Dad Academy

Chapter 571 Cheng Cheng’s Little Stubbornness

"Why are you always looking at me?"

Meng Guangxin rode an electric bicycle and took Cheng Cheng home. Along the way, Cheng Cheng stood on the footboard and stared at him without blinking.

"It's only 9 o'clock." Cheng Cheng said.

What she meant was that it was only 9 o'clock, so why did she go home? Didn't she go home after 10 o'clock in the past?

Meng Guangxin smiled and said: "How do you know it is 9 o'clock?"

Cheng Cheng looked at him for a few seconds and pointed to the clock tower on the roadside.

Meng Guangxin glanced sideways and saw that the time displayed on the clock tower was 9 pm, and the o'clock bell was ringing.

"You are so awesome, you can tell the time!" He praised.

Unfortunately, compliments didn't have much effect on Cheng Cheng. She still stared at her father.

Although she followed her father and left Little Red Pony, it didn't mean that she was willing to do so.

She stared at her father and kept staring without giving her an explanation.

She has her little stubbornness.

"I'll tell you when I get home, okay?" Meng Guangxin said. He turned his bike and turned into a tree-lined path. When he lowered his head, he saw that Cheng Cheng was still staring at him with big eyes, unwilling to give up. "Really, dad will definitely tell you when we get home." Why are you riding a bicycle now? It’s a bit dangerous.”

Cheng Cheng thought for a while, nodded, huddled into her windbreaker, and hugged her father's waist. It was quite warm and not cold at all.

When I got home, there was a detailed list of water and electricity bills clipped to the door handle. This was given to me by my landlord, who would give him such a detailed list every month.

Cheng Cheng took it off skillfully, took a look at it and said, "62 yuan."

Meng Guangxin opened the door, took the detailed list, and said with a smile: "Cheng Cheng is right, it's only 62 yuan. You are so awesome."

Cheng Cheng chuckled, went in, changed into small shoes, and followed him.

"It's 9 o'clock."

Meng Guangxin put down his bag, poured a glass of warm water for Cheng Cheng, asked her to sit on the sofa, considered his words and said, "Dad's job has changed. Let's leave here and go somewhere far away. You and dad can go together." Is it okay to go?”

Cheng Cheng was confused and didn't seem to understand.

Meng Guangxin explained again.

Cheng Cheng finally changed a little. She shook her head and said, "I like Xiao Bai."

Meng Guangxin said sadly: "I know you like Xiaobai, but we have to leave here, leave Xiaohongma."

Cheng Cheng seemed not to hear and continued: "I like Liuliu."

"They are all your good friends. Dad knows that you will definitely miss them."

"I don't want to leave the little red horse~~"

"...But we really have to go."

"I don't."

Cheng Cheng said stubbornly, his face full of seriousness, glaring at Meng Guangxin and looking at him.

When Meng Guangxin saw her like this, he thought she was exactly the same as your mother.

That night, Cheng Cheng cried for a while, crying extremely sadly. He lay on his little bed and buried his head in the quilt, crying very sadly. No matter how much Meng Guangxin comforted him, it was useless.

Until she got tired of crying and fell asleep lying on her stomach.

Meng Guangxin was worried and stayed in her room until early in the morning before leaving.

Meng Guangxin woke up very early the next day, thinking about Cheng Cheng, and couldn't sleep well.

After getting up, he went to the bathroom. Before brushing his teeth and washing his face, he went to Cheng Cheng's room to check. He saw that the door to her room was open. His heart skipped a beat. He also noticed that the door to the living room was ajar and open.

"Cheng Cheng——"

Meng Guangxin panicked and ran out to check. He accidentally tripped on the edge of the door and almost fell to the ground.

He ignored the pain in his feet and immediately checked the corridor. The corridor was empty. He rolled and ran down the stairs until he reached the community without finding Cheng Cheng.

At this time, he remembered that he hadn't checked Cheng Cheng's room yet, and maybe he couldn't tell whether Cheng Cheng was in the bedroom.

So I ran home quickly and rushed into Cheng Cheng's room. Cheng Cheng was not there! The small bed was empty, and Cheng Cheng's small schoolbag was also missing!

"Cheng Cheng——" Meng Guangxin howled, lying on the ground and looking under the bed, behind the door, on the balcony, in the kitchen, in every corner of the living room, nothing! No! nothing!

"Cheng Cheng——"

Meng Guangxin panicked and was about to go out to look for someone again, when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the closet.

With only hope, he opened the cabinet. Some of Cheng Cheng's clothes were hung in the cabinet, and two large cardboard boxes were placed underneath, without Cheng Cheng.

"Cheng Cheng??" Meng Guangxin shouted, "Are you in the cardboard box?"


There was a scraping sound in the cardboard boxes. Meng Guangxin opened one of them and saw Cheng Cheng curled up inside, looking at him with hazy sleepy eyes and yawning softly.

Meng Guangxin's hanging heart finally dropped. He was about to teach her a few words, but he swallowed it back and asked cautiously: "Why did you come here to sleep? Come, I will carry you out."

Cheng Cheng shrank into the cardboard box: "Huh~ I won't leave."

Meng Guangxin knew that it would be difficult to convince Cheng Cheng to leave the little red horse, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult. The little guy is small, but has inherited her mother's stubborn character. She is usually soft and cute, but this time she is unusually persistent. I ignored him while eating breakfast. After breakfast, I walked out with my small schoolbag on my back, saying I wanted to go to the Little Red Horse. He just ignored him and the little guy ran away in a swish.

"I sent you to the Little Red Horse. You have to be good inside and don't run around outside. Do you understand?"

Meng Guangxin sent Cheng Cheng to Little Red Horse. In fact, he originally planned to send Cheng Cheng here today. He was scheduled to leave the day after tomorrow, so Cheng Cheng will still stay at Little Red Horse these two days and have enough time with his friends. They say goodbye.

"Oh." Cheng Cheng nodded and walked towards the little red horse without looking back.

Meng Guangxin left for the company and met Liuliu's mother who brought Liuliu.

"Morning, Liuliu."

"Hahaha~~~6666, I see Cheng Cheng."

Liliu excitedly ran after Cheng Cheng. She was sad about Chocolate Doudou for a long time last night, and she missed it again when she woke up today.

"For you to eat."

Before Liliu could say anything, Cheng Cheng took out two chocolate beans and gave them to her.

"6666, for Liuliu?"

Luliu couldn't believe that Fu Erhei Chengcheng could be so good?

Cheng Cheng glanced at her and said, "Don't let it go." Luoliu quickly snatched it away, hahaha, having fun alone.


In the company, Meng Guangxin completed the work handover, and his colleagues congratulated him one after another. Although it was a long-distance transfer, it was still a promotion. He was responsible for a large project alone, which was equivalent to a high-ranking official. From now on, he would be at least a middle-level official.

Meng Guangxin said goodbye to everyone one by one, and then came to the director's office.

"Sit down, I just wanted to chat with you. You are steady and down-to-earth in your work, but you are leaving soon, so I have a few words to remind you."

"Director, tell me."

"Before I tell you, take this first."

"This is??"

It was a big red envelope, but Meng Guangxin didn't dare to accept it.

"Don't worry, it's okay. This is the company's consideration. It's not just for you, it's for all the transferred employees. It's just a settling-in allowance. It's definitely not easy to go to a new place. You have to work hard and live well." Be attentive and don't delay your work and life. I selected you this time because you are down-to-earth and reassuring. You have worked hard for so many years and have the ability to work hard. Especially in less than a year, you have grown and made rapid progress. , it’s like being reborn. If employees are capable, the company will provide them with a platform. This opportunity is rare and there are many people competing for it. I finally chose you, which shows that the company values ​​you very much and wants to train you. Don’t let down the company’s best intentions. When we get there, we must unite with our colleagues and get started as soon as possible. There is no time for us to delay...”

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