Dad Academy

Chapter 576 Change the script

Miss Zhao's home.

"Chongya, I'm going to school~" Dudu finished his dinner and hurriedly ran to pick up his small schoolbag, looking forward to going to the Little Red Horse.

But she was stopped by her father, Zhao Gongcheng.

"hiahia, I want to go to Little Red Pony, dad." Dudu said with a raised face.

Zhao Gongcheng took out his mobile phone and edited a text. A male voice immediately said on the mobile phone: "Tell mom and dad a story first."

Dudu scratched his little face and looked at him and his mother, feeling a little annoyed, probably because his parents always asked her to tell them stories recently, and she was not Miss Cheng Cheng.

"Tell me something." Voices also came from Sun Dongdong's cell phone.

Dudu sighed, dejectedly, sat on the small stool, and started talking.

What are you talking about?

Let me tell you a story about a little duck. Deal with it, she is still in the process of learning.

Ever since Dudu could talk, the couple had always told stories with their children to practice speaking and language skills. They were worried that Dudu's language skills would be delayed because the growing environment at home was too boring.

But fortunately, Miss Zhao has a lively nature and is a talkative person. Even if no one talks to her at home, she will keep mumbling. Now, Zhao Gongcheng and Sun Dongdong combined their efforts to add fuel to the fire. They grabbed Miss Zhao and told them stories every night, telling them interesting things about Little Red Mali. In just such a short time, they have learned that in Little Red Horse Academy, Liuliu is the greediest, Xiaobai is the eldest sister, Cheng Cheng is the story king, Xi'er is Hanhan, Xiaomi can catch people, and Jiang Bin is the eldest brother. Luo Zikang is a bad guy, Xiao Yingzi is good at educating people, Teacher Xiao Liu has a baby hidden in her belly, and Boss Zhang is a big boss with so much money...

Dudu racked his brains and told his parents a story about a little duck, and then he was finally released and happily went to Little Red Horse to play with the children.

The crew of "The Wind" is gradually getting back on track, and the shooting plan is proceeding in an orderly and rapid manner. Zhang Tan has also been very diligent during this period. He will go to the crew twice every day and stay there for half a day if there is nothing to do.

"Teacher Zhang, here we are, looking for you." An actor's agent came over.

"It's Teacher Liu, please sit down. Do you have anything to do with me?" Zhang Tan was in the small room looking at the shooting plan for the next few days and checking it with the set manager.

"Teacher Zhang, our Sun Hao has been thinking about the script a lot these days. He always praises your script for being well written and particularly fascinating. He has always wanted to find time to chat with you about the script and his role. He has been thinking about it for a long time and has some insights into the character, and wants to confirm it with you to see if it is right."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "This is a good habit. Only by thinking about the characters more can you get involved in them faster and more deeply. Don't treat the character as a dead thing, but treat it as a living person. He has emotions, anger, sorrow, and thoughts of his own." and judgment. Although I am the screenwriter, I cannot influence them. How to interpret and how to develop is all decided by them. They just borrowed my hand and wrote it. So, of course, you can discuss it with me, but it is more important. The most important thing is to understand and grasp it yourself.”

Just bluff me, the agent said to himself, but with a smile on his face, he said very sincerely: "Yes, yes, these characters written by Teacher Zhang are all vivid and vivid. Last night, our Sun Hao watched He was thinking about the script and had some ideas for a small plot for tomorrow. He just thought that his character should have more room to play in the plot. The point where his emotions explode would be..."

After finally sending the person away, Zhang Tan poured himself a glass of mineral water. The person talked for a long time, but actually he just wanted to change the script and add more scenes!

Not only him, since the filming started, actors and agents, big and small, have always come to see him. They say they want to discuss the plot, but in fact they are all here to add drama.

This is a common phenomenon in the industry. Zhang Tan understands it quite well, but understanding is understanding. He will never modify the plot easily. If nothing else, he just said that if this hole is opened, it will be terrible in the future, so he added it. Why don't we add her? The supporting roles have already been added, why don't I add her as the protagonist? …

He got up and went outside to watch the filming, standing behind the director Ren Zhicheng. This scene was a scene between Sun Hao and Wan Kun. Wan Kun was an experienced actor, and his every move and line skills were very deep. He could speak ordinary lines. , all have their own charm. Although Sun Hao is not as good as Wan Kun, he performed well.

Zhang Tan watched with gusto, then suddenly froze, listening carefully to Sun Hao's lines, thoughtfully.

There is something wrong between Sun Hao's lines and the script!

Director Ren Zhicheng didn't notice it, but Wan Kun noticed it. His expression was blank, there was a problem with the performance, and the director shouted cut and retake.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my problem, I was a little distracted." Wan Kun apologized.

Ren Zhicheng is a director with a good temper, and Zhang Tan has worked with several people who have completely different personalities. Until now, Zhang Tan has never heard Ren Zhicheng curse anyone or use bad words.

"Then let's all rest for 5 minutes. Those who drink water, those who use the toilet. The filming will start in 5 minutes. Don't be late."

Zhang Tan found Zhang Ling not far away and asked for a copy of today's detailed script. He flipped through it and found that the line Sun Hao just said in the script was different from what he said.

"Did you notice just now? The lines Sun Hao said are different from those in the script."

Zhang Ling whispered: "What I was about to say, Sun Hao not only changed the lines, but also added a part. Don't you know? I thought it was you who added it."

"I didn't add it, he added it himself?" Zhang Tan asked with a frown.

Zhang Ling glanced at Sun Hao who was chatting with Wan Kun in the distance, shook his head and said: "I really didn't know beforehand, and it was only when I saw him reading it that I knew he had changed it. How could he do it without our screenwriter's consent?" Modify the lines in the script?"

Seeing that he was unclear about the situation, Zhang Tan said he understood, and went directly to Sun Hao. Without beating around the bush, he asked directly why the lines had been changed and added.

Sun Hao was stunned. He obviously didn't expect that Zhang Tan would pay such detailed attention and ask directly. This made him a little stunned. He said awkwardly: "Teacher Zhang, I made changes on the spot when I was acting. I didn't think too much about it." , I think it’s quite appropriate to say this at this time.”

Wan Kun remained silent.

Zhang Tan said: "Of course you can adapt to the situation, but you can't change too much. You changed a bit too much, and you added drama. What do you think?"

Sun Hao's expression changed, and he hesitated a few words in embarrassment. Finally, he was forced to say hello to Sun Yadong before.

Zhang Tan nodded and said: "Forget it this time, don't do it next time. We have carefully considered every line and every line has a purpose. If we change it, it will destroy the overall layout."

"Hey, okay, Teacher Zhang, you are right. I'm sorry, I was too reckless."

When the 5-minute break came, the filming started again. This time Sun Hao changed his lines back, and he finished filming the plot.

Zhang Tan watched for a while and left. When passing Sun Yadong, he said, "Do you have time, Mr. Sun? Come to my office."

Sun Yadong followed him to the office without doubting his presence.


Outside Cheng Cheng's home, Meng Guangxin came again.

"Open the door, Cheng Cheng. Dad is not leaving, so we will stay here, Cheng Cheng -"

Cheng Cheng opened the door a crack.

"Cheng Cheng~~ You finally opened the door. Are you not planning to have a father?" Meng Guangxin almost burst into tears.

"Dad, are you really not leaving?" Cheng Cheng asked uncertainly.

"I'm really not leaving."

He was suspended without pay by the company and was told to take a few days off to wait for the company's final decision.

Cheng Cheng happily opened the door and let him in.

Meng Guangxin stood at the door, not in a hurry to come in, but looked inside, "Is your mother here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Cheng's mother appeared at the door of the kitchen with an apron tied around her waist. She looked him up and down before saying, "There are slippers you can wear in the shoe cabinet. Find them and put them on yourself."

"...Hey, thank you."

For those who have watched Guawazi for so long, everyone in book circles and chapter reviews are complaining about the plot, the heroine, and praising Zhang Tan. Now, the opportunity has come. I give you the pen. Combined with the plot that has been written, please use your imagination and combine it with reality to write a follow-up rough plot. It can be something that will happen one day in the future, or it can be a long-term plot line. The pen is in your hands and you can play with it. Please go to the book circle, like and comment, and you will get lots of rewards (-ω-`)

Another chapter will be continued tomorrow during the day.

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