time, and they have learned a lot of tricks from Liuliu to tease people and cause trouble. Seeing Xiaobai trying to give her earwax, hiahia ran away and took Xiaobai with her. Bai walked in circles in the kindergarten.

Unfortunately, Xi'er misjudged the situation. She thought it was Liuliu who was chasing her, but she didn't know that Xiaobai was not comparable to Liuliu. No matter how fast Liuliu runs, she can only be considered as fast and nimble among the little fat people. If she breaks out of this circle and is put on a wider platform, she will not be very good. At least, she is far inferior to the little ones. white.

Xiaobai was trying to catch Xi'er like a little rabbit. Suddenly Xi'er, who was running ahead, let out an ouch and bumped into a little boy's shoulder. The boy staggered and almost didn't fall down. Xi'er was small and sat down on the ground.

When the little boy saw that it was Xi'er, he recognized her and angrily called her a stupid child who would run around yelling and being other people's little tail all day long.

Xi'er apologized quickly and said she was sorry before she could get married.

The little boy kicked her little foot, and was immediately grabbed by Xiaobai and pushed aside.

"Guawazi, where do you live?" Xiaobai blocked Xi'er behind him and glared at the little boy.

This little boy, like Xi'er, was originally in the small class. This semester he was promoted to the middle class. He is one level younger than Xiaobai, but he is almost taller. Xiaobai does not have an advantage in front of him.

However, although Xiaobai did not have the advantage in terms of body shape, Xiaobai was able to suppress the opponent in terms of momentum.

Facing the fierce Xiaobai, the little boy subconsciously took two steps back to distance himself a little.

"Xi'er hit me!"

"You kicked Xi'er!"

"I'm sorry~" Xi'er apologized again.

Xiaomi arrived and helped Xi'er up, fearing that the dust would fall off her body and caring about whether she was in pain.

Xiaomi and Xiaobai protected Xi'er behind them, preventing her from getting out and only letting her stick out her little head.

The little boy told Xi'er not to play behind him in the future.

Xi'er stretched out her little head again and said she was sorry, but the little boy didn't appreciate it and called her a stupid child. She was so stupid that no one would take her to play with her in the future. Xi'er almost cried.

She can be scolded because she is not afraid, but she is afraid that no one will play with her.

Xiaobai couldn't stand listening, and said angrily: "You melon boy, you have a sly look on your face, you curse me again? You curse me again? I'll give you two earwax..."

The parent-teacher meeting in Class 3 was in full swing. The parents were watching ppts and listening to the teacher telling stories about their children. They were laughing constantly. Suddenly someone hurriedly pushed the door in and said to the class teacher: "Teacher Xia! It's not good. Xiaobai Xiaomi, the newbie in your class, got into a fight with someone."

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